Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 196. Join us in today's episode as we explore how Antioch, a typical Roman town, turned into a buzzing center for early Christians. Discover how Barnabas and Saul helped the community grow in faith and love, making Antioch famous for being the first place to call Jesus' followers "Christians." See how they came together to help others during a famine, showing everyone what it means to care and share! Sign up to...
Published 04/15/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 195. Join us in today's episode where Cornelius, a devout Roman officer, receives a divine message to seek out Peter. As Cornelius awaits, Peter has a vision that challenges his views on what is clean and what is not, preparing him for a pivotal meeting. When they finally meet, Peter shares the good news of Jesus Christ, leading to a remarkable moment where the Holy Spirit fills everyone present, Jew and Gentile...
Published 04/12/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 194. Join us in today's episode where Peter heals a man who couldn't walk for eight years with just a few words, showing the amazing power of Jesus' love. Then, we hear about Dorcas, a kind woman whose life was full of good deeds, but she sadly passed away. Watch as Peter prays and brings Dorcas back to life, spreading hope and faith throughout the city of Joppa. Sign up to receive Kids Bible in a Year...
Published 04/11/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 193. Join us in today's episode where Saul goes from chasing Christians to becoming one after a bright light and Jesus change his heart. Healed by Ananias and baptized, Saul starts sharing Jesus' love, turning from hunter to hero. Despite dangers, his new friends help him escape trouble, showing how kindness can change the world. Sign up to receive Kids Bible in a Year devotionals in your inbox every weekday:...
Published 04/10/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 192. Join us in today's episode where Philip spreads the joy of Jesus in Samaria, performing miracles that amaze everyone, including a sorcerer named Simon who tries to buy the Holy Spirit's power. Then, Philip meets an Ethiopian official seeking understanding of the scriptures, leading to a desert road baptism and Philip's mysterious disappearance, but leaving behind a trail of rejoicing and continued sharing of...
Published 04/09/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 191. Join us in today's episode where Stephen, a wise and grace-filled man, challenges the Jewish leaders with his strong faith. Accused of blasphemy, he bravely recounts the history of Israel and sees a vision of Jesus, which angers the crowd to the point of stoning him. As Stephen becomes the first martyr, forgiving those who hurt him, a man named Saul approves, sparking the first major persecution of the...
Published 04/08/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 190. Join us in today's episode where angels open jail doors for the apostles, letting them teach about Jesus. Wise Gamaliel advises letting them be, hinting at a bigger plan. The believers grow, choosing seven helpers to care for everyone as the story of Jesus spreads. Sign up to receive Kids Bible in a Year devotionals in your inbox every weekday: https://www.kidsbibleinayear.com/  Get ready to experience the...
Published 04/05/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 189. Join us in today's episode where the early believers share everything, showing kindness like a big happy family. But when Ananias and Sapphira try to trick everyone, things take a surprising turn. Despite this, miracles keep happening, bringing more and more people together in an amazing way. Sign up to receive Kids Bible in a Year devotionals in your inbox every weekday:...
Published 04/04/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 188. Delve into this episode where Peter and John heal a man who couldn't walk, right at the temple gate called Beautiful, without any silver or gold, just by saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ, stand up and walk!" The amazed crowd learns it's not the apostles but Jesus' power that healed the man. When authorities try to silence them, Peter and John boldly proclaim they must obey God over people, inspiring...
Published 04/03/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 187. Delve into this episode where Jesus' friends get a surprise visit from the Holy Spirit, letting them chat in all sorts of languages. Peter then steps up to explain it's all part of a big plan, and ends up inspiring thousands to join their brand new, super kind community. It's a story of unexpected gifts and the beginning of a big, happy family that loves to share and pray together! Sign up to receive Kids...
Published 04/02/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 185. Join us on this episode where Jesus hangs out with His friends for forty days, sharing amazing stories and promising to always be with them. Then, watch as He zooms up to heaven, leaving His friends staring at the sky until angels promise He'll be back. Back in Jerusalem, the disciples pick Matthias to join their special group, making sure they're ready for whatever comes next! Sign up to receive Kids Bible...
Published 04/01/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 185. Delve into this episode where Thomas learns to believe in Jesus' resurrection after touching His wounds, showing us faith is seeing with our hearts. Discover how Jesus helps His friends catch loads of fish and shares a beach breakfast, proving He's back and cares for us. Lastly, listen as Jesus asks Peter a very important question about love, teaching us to care for each other just like He does. Sign up to...
Published 03/29/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 184. Two friends were walking and talking about Jesus when He secretly joined them. They didn't know it was Jesus until He broke bread with them, then He suddenly disappeared! They rushed to tell others, and Jesus showed up again, proving He really was alive and back from an adventure. Sign up to receive Kids Bible in a Year devotionals in your inbox every weekday: https://www.kidsbibleinayear.com/  Get ready...
