Are you warming up to the year 2022 just yet? I'm also still warming up to everything I'm doing, but here's a review of IU's best Kdrama performance so far. I also mention a bit about my thoughts regarding May-December affairs and my plans of incorporating more Korean language learning content in the podcast. Listen to the end to know more. Also, congrats for overcoming the first two weeks of 2022! Happy listening and more power to us all ^^
Published 01/16/22
Happy new year! And as it's the beginning of the year, I decided to share a bit about my own resolutions with regards to watching Kdrama and learning/studying the Korean language before going back to our regular programming of discussing your favorite Kdramas this 2022. Listen and maybe also share your own resolutions for this year ^^
Published 01/09/22
I'm sending this early year-end greeting because I'll be 정신 없다 in the next two weeks. Happy holidays and let's get back to talking Kdrama and Korean language when 2022 begins ^^
Published 12/19/21
It's almost Christmas time and maybe you're looking for a feel-good Kdrama? Well, worry no more because Dear My Friends is such a light-hearted drama that will just lift up your spirits every time you watch it. It's a story of friendship and love and this transcends age and time, right? I also shared my thoughts about the best time to watch Kdrama, which Korean family terms to learn, and a cultural interest of mine which is about losing your name in a Korean society. Happy listening!
Published 12/12/21
Welcome to the fourth season of Kingka Podcast! This season, we'll discover both old and new Kdramas while also covering special topics such as the episode called "Kdrama subs and dubs" in the previous season. For today's episode, let me introduce you to the world of Korean cults/fringe religion with the help of some insights from Hellbound. What is Hellbound all about? What will its second season look like? Are we involved in fringe religions? How to avoid getting recruited into one? That...
Published 12/05/21
It's the first anniversary of the podcast. I recorded this short message to express my thanks to all of you and to share some updates ;)
Published 11/21/21
Here's the 4th 이제훈 film that I'm featuring on this podcast. It's a story of an old lady who meets a public service officer who then starts pestering him to teach her English once she found out he could speak good English. The story is more than just that, but you'd have to listen to the episode to know more. Also, this is the final episode of Kingka's 3rd season. I'll be taking a few weeks of rest and you'll hear from me again soon. To keep updated with the latest news about this podcast,...
Published 11/07/21
Here's the 3rd 이제훈 film that I'm featuring on this podcast. It's a story of a thug-turned-classical singer. It has everything you need: drama, action, romcom, comedy, what else are you looking for? For this episode, I shared a bit about Korean idioms (from Hometown Cha Cha Cha) and my thoughts and opinions about different variations of the Korean language and foreign accents. P.S. I forgot to mention this in the episode, but this is based on a real life story.
Published 10/24/21
This is the 2nd 이제훈 film that I'm featuring on this podcast. It is a boy love short film initially released in 2009. This appears to be the first lead role 이제훈 has ever had. He did good in this film and he keeps improving. Also, are you surprised Korea had a boy love film as early as 2009? There are no right or wrong answers. Just know that love is love is love.
Published 10/17/21
Are Kdrama subtitles botched? Are Kdramas failing in introducing us to Korean culture? Is Squid Game really a different show if you don't speak and understand Korean? Why do you think so? And how do you know that? This episode is a deviation from our regular programming, but I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I enjoyed fleshing out my thoughts regarding this topic. Have a wonderful week ahead, 킹카 and 퀸카 여러분!!!
Published 10/10/21
During the first half of the season, I featured films that had 김혜수 in it. In the next four movie features, 이제훈 is our guy. I'll be featuring his four of his films. Today, we'll have 사냥의 시간. If there's any specific movie or film that you'd like me to feature in the weeks to come, let me know so I can consider them. Happy k-movie-ing! :)
Published 10/03/21
It's only been a week since Squid Game was released on Netflix and everyone's talking about it everywhere already. So I decided to share my own questionable takes about this dystopian/survival drama. Yep, I also question my own takes. Listen to my raw and edited thoughts about it in today's episode. If you agree or disagree, let's have a discourse on Twitter. You know where to find me. ;)
Published 09/26/21
This is the first drama series I'm reviewing for the season. It has been all about movies in the past four episodes, and this time hear me out as I share my relatively fresh thoughts about Racket Boys.
Published 09/19/21
Hi! I'm not releasing an episode today, but I just wanted to greet you all and share some updates.
Published 09/12/21
This is our final 김혜수 movie for the season. 내가 죽던 날 or The Day I Died is a calm thriller about self-discovery and finding reasons for living. Although the setting may look grim and dark, the film ends in a hopeful tone. I hope you all enjoy this episode and enjoy the film as well.
Published 09/05/21
This is the 3rd of 4 episodes featuring the movies starring 김혜수. 도둑들 is a film released in 2012 and follows a group of thieves on their most ambitious heist ever. I have some great news to share with you so make sure to listen to this episode.
Published 08/29/21
This is the 2nd of 4 episodes featuring the movies starring 김혜수. 타짜 may be from 15 years ago, but the visuals and themes aren't really far very far from what we have these days. Well, the cinematography is definitely quite old, but it's still worth watching. Consider this one of 김혜수's masterpiece performances.
Published 08/22/21
I'm opening the 3rd season of Kingka Podcast with a really old movie. Life and Death of the Hollywood Kid is a film released in 1994 and the only reason I had this on my watchlist was that I thought 김혜수 had a significant role in the movie. I was wrong. She only did a cameo. Still, the movie is actually worth watching.
Published 08/15/21
For the season ender, here are two Kdramas that are definitely fantastic and binge-worthy! There are NO MAJOR SPOILERS in this episode. But still, listen at your own risk ^^
Published 06/13/21
Here's a K-drama which for sure made a lot of people cry in the past few weeks. Move to Heaven is a real K-drama masterpiece and I can't help but recommend it to everyone. There are NO MAJOR SPOILERS in this episode. But still, listen at your own risk ^^
Published 06/06/21
Everyone is talking about Law School right now, but it's not over yet, so let me talk to you about another awesome legal kdrama called Hyena. Legal dramas are already usually cool on their own, but this is also a romantic comedy, so ain't that something? There are NO MAJOR SPOILERS in this episode. But still, listen at your own risk ^^
Published 05/30/21
Why are people not talking about this k-drama? The performance is stellar despite a potentially confusing plot and some obvious CGI. Sisyphus is yet another sci-fi kdrama that borrows a foreign mythology and marries it with love, philosophy, and world destruction. Isn't that enough reason to watch this? Listen to the episode and let me convince you a bit more.
Published 05/23/21
I'm late into the party for two reasons! One, I'm talking about this K-drama over a year from the time it became popular. Two, I'm publishing this episode later than my usual schedule. Still, I'd love to share my thoughts and hear your ideas as well. Here's my take although it might be quite late. There might be SOME SPOILERS in this episode. Listen at your own risk ^^
Published 05/16/21
Navillera 나빌레라 is a story of people chasing and fulfilling their dreams and the things that make them happy. It's only 12 episodes long and it's such a wonderful kdrama that you can either watch alone or watch with your loved ones. There might be SOME SPOILERS in this episode. Listen at your own risk ^^
Published 05/09/21
Uncanny Counter 경이로운 소문 is another promising Kdrama adaptation of a web comic of the same title. The first episode caught my and my family member's interest and this interest was maintained until the very last episode. There might be SOME SPOILERS in this episode. Listen at your own risk ^^
Published 05/02/21