For most people, at some point in our lives, we've been a part of a toxic work environment. There have been times in your life that you didn't want to go to work, not because you didn't have a strong work ethic but because the work environment, your place of business had either turned toxic, or really been that way all along.
Published 04/01/22
A deep dive into a topic which Deke has always been extremely passionate about, and that's being a team leader who's inclusive. Deke shares two different points in his life that shaped him into the inclusive team leader that he is today.
Published 03/30/22
In this podcast Forbes bestselling author and internationally recognized leadership expert Deke Copenhaver will rock your foundational beliefs as to what true leadership is all about. Deke will take you by the hand to teach, train, coach and mentor you to your own “Leadership is a Team Sport” success. You’ll hear from an elite world class expert and his inspiring guests how to eliminate negative culture in your company or organization, to reduce turnover, retain top talent that would empower...
Published 03/28/22
Today, we're going to touch on topic that every team leader has to confront and that's dealing with criticism. Anyone who puts themselves out there in a team leadership role, is going to subject themselves to the vocal minority of those who want to simply say you and your team failed.
Published 03/24/22
In this podcast Forbes bestselling author and internationally recognized leadership expert Deke Copenhaver will rock your foundational beliefs as to what true leadership is all about. Deke will take you by the hand to teach, train, coach and mentor you to your own “Leadership is a Team Sport” success. You’ll hear from an elite world class expert and his inspiring guests how to eliminate negative culture in your company or organization, to reduce turnover, retain top talent that would empower...
Published 03/21/22
Two important keys to strong team leadership are having a presence with those you serve, and facilitating good information flow. Deke will give you a real world example of why these two points are so important.
Published 03/18/22
Today, we're going to be talking about something that can oftentimes be perceived to be a pain point for team leaders and that's vulnerability. It can be perceived to be a pain point is that some people can equate vulnerability with weakness, when it really isn't.
Published 03/17/22
Change is inevitable. Change can be scary, but as a business, a community or any other organization or individual, you're either moving forward or you're moving backwards, we must be able to pivot and adjust.
Published 03/14/22
Today in the world, we need to develop strong, positive ethical cultures, in our businesses, in our communities, and in our homes. 
Published 03/10/22
Your role as team leader is that of a servant to both your team members and your customers. Never put yourself on a pedestal above those you serve as team leader
Published 03/08/22
In this podcast Forbes bestselling author and internationally recognized leadership expert Deke Copenhaver will rock your foundational beliefs as to what true leadership is all about. Deke will take you by the hand to teach, train, coach and mentor you to your own “Leadership is a Team Sport” success. You’ll hear from an elite world class expert and his inspiring guests how to eliminate negative culture in your company or organization, to reduce turnover, retain top talent that would empower...
Published 03/04/22
In this podcast Forbes bestselling author and internationally recognized leadership expert Deke Copenhaver will rock your foundational beliefs as to what true leadership is all about. Deke will take you by the hand to teach, train, coach and mentor you to your own “Leadership is a Team Sport” success. You’ll hear from an elite world class expert and his inspiring guests how to eliminate negative culture in your company or organization, to reduce turnover, retain top talent that would empower...
Published 02/28/22
In this podcast Forbes bestselling author and internationally recognized leadership expert Deke Copenhaver will rock your foundational beliefs as to what true leadership is all about. Deke will take you by the hand to teach, train, coach and mentor you to your own “Leadership is a Team Sport” success. You’ll hear from an elite world class expert and his inspiring guests how to eliminate negative culture in your company or organization, to reduce turnover, retain top talent that would empower...
Published 02/24/22
In this podcast Forbes bestselling author and internationally recognized leadership expert Deke Copenhaver will rock your foundational beliefs as to what true leadership is all about. Deke will take you by the hand to teach, train, coach and mentor you to your own “Leadership is a Team Sport” success. You’ll hear from an elite world class expert and his inspiring guests how to eliminate negative culture in your company or organization, to reduce turnover, retain top talent that would empower...
Published 02/23/22