064 How Do I Know What Job To Apply For
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Show Notes With millions of jobs posted online and available at all times, it's hard to know what jobs to apply for (or not). Not to mention the when and the why!Scott and Andrew discuss the strategies around applying for the right jobs.Don't miss these Topics:* Value of assessments.* Effective ways to find jobs.* How to keep track of what resume you sent to which company and role.* Power of instant gratification.* Using creativity to understand different perspectives.Resources (including affiliate links)StrengthsFinder 2.0StrengthsQuestStandOut 2.0 iTunes: Rate and ReviewRaw and Unedited TranscriptView Transcript00:00:05 - 00:05:02welcome to Job Seekers Radio I've Andrew and I'm Scott this production. His Mentor provide meaningful support to you the listener to find great careers faster. And that's whether you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the Anatomy of the networking conversation book. It's a free resource. We have available for you to download at job. SEEKERS RADIO DOT COM go there today. Download is free. It's free and it's an e book that we put together a little while ago that we've found to be very helpful to people who who really want to look at networking and expanding their network. The big question we're talking about today is how do I know what job to apply for when I look at the multitude of positions that are out there. It's really hard hard to figure to pick and choose which ones to apply for because there are so many in fact when at the time were recording. This they're seven million postings on just on linked it alone. I've loved this question and I get asked this from time to time simply because people don't know how to do the job search. It's not that they don't know what job they want they do. They just haven't figured out how to get there but I always come back with the question. What kind of job do you WANNA do? What Work Inspires you? What motivates you? What makes you feel like? Wow I get to go to do this job today. Certainly there is a finite number of jobs that does that that for you so start there and then you can start doing searches either on Lincoln or elsewhere to find out what jobs do that kind of work and start exploring. It's often that I hear this question. Scott when someone is focused just on title and the title doesn't always translate relate to the type of work they WANNA DO Company to company. It's called something different exactly so that may that does make it more difficult. However if you're looking at the skills kills you want to use in different jobs it opens up more doors that way within your search first step that we both recommend we talked about this? A lot is is identifying your strengths. Right so finding the strengths I will allow you to find titles. And that's how I look I. I would encourage everybody on the podcast broadcasting listening determine what is it that you love to do more than anything professionally speaking. Of course. I like to play golf right. Take a walk. There are ways to even make that. What professional work? How would you do for example? Okay so you WanNa play you love playing golf and you like being around golfers you like the environment on on the golf course. You're probably not going to get into the ranks of professional golfers that are making a living especially those making millions just playing playing golf right but there are so many jobs at the at the golf courses or if you like retail those who sell golf equipment and supplies appare...
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