Join us for an enlightening interview with the renowned Information Technology expert Scott Hertzl Cohanpour as we explore the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into how AI works, its associated risks, and the role of moral teachings in its governance. Can the Ten Commandments guide AI? Don't miss this captivating episode, where Scott shares insights on AI's decision-making mechanisms and how it processes vast amounts of data. We also address...
Published 07/07/23
In his book Conservatism: A Rediscovery, Dr. Yoram Hazony discusses how Anglo-American conservatism became a distinctive alternative to divine-right monarchy, Puritan theocracy, and the liberal revolution — and why this idea is as much or more important today than ever before. As an Orthodox Jew, he makes the case that conservatism is a clear Torah value, and over the course of our talk, he provides Biblical support for his thesis. We also discuss why political conservatism is irrelevant...
Published 06/29/23
The idea of the Messiah is both "Pandora's Box and the Elixir of Life," as Dr. Kenneth Seeskin puts it. Join us as the professor dives into the evolution of the Messianic idea throughout history and presents five distinct approaches of the sages (all of which are deeply rooted in explicit TaNaKh verses) aimed at contending with the dichotomy between the hopeful and dangerous aspects of messianism in Jewish thought. He begins by introducing us to the five categories of understanding the...
Published 06/18/23
Rabbi Dr. Elie Feder and Rabbi Aaron Zimmer, both passionate about the blend of religion and intellect, initially delved into the fine-tuning argument for the existence of God through literature from Smolin and Rees. Unlike the Intelligent Design argument, their focus lay in fundamental physics, not biology. They took their argument public on their former blog, devoted to teaching Talmudic analysis. The argument was refined over around 20 posts, highlighting the conflict between the...
Published 06/13/23
Dr. Crawford shares his experiences visiting Spain and laments the atrocity of the Expulsion and Inquisition while discussing his stance on coercion in religion as a Protestant evangelical Christian. We also learn about his journey in studying Kabbalah and Gnosticism and his feelings about Jewish persecution at the hands of the Catholic Church over the centuries. Theologically speaking, it goes without saying that we disagree with Dr. Crawford about the identity of the Messiah as well as many...
Published 06/08/23
Reb Alex Guttman explores the relationship between religion and power/control; how many leaders are afraid of losing their influence or congregation if they choose to approach matters rationally instead of the current catering of "feel-good" magical beliefs. Reb Guttman expresses concern over this recent shift in Judaism, which prioritizes instant gratification and superficial rituals at the expense of having a meaningful relationship with God. He argues that a Jew must have a goal to bring...
Published 06/01/23
In this fascinating interview, Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss tackles timeless questions that have ignited debates for centuries: "Can God create a rock He can't lift?" "Can God do anything and everything?" and "Can God do the impossible?" Approaching the question first from the standpoint of logic, and then through the interpretations of prominent medieval commentators (Rambam, Meiri, Saadia Gaon, R' Yosef Albo, and Ramban), Rabbi Schneeweiss explores the implications of these queries for our belief...
Published 05/28/23
Is the Zohar authentic? Join us as we take a deep-dive into one of the most influential and controversial works in Jewish mysticism and the book that changed Judaism forever, the Zohar. Hakham J.J. Kimche provides us with a clear definition of the Zohar, and discusses its major ideas at its core, including the Zohar's new conceptions of theology, Torah and Mitzvot, and mankind/Jews. The authorship of the Zohar is a topic of much debate, and we delve into the subject in this podcast. J.J....
Published 05/21/23
In this enlightening episode, we sit down with Rabbi Joseph Dweck, a distinguished scholar and religious leader, to explore the fascinating world of the Maimonidean tradition and its relevance in today's spiritual landscape. We begin by addressing the question of whether the Maimonidean path lacks "spirituality" (and what that term even means). Rabbi Dweck delves into the common misconception that Maimonidean philosophy focuses more on rationality and intellectual pursuits, often overlooking...
Published 05/16/23
Rabbi Josh Yuter, a renowned Torah scholar and teacher, takes us on a journey through the world of "Sacred Slogans." These are phrases and idioms taken from the Torah and Talmud that have been appropriated to promote various agendas. But what makes them so powerful is that they are infused with the cultural weight of religious authority. We begin by exploring the concept of "Tzelem Elokim" or "Imago Dei," which asserts that all human beings are created in the image of God. Rabbi Yuter...
Published 05/14/23
Rabbi Jeremy Rosen shares his unique perspective on the balance between rationality and mysticism growing up in a Litvish and Hassidic household. He discusses the trend in the frum world where religious observance is becoming stricter and stricter, and how this phenomenon can be attributed to the Holocaust and Israeli politics. As we delve deeper into the conversation, Rabbi Rosen speaks about the current mood in the Haredi and Hassidic communities and how he sees the "tail wagging the dog."...
Published 05/09/23
Ike Dweck shares his inspiring journey from being a compulsive gambler to founding The Safe Foundation and saving the lives of addicts. He discusses the challenges of dealing with the stigma of addiction in Jewish communities and how his organization addresses this issue. One of the obstacles that children face is the mixed messages they receive from their parents who may drink heavily at parties, Kiddush Clubs, and holidays. Ike also delves into the question of how someone knows they have a...
Published 05/04/23
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy shares his personal journey to becoming the rabbi of his community and sheds light on the differences between Sephardic and Ashkenazi communities with regards to halacha and hashkafa. He offers insightful solutions to bridge the cultural and religious divide, emphasizing the importance of education in secular matters alongside Torah, as mandated by our tradition. One of the highlights of the conversation is our discussion about Rabbi Halevy's video series, "Crimes of...
