Bradford Bishop was one sharp dude, earning multiple masters degrees, becoming fluent in five languages, and earning a prestigious job at the US State Department.  But then things started not going his way.  Bradford was not the sort to let this happen, so he did what any reasonable adult would do: he killed his entire family and went on the run.  This episode we investigate why he killed his family, where he could have run off too, and how law enforcement hasn't been able to catch a former...
Published 05/31/23
In March 2011, a horrific crime occurred at the Lululemon store in Bethesda, Maryland.  Two men attacked the two closing female employees, killing one and leaving the other one broken from a physical, sexual, and psychological assault.  The crime scene was draped in blood and carnage.  The survivor was able to recount some details, but was too shaken to be a significant source of information.  Shockingly, the next door Apple Store employees heard the attacks and did nothing to help.  Over...
Published 05/23/23
Subscriber-only episode This week we keep things simple by focusing on recent news stories from the world of aliens, UFOs, and all sorts of extraterrestrial goodness.  What better way than to pay our subscribers back than to share some news and updates they likely have missed in their busy lives? SHOW...
Published 05/18/23
On January 6, 2021, rioters stormed the United State Capitol Building.  Video and pictures from this event are everywhere, but likely you remember one prominent figure who almost served as the face of the riots: Jake Angeli a/k/a Jacob Chansley a/k/a The QAnon Shaman.  While many are quick to dismiss him as just another member of the mob, a deeper dig into his life reveals a fascinating character with equally colorful beliefs about how life actually works.  He is a complicated man with what...
Published 05/16/23
Subscriber-only episode Dr. O.C. Smith, respected medical examiner, was found one night hogtied in barbed wire with a bomb around his neck.  Police investigated the case with gusto, but no suspects could be found.  Heck, no evidence could be found.  Despite involvement from 17 different state and federal police agencies, all roads led to dead ends.  Until a fresh set of eyes noticed a few things that had been missed.  SHOW...
Published 05/11/23
Brandon Hole committed a mass shooting on April 15, 2021 in Indianapolis, Indiana.  He killed eight people, wounded four others, before turning his weapon on himself.  Sadly, this crime was completely avoidable.  Brandon had been suffering from severe mental health issues and had an inability to control his rage since he was a pre-teen.  Even police had warned his mother that Brandon was showing all the signs of a mass shooter.  Yet nothing was even done to help this young man.  SHOW...
Published 05/09/23
Cosmo DiNardo came from a wealthy family, had every opportunity to succeed in life, and flushed it all away when he went on a murder spree, killing four of his friends.  While the story of the murders are gruesome, what's behind the scenes is the interesting part of this story.  Was Cosmo was a monster?  Or was he suffering from mental health issues that lead him to commit these monstrous acts?  This is one case that challenges your view of the criminal justice system when it comes to facing...
Published 05/02/23
Ali Abulaban, better know by his social media handle JinnKid, seemed to have a wonderful life.  He had a beautiful wife, an adorable daughter, and made money doing what he loved - being funny and creative on TikTok.  To the outside world, all seemed well.  Behind the lens, however, his man was a monster, a controlling and abusive husband, addicted to drugs and prone to fits of violence.  Abulaban put his wife on a pedestal that was truly a cage.  When she tried to break free, he couldn't...
Published 04/25/23
Kristen Modafferi was an honor student at North Carolina State University who wanted to spend her summer taking classes at a different school in a different part of the U.S. - The University of California (Berkley).  She was a special kid who knew how to squeeze every drop of fun out life.  However, after being in California for just over three weeks, she disappeared and has never been seen again.  This is the rare mystery that seems to have too many clues to sort through - but we are gonna...
Published 04/18/23
Subscriber-only episode Stories of cattle mutilations go back centuries.  Cows and other livestock being found by farmers and ranchers in ghastly shape - eyes removed, bones extracted, surgical cuts all over the body.  Naturally many write these reports off as attacks from predators, but there are never any claw or teeth marks found by researchers and certainly no evidence of any animals, either predators or scavengers, feeding on the corpse.  Now what if I were to tell you cattle aren't the...
Published 04/14/23
That's right folks!  We are back with more Missing 411 tales for your amusement!  If you know, you know, but if you don't, these are stories of folks who go missing under virtually impossible circumstances.  For every explanation, there is a "yeah, but" piece of evidence.  Everyone seems to love this topic, so enjoy your week with this offering! SHOW NOTES Missing 411: The Devil's in the Details, David Paulides Support the showSupport by joining KMH+ and by checking out our merch shop!...
Published 04/11/23
In our second part of this story, Earle becomes a nationwide threat as his infamy and cruelty grows. Yet the fear he generates becomes his undoing and the monster is finally captured thanks to the persistence of one heroic detective.  SHOW NOTES Gorilla Killer, Ryan Green (2020) Support the showSupport by joining KMH+ and by checking out our merch shop! Follow us on - Instagram @kmh.podcast Twitter @kmhpodcast Facebook click here TikTok @kmhpodcast Thank you for listening! Please rate,...
