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多益閱讀P5, P6最後兩個文法題型🎊 就在這一集!! (Jarlin心裡😂大歡呼…文法題的考點終於寫完了) ___________________________________________________ ❤️訂閱講義 ($88/月) :https://www.zeczec.com/projects/jarlin-s Podcast 小額贊助連結: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/c11572c2-255b-44c8-810f-e0c9d1f235a9 第一季50集完整文字稿及音檔: https://www.zeczec.com/projects/jarlin-s/products/1263 第二季文法合輯文字稿及音檔: https://www.zeczec.com/projects/jarlin-s/products/1521 Facebook粉專單字影片: https://fb.me/TeacherJarlin 單字卡在IG: # Jarlin多益英文 ___________________________________________________ P5文法題解題順序~ A) 先看選項 B) 找出考點 C) 運用策略 * IDENTIFY THE QUESTION: 1. Proposals have been sent to the clients but we’re not sure what _______opinions are at the moment. a) its b) their c) his d) her 2. Sales in the teenager market accounts ______ 70% of our total revenue. a) for b) about c) up d) on 3. A sales pitch ______ is concise and well-delivered is more likely to win over the clients. a) who b) whom c) which d) whose
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❤️Thank you for following the show this far! Best wishes to you all ! 💐 小額贊助連結: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/c11572c2-255b-44c8-810f-e0c9d1f235a9 第一季50集完整文字稿及音檔: https://www.zeczec.com/projects/jarlin-s/products/1263 第二季文法合輯文字稿及音檔:...
Published 03/29/23
成年後搬回家與父母同住的boomerangers 在歐洲甚為普遍 在部分區域此比例甚至達到百分之五十 但在英美等特別強調自主獨立的國家 迴力鏢🪃世代常被視為是負面❌的標籤 但近年來此一族群數量在英美📈快速上升 且主要以千禧世代以及Z世代為主 背後的💰️經濟要素眾多….. ___________________________________________________ Podcast 小額贊助連結: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/c11572c2-255b-44c8-810f-e0c9d1f235a9 第一季50集完整文字稿及音檔:...
Published 03/27/23