词汇串烧17 succeed仅仅是成功么 --“ceed”家族(上)
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用脱口秀方式讲解英文最核心词根,谈笑间聊单词,学文化,真正读懂英文的内涵,适合考研,四六级,出国考试同学迅速扩大词汇量。我的免费和收费课敬请扫码关注:北海老师千聊直播间;更多精彩内容,也欢迎关注我的微信公众号:英文本色。 声音简介: 词根:Ceed, cede, ced, cess = go   succeed  1. 成功   [suc 下+ ceed 走 “从下往上走”]  succeed in         2. 继承,接下去   [suc 下+ ceed 走 “下一个走,走在后面”]             Obama succeeded Bush as the president of US. Successor n. 继任者           predecessor n.前任 [pre-提前 + de离开+ cess 走 + or人—提前走开的人] Successive :  连续的,一个接一个             Chinese female volleyball team won five successive world championships in the 1980s.            Proceed v. 1. 前进【pro往前+ceed走 à 往前走 à 前进】 2. 引申为继续 l  After recovering from depression, he proceeded with his work / proceeded to do his work.  Procedure n. 程序,手续  【pro往前+ced走 + ure à 往前走的步骤 à程序】          Recede v. 后退  【re往后 + cede 走 à 后退】      Recession n. 后退,衰退  economic recession 经济衰退      Exceed v.  超出超过【ex外面+ceed走 à 出格了à 超过,超出】 Ø  The sales revenue of the company exceeded 1 million dollars Ø  The car exceeded the speed limit Ø  When the demand exceeds the the supply,the price will go up. Excessive  adj. 过分的,过度的  Ø  excessive drinking Ø  excessive spending                     Excessive spending usually happens during the shopping seasons like China’s “Double Eleven Day”. 
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Published 04/03/18
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Published 04/03/18