Reading by Kevin Volpp, MD, PhD, author of Wearable Devices as Facilitators, Not Drivers, of Health Behavior Change
Published 02/03/15
Reading by Eric Topol, MD, author of Digital Medical Tools and Sensors
Published 01/27/15
Reading by Andrew Monte, MD, author of The Implications of Marijuana Legalization in Colorado
Published 01/20/15
Reading by Robert Langer, author of Nanotechnology
Published 01/13/15
Reading by Eli Adashi, MD, MS, author of The Physician Payment Sunshine Act: Testing the Value of Transparency
Published 01/06/15
Reading by Paul Hershberger, PhD, author of Who Determines Physician Effectiveness?
Published 12/23/14
Reading by Jessica Barrington-Trimis, PhD, MS, MA, author of Flavorings in Electronic Cigarettes: An Unrecognized Respiratory Health Hazard?
Published 12/16/14
Reading by Abraham Verghese, MD, author of Clinical Education and the Electronic Health Record: The Flipped Patient
Published 12/09/14
Reading by Luis Sanchez, MD, author of Disruptive Behaviors Among Physicians
Published 12/02/14
Reading by Sachin Jain, MD, MBA, author of Ending the Cycle of Blame in US Health Care
Published 11/25/14
Reading by Elliott Antman, MD, author of Population and Personalized Medicine in the Modern Era
Published 11/17/14
Reading by Robert Klitzman, MD, author of Should Life Insurers Have Access to Genetic Test Results?
Published 11/11/14
Reading by Julie Freischlag, MD, author of The Evolution of Surgery: The Story of “Two Poems”
Published 11/04/14
Reading by Peter Bach, MD, author of Indication-Specific Pricing for Cancer Drugs
Published 10/21/14
Reading by Coleen Boyle, PhD, author of Use of Clinical Preventive Services in Infants, Children, and Adolescents
Published 10/14/14
Reading by Daniel Morgan, MD, author of Reconsidering Isolation Precautions for Endemic Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus
Published 10/07/14
Reading by Ezekiel Emanuel, MD, PhD, author of Why Should High-Income Countries Help Combat Ebola?
Published 09/30/14
Reading by Steven Sharfstein, MD, author of Fixing the Troubled Mental Health System
Published 09/23/14
Reading by Lawrence Gostin, JD, author of The Ebola Epidemic: A Global Health Emergency
Published 09/16/14
Reading by Ian M. Thompson Jr, MD, author of Focusing PSA Testing on Detection of High-Risk Prostate Cancers by Incorporating Patient Preferences Into Decision Making
Published 09/09/14
Reading by Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, DrPH, author of The Real Cost of Food: Can Taxes and Subsidies Improve Public Health?
Published 09/02/14
Reading by Lawrence Gostin, JD, author of The ACA’s Contraceptive Mandate: Religious Freedom, Women’s Health, and Corporate Personhood
Published 08/26/14
Reading by Barbara J. Anderson, PhD, author of The Mental Health Comorbidities of Diabetes
Published 08/19/14
Reading by Lawrence O. Gostin, JD, author of E-Cigarettes, Vaping, and Youth
Published 08/12/14
Reading by Melina Kibbe, MD, author of Health Care at the VA: Recommendations for Change
Published 08/05/14