Published 04/04/23
Subscriber-only episode This special episode is a retelling of a first hand account of a creepy, possibly dangerous cult lurking in rural Minnesota.  More cannot be said with soiling the story, so listen up! SHOW NOTES https://medium.com/@ken.korczak/ufo-classified-7-the-devil-36832a7d1754 Support the showSupport by joining KMH+ and by checking out our merch shop! Follow us on - Instagram @kmh.podcast Twitter @kmhpodcast Facebook click here TikTok @kmhpodcast Thank you for listening!...
Published 04/01/23
Earle Ferral was never given a fair chance in life.  His dad didn't want to be a dad, his mom enjoyed alcohol more than being a mom, and both died before he was 6 months old.  Earle's grandmother began raising him, but insisted on instilling a fear of God in him.  Years later, Earle was suffer a traumatic brain injury that went untreated, causing him to view life a bit different.  He suffered a second brain injury as a young adult and became a monster afterwords.  This young man kept the...
Published 03/30/23
Khiara Henry took what many would consider to be a dream vacation to Hawaii in July 2019.  After spending several days enjoying the island paradise, she disappeared. Without leaving any evidence as to where she may have gone.  Police, search and rescue, and even private investigators have reviewed her case and can find no leads.  In this week's episode, we investigate how a young woman could simply vanish like this. SHOW...
Published 03/21/23
Subscriber-only episode Robert Kirk was an Episcopalian priest, Gaelic scholar, and academic.  He was assigned to a church in Scotland, where he attempted to learn all he could about "nature spirits" from the locals.  Kirk died a strange and mysterious death and, in his belongings, a manuscript of unreliable stories was found.  Did this man trade his life for forbidden knowledge used to write a book? SHOW...
Published 03/17/23
Rube Burrow was born into a simple life and was considered a good kid.  But he idolized the outlaw Jesse James.  While this shouldn't have been a big deal, it had a much bigger impact than anyone would have expected.  When he got older, he moved out to Texas and soon began a criminal career that some argue is unmatched in Old West history.  This episode we explore the life and times of Rube Burrow. SHOW NOTES Rube Burrow, Desperado, Rick Miller, iUniverse LLC...
Published 03/14/23
We jump into the story of the infamous Kuwait Wedding Massacre, considered to be the worst civilian tragedy in Kuwait's history.  Scores of women and children killed in a wedding tent set ablaze.  This is a story that truly shows what a scorned woman can be capable of.   SHOW...
Published 02/21/23
Subscriber-only episode Wouldn't it be wild if it were possible for humans to create monsters just from their thoughts.  Well some say this is true.  And there have been some terrifying stories about these types of experiments gone wrong.  Learn about this monstrous legends in today's special episode for our beloved premium subscribers. SHOW...
Published 02/16/23
Pam Hupp is smarter than you.  She's smarter than all of us.  At least that's what she thinks in her mind.  And she's used her genius to pull off a series of murders so perfect she outwitted the police at every turn.  I assume that's what she tells herself as she tries to sleep in a cage each night since being sentenced to life in prison for one of the murders.  The level of Pam's hubris is straight from a Shakespearian play.  And we spend this week making fun of her.  SHOW...
Published 02/14/23
The murder of Emmitt Till is one of the great tragedies and most heinous acts in US history.  This black teenager from Chicago was kidnapped, beaten, maimed, tortured, and finally killed.  And for what?  Maybe for flirting with a white woman.  This is a very difficult episode to listen to, but it is a very important episode as it shows what happens when hate is allowed to exist freely in a society.  When laws are made solely to oppress a minority.  How horrible life can be when the system is...
Published 02/07/23
Subscriber-only episode Did you know there is a small island in this world where murders are not prosecuted?  This isn't an urban legend or a misunderstanding of how jurisdiction works.  The country which owns the island has explicitly stated that if you get murdered here, we will not prosecute the murderer.  And three times this century it has held true to its word.  What caused the local government to make such a bizarre ruling?  That's what we are taking about today! SHOW...
Published 02/01/23
Edward Gingerich was a troubled man.  He suffered from several mental illnesses that were beyond his Amish community's ability to treat.  He slowly spiraled out of control until he earned the dubious distinction as the first Amish murderer in history.  This is a story of illness, greed, bad influences, murder, and attempted redemption.   SHOW...
Published 01/31/23
The Forty Elephants is arguably the greatest criminal enterprise lost to history.  This group tormented London and surrounding regions for decades, maybe even centuries.  Their members lived like queens because they were never caught in any of the major crimes they committed.  Listen to this story that begins in the late 1700s, ends in the 1950s, and sounds like a fictional heist novel.  This may be my favorite episode I've ever recorded! SHOW...
Published 01/24/23
Subscriber-only episode From documents that were allegedly declassified by the US Government recently comes the tale of a child abducted by aliens in 1969 who was returned to his mother.  In 2022.  And he had not aged a day.  No independent source cooperate this story.  So is this an elaborate work of fiction of a successful coverup by government officials for decades? SHOW...
Published 01/22/23