It is in who we are and how we treat each other, all day, every day that impacts our children, not just one off lessons and reminders. God is not meant for just bedtimes and Sunday mornings. His message has been given for us to live out daily in our...
Published 04/26/21
"I messed up" "I got angry" "I snapped"My friend,  I hold your heart gentle in my hands. You are safe here, I've got you. Take a deep breath... go on..and let it all out.I know you feel like you've messed up, again. Maybe you are worried that you've...
Published 04/19/21
It is okay to get angry. Anger is a natural response to injustice, or a trigger alerting us that something is wrong. Having feelings is totally normal.We often think of anger as a negative emotion that we should avoid, however anger comes up in the...
Published 04/12/21
I regularly get many questions from listeners and followers of Joyful Mud Puddles.Read the full blog post: https://joyfulmudpuddles.com/answering-your-questions-meltdowns1. How can I help my child who is having a meltdown and not responding to any...
Published 04/05/21
When I’m stuck in my parenting and I look for examples of those I respect. There are many great parents to choose from who seem to be getting it right. So many books and experts are available for us to learn from. Who are some of your role models?As a...
Published 03/29/21
Saying YES to our children's requests can be difficult.  Our first reaction is most often "no, not right now, maybe later." But what if we took a moment to really think about what they were asking.  Better yet, take a moment to think about your...
Published 03/22/21
Do you learn best when you are feeling anxious, angry, shamed, or disconnected? Probably not. Most people thrive in a calm, loving environment where they feel safe to explore. Learning is vulnerable we "take chances, make mistakes and get messy," as Ms....
Published 03/08/21
A gentle answer turns away wrathTaken from the new Joyful Motherhood devotional let us consider the power of a gentle answer. Reading: Proverbs 15:1-4You can see the whole blogpost for this episode here...
Published 03/01/21
Thanksgiving is an antidote to worry. Exploring a chapter from my new Joyful Motherhood devotional. Let’s look at how Philippians 4:4-9 can help you and your children overcome worry and anxiety with thanksgiving. For more information and a free sample...
Published 02/22/21
Reading from my new devotional Joyful Motherhood we look deeper into “children obey your parents” Ephesians 6:1-4 and what that means for gentle Christian parenting.I’ll give you a hint. Focusing on connection before correction and putting relationships...
Published 02/15/21
You are more than JUST a mom!Do you ever feel like you are losing yourself in this motherhood role? You used to have passions, hobbies, an identity.I wear many hats and play many roles as a mother, wife, sister, daughter, business owner, etc. As a...
Published 01/25/21
Social media only shows us what people want you to see. You may not know that I got overwhelmed and burned out just before Christmas. Thanks to scheduling posts and episodes you never noticed. Today I'm sharing some tips on how to help deal with the...
Published 01/18/21
Debbi Sluys specializes in helping people elevate and improve their physical, mental and spiritual well-being, expanding the brain’s potential, and with living intentionally in a state of gratitude and kindness. With nearly 30 years experience in early...
Published 01/11/21
Happy New Years.Although we can not tell what this year is going to be like, we do know our God is unchanging and steadfast. We can have peace going in to this year with confidence.Full Blog Post:...
Published 01/04/21
Back in March of 2020 when the world shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I felt the itch to start blogging again after a long break. God placed it on my heart to do more than just blog occasionally. He wanted me to become a parenting coach so I...
Published 12/28/20
Read the full devotional here: https://joyfulmudpuddles.blogspot.com/2020/11/christmas-treasures-lessons-from-mary.htmlAs we get closer to Christmas our thoughts turn towards Jesus' birth. Over the years I have considered different parts of the...
Published 12/21/20
Kids and toys go hand in hand, don't they? Not necessarily.What do you do if your child isn't really interested in toys? I can't be the only one whose children would rather play with the egg beater or a hammer over race cars and dolls.Does it make you...
Published 12/14/20
The Holiday Season has arrived and with this crazy year of COVID-19 and social distancing, it is even more important than ever to care for your mental health.  Lets take a look at how to avoid Holiday overwhelm and burnout.Read the full blog post here:...
Published 12/07/20
Managing children, working and being a mom can be overwhelming at times. It can be hard to find time for ourselves and keep a positive mindset. Hearing about how other moms handle the demands of life can be inspiring and give us some great tips we might...
Published 11/30/20
Many moms are juggling working and parenting. It can be a delicate balance some days to make sure that you don't burn out. It takes being intentional about your time and priorities in the choices that you make each day. Join me today on the Joyful Mud...
Published 11/23/20
Can you imagine the incredible impact we'd all have on the world if mothers could gather together and support one another? Some times it feels like we are all in this together, yet mom shame and guilt is still such a problem.Today on the Joyful Mud...
Published 11/16/20
Teenage years can often throw parents for a loop. It is so wonderful that there is support and guidance available. What a blessing to chat with another mom to share her wisdom and advice on connecting more with your teens.Charlene Clark is the founder...
Published 11/09/20
How to Simplify your life by balancing your schedule. I’m usually mindful of our time, balancing busy and calmer days. Today let’s take a look at why it is important to guard our time. Why simplify your scheduleToo many scheduled activities may limit...
Published 11/02/20
What does your day look like? Is it random and unpredictable? Strictly predictable? Calm and peaceful? Each family will have their own style so take what resonates most with you.Why simplify the rhythm?-Creates space in the day for active and calming...
Published 10/26/20
Are you drowning in clutter? Does is make you anxious just looking around at all the stuff piled up around your house?Everyone in your home, especially your children benefit from a calm peaceful environment.In this episode I will talk more about the...
Published 10/19/20