Published 03/28/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 183. After Jesus' burial, the Pharisees secured the tomb with guards to prevent the disciples from claiming He had risen. Mary Magdalene and another Mary experienced an earthquake and saw an angel who announced Jesus' resurrection, stunning the guards. Jesus appeared to the women, instructing them to tell the disciples to meet Him in Galilee, confirming His victory over death. Sign up to receive Kids Bible in a...
Published 03/27/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 182. Jesus carried a heavy cross and was helped by Simon, showing us how to carry each other's burdens. Even when people were unkind, Jesus asked God to forgive them, teaching us about true forgiveness. After Jesus passed away, amazing things happened, showing everyone that He was really special. Sign up to receive Kids Bible in a Year devotionals in your inbox every weekday:...
Published 03/26/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 181. Jesus was brought before Pilate, who questioned Him about being the king of the Jews. Jesus explained His kingdom was not of this world and Pilate found no basis for charges against Him. Despite Pilate's efforts to release Jesus, the crowd chose to free Barabbas, a criminal, instead. Under pressure, Pilate washed his hands of the matter, symbolizing his attempt to absolve himself of responsibility for Jesus'...
Published 03/25/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 180. Jesus was taken to the high priest Annas, where He defended His teachings, and was later sent to Caiaphas, where Peter denied knowing Him. Despite false accusations and no evidence of wrongdoing, the high priest declared Jesus' claim of being the Son of God as blasphemy, leading to His condemnation to death. Overwhelmed by guilt for betraying Jesus, Judas returned the silver he received for his betrayal and...
Published 03/22/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 179. Jesus predicted that all His disciples would desert Him, specifically foretelling Peter's denial before the rooster crowed. At Gethsemane, Jesus prayed intensely, seeking His Father's will, while His disciples struggled to stay awake. When Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, leading to Jesus' arrest, Peter impulsively cut off a servant's ear, which Jesus healed, emphasizing peace over violence. Despite Jesus'...
Published 03/21/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 175. Jesus told His disciples about His impending crucifixion during Passover. Judas Iscariot, swayed by Satan, agreed to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. During the Passover meal, Jesus washed His disciples' feet as a lesson in humility and service, predicting His betrayal by Judas. He then instituted the Lord's Supper, sharing bread and wine as symbols of His body and blood, signifying a new covenant...
Published 03/20/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 177. In Bethany, Jesus cursed a fig tree for not bearing fruit, symbolizing judgment on unfruitfulness. In Jerusalem, He cleansed the temple, rebuking those who turned it into a marketplace and teaching the importance of prayer and forgiveness. Through a parable about a vineyard, Jesus warned against rejecting God's messengers and foretold His own death, challenging the leaders and revealing God's plan to give...
Published 03/19/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 176. In Bethany, Jesus was honored with a dinner where Mary anointed His feet with expensive oil, despite Judas Iscariot's objection, hinting at his future betrayal. The news of Jesus and Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead, attracted many, leading to a plot by high priests to kill Lazarus due to the belief he inspired. Jesus then entered Jerusalem on a donkey, fulfilling prophecy, as crowds praised Him,...
Published 03/18/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 175. Jesus taught that being great means serving others, not just getting the best seats in heaven. He visited Zacchaeus, a short man who climbed a tree to see Him, and Zacchaeus decided to be good and give back to people he had wronged. Blind Bartimaeus shouted for Jesus and, because he believed, Jesus healed him so he could see again! Sign up to receive Kids Bible in a Year devotionals in your inbox every...
Published 03/15/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 174. In a town called Bethany, Jesus performed a miracle by bringing Lazarus back to life after he had been dead for four days, showing His amazing power. Mary and Martha, Lazarus's sisters, showed their deep love and faith in Jesus, even when they were very sad. This incredible event made many people believe in Jesus, but it also made some leaders very worried and they made plans against Him. Sign up to receive...
Published 03/14/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 173. On His way to Jerusalem, Jesus met ten men with leprosy and healed them, but only one, a Samaritan, returned to thank Him, showing gratitude and faith. Jesus taught about persistent prayer through a story of a widow who kept asking a judge for justice until he finally agreed, highlighting God's care for us. He also shared a story contrasting a proud Pharisee and a humble tax collector praying in the temple,...
Published 03/13/24
Join Julia Jeffress Sadler as she takes us on an incredible adventure in Episode 172. Jesus told stories about finding lost things, like a shepherd finding his sheep and a woman finding her coin, showing how happy it makes everyone when something lost is found. He also told a story about a father who threw a big party for his son who came back home after making some big mistakes, teaching us that everyone deserves forgiveness. These stories help us understand that being kind and forgiving is...
Published 03/12/24