The Ladies of Leisure Word of the Week is - PROJECTS! The Ladies discuss where projects they want to do, which ones they've done, projects that can't get done because of COVID, and books they've been reading to keep on their project list. http://www.ladiesofleisure.net
Published 01/09/21
Ladies of Leisure say goodbye to 2020! The Ladies discuss the ups, the downs, the spa days, the pandemic, rolling with the punches and dreams of a better 2021!
Published 01/01/21
Ladies of Leisure discusses COVID Christmas! The Ladies discuss how plans are shot to hell, how do you celebrate, what is going wrong and right this holiday season! 
Published 12/25/20
This week Ladies of Leisure has a bonus episode highlighting things they have been doing in their offtime. When they aren't leisuring to a word of the week and being productive, the ladies have been busy reading unsexy books, discuss COVID Christmas and their favorite things! Listen as they recommend some apps, shows, and books!
Published 12/18/20
The Ladies of Leisure are back again! Sladjana and Lisa discuss what's been going on, how they celebrated Thanksgiving, what have they tried lately and cheers to their two year anniversary of Ladies of Leisure!
Published 12/04/20
Ladies of Leisure has a guest host this week is back - Lisa T! This week the ladies discuss organizing their craft zone, making gifts, holidays approaching and Lisa T's charity. 
Published 11/20/20
This week Ladies of Leisure has a bonus episode highlighting things they have been doing in their offtime. When they aren't leisuring to a word of the week and being productive, the ladies have been busy reading sexy books, discuss COVID Christmas and watching sex cults! Listen as they recommend some apps, shows, and books!
Published 11/13/20
This week Ladies of Leisure has a bonus episode highlighting things they have been doing in their offtime. When they aren't leisuring to a word of the week and being productive, the ladies have been busy purging their stuff from their moves, organizing as they go and fall is the perfect time for that! Listen as they recommend some apps, shows, and books!
Published 11/02/20
Guest Erica Veal and her book "Sh!t Now What" guest on Ladies of Leisure this week! The Ladies discuss honda civics as first cars, succeeding in math at college, explaining periods honestly, being a black female at work with mostly men, writing and publishing an amazing book and what does winning at life look like. Get her book at shitnowwhat.square.site
Published 10/23/20
Ladies of Leisure discusses FALL! It's that time of year and one of the ladies dishes on all the things fall, activities, hiking, a new Norweigian word, spooky Halloween coming up and pumpkin beers.
Published 10/16/20
This week Ladies of Leisure has a bonus episode highlighting things they have been doing in their offtime. When they aren't leisuring to a word of the week and being productive, the ladies have been busy reading, gardening, and watching Home Edit. Listen as they recommend some apps, shows, and books!
Published 10/09/20
The Ladies of Leisure Word of the Week is - CHAOS! Ladies of Leisure discuss what the chaos is in their lives, new houses, new jobs, same old pandemic, and getting your brain on straight. Enjoy the hot mess stories from the ladies!
Published 10/02/20
Ladies of Leisure's word of the week is - REPAIR! The Ladies of Leisure discuss things that need to be repaired, from the technical to small bits, how do you repair things, lessons learned and fun stories.
Published 09/11/20
The Ladies of Leisure Word of the Week is - SUMMER! The Ladies of Leisure discuss the last week of summer, summer activities in the time of COVID, rooftop bars, crab feasts, pools, London markets and other summer things. 
Published 09/04/20
The Ladies of Leisure Word of the Week is - CONFUSED! The Ladies discuss where have they been, what have they been doing, how new jobs just add confusion to every day things, confusion on why do fax machines still exist, and confusion on every day math and balloon animals. http://www.ladiesofleisure.net
Published 08/28/20
Ladies of Leisure Word of the Week is - THRIVING! The Ladies of Leisure discuss bubble bath zooms with friends, time famines, what would Oprah do and other ways to prosper and flourish. Listen to us on Spotify and Apple Music! http://www.ladiesofleisure.net
Published 08/07/20
The Ladies of Leisure are reunited and international with Lisa in the States and Sladjana in the UK! On this episode, the ladies discuss what has changed, how is London, does Sladjana have a British accent yet and goal wins!
Published 07/31/20
Ladies of Leisure discuses leisuring in the time of COVID and how activities have changed with guest host, Vicki! Topics include stuff you dive deep in instagram, Madame Chic's book on leisure, chef club and experimenting with food. 
Published 07/24/20
The Ladies of Leisure word of the week is - CULTURE! Guest host, Ashley, and Lisa discuss what is culture, Polish culture, July Fourth traditions, learning about different cultures and doing all the reads!
Published 07/17/20
Ladies of Leisure guest host series features Kim Werker, author of Make It Mighty Ugly book and crafter extraordinaire! Ladies of Leisure discuss making your craft, being a rebel, trying to do all the things and building a community. 
Published 07/10/20
Ladies of Leisure has a guest host, Eliza Bradley, on for this week. We discuss being ladies in a dude office, leaving government, TED talks and successes and fails in social experiments. 
Published 07/03/20
Ladies of Leisure guest host is Ichesia. Being friends for years, at work and outside, Lisa and Ichesia discuss crazy work stories, reading romance novels, building a house, being a supervisor for the first time and all the things. Check out Ichesia's amazing interview on being a powerful black female leader:https://blog.powertofly.com/navigating-being-an-only-at-work-2646171345.html
Published 06/26/20
Ladies of Leisure guest host, Carling, joins Lisa as they discuss how they met, working together, the first year for moms and trashy tv. 
Published 06/19/20
Ladies of Leisure has a guest host this week - Lisa T! Instead of the word of the week, the game is "Do 2 Lisas Agree?" The Lisas take turns listing off things and discuss do they agree or disagree on said thing. 
Published 06/12/20
Ladies of Leisure word of the week is - REWARD! The Ladies of Leisure discuss how they rewarded themselves with a cabin in the middle of nowhere, creating their own reward system for adult and rewards they earned. 
Published 06/05/20