Published 04/28/23
We had the privilege of interviewing Pastor Dumisani Washington, a prominent figure in the Black Christian community and a great supporter of Jews and Zionism. During our discussion, we delved into the concerning trends of antizionism and antisemitism that are prevalent in America and the world today, particularly in Hollywood and on college campuses. We also addressed the attacks on Jewish identity by Black Hebrew Israelites, Kyrie Irving, and Kanye West, as well as the dangerous rise of Jew...
Published 04/27/23
Rabbi Yamin Levy's phenomenal new book, The Mysticism of Andalusia: Exploring HaRambam's Mystical Tradition, is a remarkable presentation of the Andalusian tradition, a significant but often overlooked part of Jewish history. In this episode, Rabbi Levy shares invaluable insights into the teachings of HaRambam through meticulous research and analysis, challenging the misconceptions that have long surrounded this pivotal figure. His book effectively refutes the notion that Rambam was a "daat...
Published 04/23/23
Join us as we sit down with Imu Shalev, the CEO and COO of Aleph Beta, one of the most innovative Torah learning tools on the internet. Imu shares his journey of how he went from being the Director of the Maccabeats and Producer for Mayim Bialik's successful YouTube channel to his current position. Imu also talks about how Rabbi David Fohrman's tireless work ethic and innovative approach to learning TaNaKh changed his own approach to Torah study. He highlights specific lessons that stand out...
Published 04/23/23
Joseph Cohen, the founder of the Israel Advocacy Movement, addresses the meteoric rise of antisemitism and antizionism around the world. Zionism is a concept that means different things to different people, and unfortunately, it often gets a bad rap, particularly on campuses and in the media these days. He helps us understand why this is the case and the different interpretations of Zionism. Joseph clears up many misconceptions about the Israel-Palestine conflict, such as the Palestinians...
Published 04/20/23
Rabbi Dr. Eugene Korn explores the relevance of Jewish ethics for observant and non-observant Jews, the importance of ethical values in halakha (as a person can technically observe the law and still be a scoundrel), and the need to stand up against religious extremism and violence. What do we make of God seemingly condoning slavery in the Torah? What is the significance of forging a national identity from our own enslavement in Egypt? Rabbi Korn delves into the relationship between Jewish...
Published 04/16/23
Dr. Malka Simkovich joined us to discuss her educational background in Second Temple Judaism. She pointed out the dissonance between her TaNaKh studies from her Orthodox Jewish education and Bible studies from academia. In previous episodes (with Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman, Rabbi Jeremy Weider, and Rabbi David Fohrman), we made our case for the authenticity of our Mesorah, defending it from attacks of Biblical Source Critics. However, in this conversation, Dr. Simkovich takes a different...
Published 04/11/23
In this very unique episode, we interview cult-expert Rick Alan Ross to shed light on the definition of a cult and the techniques they use to recruit and control their members. Some historical and recent examples of cults include Adolph Hitler, Branch Davidians, Scientology, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho), and Lev Tahor. Ross explains common cult techniques people should look out for and who is generally susceptible. He also answers the question of whether a cult needs to be an organized group...
Published 03/30/23
We spoke with Daniel Jonas about the Jewish and non-Jewish roots of Kabbalah, with insights from his decades of experience in dialogue with not only Christians and Muslims but modern neo-pagans, Wiccans and occultists working in the Western Mystery Tradition. Daniel analyzed the non-Jewish roots of Kabbalah in neo-Platonic and Gnostic philosophies influenced by Greek, Egyptian, Persian and Indian approaches, as well as the Jewish esoteric schools of antiquity and how this affects the...
Published 03/27/23
We had an enlightening conversation with Reb David Guttmann about the reasons behind the mitzvot. While some rabbis today are more interested in the "how" of observing mitzvot, we looked deeper into the "why," exploring the meaning behind these actions and their impact on our lives. We discussed the dangers of attaching magical thinking and superstition to mitzvot, which can turn people off and detract from their true purpose. One misconception about mitzvot is the belief that doing them will...
Published 03/21/23
Mori Michael-Shelomo Bar-Ron sheds light on how a rational approach to Torah not only harmonizes with the age of the universe and theory of evolution but also deepens our understanding of it. By examining the literary structure of the six days of creation, we can properly contextualize the process of creation and gain insights into the alignment of the Torah with modern cosmology, paleontology, and science. We also delve into the meaning behind unclear terms like "created", "made", and...
Published 03/16/23
Yirmiyahu "That Semite" Danzig joins the podcast to discuss his journey into social media activism and clarify the different aspects of Jewish identity. He explains the difference between being Jewish, Judean, Israelite, and Hebrew and addresses the rise of antisemitism in America, including a discussion about whether or not the recent controversial comments made by Joe Rogan about Jews and money is problematic. We delve into the historical inaccuracies and harmful tropes depicted in the...
Published 02/26/23
Rabbi Yoni Sacks presents us with an approach to Torah study that is a lost art: mastering the basics first. Rabbi Sacks shares his personal journey to Rambam, exploring the ways in which today's approach to Talmud Torah diverges from the original teachings of Moshe at Sinai. He takes a deep dive into the core problems with Torah study that Rambam identified, and how these problems are present in our current community's approach to Talmud Torah. This is an episode not to be missed, as...
Published 02/17/23