Join Jasmine and Gracie as they explore Brazil.  Jasmine is amazing that the majestic jaguar are cats that like to swim!!! Gracie will bring her insect net, because wait until you hear how many different insects live here.  When Jasmine needs a drink, she can't believe what she gets to try.  Listen and find out!
Published 03/14/24
Join Jasmine and Gracie as they explore Ghana.  Go high up in the rainforest tops on a swinging rope bride.  How many butterflies will they see?  Also, what is fufu?  Are you brave enough to try it?  Come and explore.  
Published 03/07/24
Join Jasmine and Gracie as they explore Mt. Kilimanjaro which is made of 3 volcanos.  They spot bush monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys and blue monkeys!!  Do you think Jasmine can wear the December birthstone, Tanzanite if her birthday is in April?  She thinks so!!  
Published 02/29/24
Join Jasmine and Gracie as they meet lots of lemurs as they explore Madagascar.  This is the only place in the world where they live in the wild.  Which one is your favorite.  But the lemurs need to hide from the Aye-Ayes, especially at lunch time!!!
Published 02/23/24
Jasmine and Gracie learn about really cool animals in South Africa like the dassie, agama lizard, and the kilpspringer. Can you tell which one of them is on the cover illustration?  Also, do you think you can ride an ostrich?   Come along and find out.  
Published 02/15/24
What kind of tree is big enough to hide in and looks like it is planted upside down? Jasmine and Gracie find some in Zambia.   How about a dog that looks like it was painted?  Want to try a snack of Mealie Meal? All this and  more in Zambia1
Published 02/08/24
Jasmine and Gracie go on their first safari.  Jasmine hopes to see the the big 5 safari animals: African elephant, lion, leopard, African buffalo, and the rhinoceros.  They also make a stop at a pink lake?  Wait, how can a lake be pink?  Find out!
Published 02/01/24
Jasmine and Gracie are excited to be on the lookout for Spinx, mummies, not daddies, and whales?  Whales in Egypt?  And of course, King Tut!  Join them!
Published 01/25/24
Jasmine and Gracie begin exploring the African continent in Egypt.  And you can't go to Egypt without exploring the pyramids.  But why is that one pyramid lopsided?  Why did the pharaohs need all that stuff? Best of all, Ancient Egyptians thought cats were royalty!  And camels!  Join us. 
Published 01/18/24
Join Jasmine and Gracie as they look the much loved cats of Istanbul.  They find Medusa as they search in an underground room used for storing water.  They find a sparkly diamond in the Topkapi Palace.  And Jasmine finds souvenirs at the bazaar.  Where are those cats!!!
Published 01/11/24
Do turkey birds come from Turkey?  That is what Jasmine wants to know.  Jasmine is also excited to visit Rose Valley, see Fairy Chimneys, and underground hideouts with her bff. Gracie loves the ancient history.  Wait until you see the bathrooms!  Come along.
Published 01/04/24
This week Jasmine, Gracie, and Abbey talk about their favorite vacation spots.  Where do you think are their favs?  Where do you like to go?  
Published 12/28/23
Jasmine and Gracie try their paws and claws at interviewing their resident artist Abigail Clark.  This talented artist draws a picture of their weekly adventures.  Find out how Abbey became an artist and where she gets her ideas and even all her favorite drawing tools!  
Published 12/21/23
Today Jasmine learns that Christmas is not the only  celebration in December.  There is Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and one called Boxing Day?  Will Jasmine have to learn to box?  Gracie knows that she will love all of them, because she loves to celebrate!!!
Published 12/14/23
Jasmine and Gracie are loving Japan.  Today they go to a park where you can pet the deer.  So much fun!!  They take go to a tea ceremony and sit on the floor!!  Of course, Jasmine looks amazing in her kimono!!  Join them. 
Published 12/07/23
Join Jasmine and Gracie as they explore the exciting city of Tokyo.  Will they be able to make it across the Scramble?  And who wants a snack in an owl cafe????  Jasmine does, do you?
Published 11/30/23
As Jasmine and Gracie celebrate Thanksgiving at home, they learn about other thanksgiving festivals in other parts of the world.  Jasmine is surprised to find out that some celebrations take place in summer,  some have a harvest queen, perfect for her, and more!  
Published 11/16/23
Jasmine can't wait to toboggan down the Great Wall of China, see pandas and clay soldiers!!!  China has so much to explore!  Ready?  
Published 11/09/23
Jasmine and Gracie explore the ancient city of Beijing.  Do you think they will be allowed in the Forbidden City to look for dragons?  Or maybe you would like to practice Tai Chi with Jasmine?  Grab your chopsticks and join them!
Published 11/02/23
In this episode, Jasmine and Gracie are in the busy and crowded country of India.   They spot cows roaming the streets!!   Really.  Jasmine is super excited to visit the glorious Taj Mahal.  How will she ever live in a ordinary house again?  Come along and explore!
Published 10/26/23
Namaste Friends!  Join Jasmine and Gracie as they explore Nepal, visit the highest mountain in the world and maybe find the Yeti?   Don't forget your bananas when they visit  a temple that is home to lots of monkeys.  Ready, Set, Explore!!  
Published 10/19/23
Come along as Jasmine and Gracie explore the mystical Thailand.  Jasmine is excited to check out the land of Siamese cats, elephants, and huge Buddha statues.  Join them.
Published 10/12/23
Jasmine and Gracie explore the beautiful and crowded island of Singapore.   Discover gardens, waterfalls,  and crab eating monkeys in the rainforest.  But beware of very large snakes who think Jasmine looks like lunch!!!!  
Published 10/05/23
Think all flowers smell good?  Jasmine did until she and Gracie explored Malaysia and then she smelled the Rafflesia  flower.  Find out all about it and lots of other cool finds.  Like poison blowdart guns, making clothes from bark, and a beautiful place that feels like stars came down from the sky!  Have fun!  They did!
Published 09/28/23
Jasmine and Gracie are still in Kiwiland, this time they are exploring the South Island of New Zealand.  This week they meet more penguins.  Wait, aren't penguins only at the South Pole?  Jasmine hopes to find a blue one.  How about a house decorated in seashells?  And don't forget the sheep!  
Published 09/21/23