I received a comment recently, saying that learning languages as an older person is almost an impossible task. As someone who has learned 10 languages after turning 60, here’s what I think about the topic.
Published 11/02/23
In this video I talk to @JForrestEnglish about the most common mindset mistakes language learners make.
Published 10/26/23
I often get asked whether it's better to listen or read first. In this video, I talk about my approach to improving listening and reading comprehension and explain why it's important to adapt your strategy to your level.
Published 10/19/23
Standard language tests exist for many languages. IELTS, TOEFl and TEOIC are some of the best known tests for English. Keith, of Keith's Speaking Academy, is an expert on these tests and how to prepare. ✅ Learn more in this interview with him.
Published 10/12/23
Many people try to read and reread things to force them into their brains through massed practice. 🛑 This is not the best way to learn things! 📚 We need to learn how to learn, as described in the book "Make Things Stick" by Peter C. Brown. In this video I share with you the most helpful tips and information.
Published 10/05/23
🦄 Think you are a “visual,” “auditory,” "book," or “kinesthetic” learner? Think again! According to psychologists Cedar Riener and Daniel Willingham in their 2010 paper “The Myth of Learning Styles,” “There is no credible evidence that learning styles exist.” In this video, I explain more about why learning styles are a myth and the universal ways in which we ALL acquire languages (regardless of learning preferences).
Published 09/28/23
🚀 In this video, I share what I do at various levels in the language learning journey and the best way to get up to the delightful upper-intermediate stage where your fluency really starts to take off.
Published 09/21/23
🙀 Popular entertainer and polyglot @LanguageSimp joins me to talk about why language learning should be fun and how he got started in languages, TikTok, and YouTube. He also teaches this 77-year-old language grandpa the meaning of the Gen Z term "simp" (it is NOT what I assumed)...
Published 09/14/23
📚 In this video, I explain the best way to improve your speaking skills, why vocabulary tends to be more important than grammar, why second-guessing grammar harms your ability to communicate, and why you don't need to STUDY grammar rules to correctly FOLLOW them.
Published 09/07/23
⏳ Some people swear by "spaced repetition systems" (SRS). Others think they are waste of time. What's my take? I've learned 20 languages so far in my life, but have only relied on spaced repetition for a few specific needs in language learning. Watch on to see what those use cases are and what approach I think is generally more effective than using an SRS app.
Published 08/31/23
🧠 The brain acquires languages through lots exposure of input, NOT the conscious memorization of grammar rules and vocabulary. This is a good news! In this video, I share 3 major benefits of learning languages in a natural, non-rules-based way.
Published 08/24/23
👶 Everyone knows that children are better language learners, right? Well, the truth is not so simple... While children do have SOME advantages when it comes to language learning (e.g. pronunciation), we adults run circles around the little ones in other ways! In this video, I detail the similarities and differences between first and second language acquisition and the various linguistic and psychological advantages and disadvantages held by babies and adults.
Published 08/17/23
📖 If we want to speak a language fluently, we first have to memorize a bunch of rules, right? Wrong! 🧠 It turns out that our brains will automatically internalize a language's underlying patterns when we get enough exposure and practice. So instead of spending all your time memorizing rules, focus on reading and listening. This approach is more natural AND more fun. To be clear, I am not saying that you shouldn't use proper grammar in your target language. Syntax certainly DOES matter. What...
Published 08/10/23
🚪 Languages can unlock doors you never even knew existed, but you first have to reach out and turn the handle. The doors won't open themselves. Don't overthink decisions. Just take action and see where the language learning adventure leads you! I've made a number of pivotal decisions that completely changed the trajectory of my life, languages, and career... Hopping on a Europe-bound ship at age 19. Switching my major to Political Science and then studying in Paris. Moving to Hong Kong...
Published 08/03/23
❓What is the most difficult language to learn? The short answer? It depends! The difficulty of a language depends on a number of critical factors, 6 of which I share in this video. I also explain why certain languages tend to be more difficult than others, and why ONE language has been particularly challenging for me. Later in the video, I am joined by the Chinese polyglot Zoe from @zoe.languages. It turns out that she has ALSO found this same language to be the most difficult one out of...
Published 07/28/23
I’ve learned 20 languages so far, and I usually enjoy the process. But Korean has been a real struggle for me. In this video, I explain why it’s been such a challenge and where I went wrong.
Published 07/20/23
📚 Elon Musk allegedly reads 2 books a DAY! That's over 37 million words a year! (For comparison, the average person finishes only 14 books a YEAR.)
Published 07/14/23
Some people argue that you must work with a teacher to get fluent in a language, others claim that teachers are unnecessary and that you can learn on your own. So which is correct? Like most things in language learning (and life!) the answer isn’t black and white.
Published 07/05/23
I have been learning languages for over 50 years. In this time there is one development in particular that has allowed me to learn more efficiently and given me access to new worlds of meaningful and interesting content: the MP3.
Published 06/30/23
I like analogies, they help us understand. An analogy I thought of recently was how our knowledge of a language is like an iceberg: what we can produce or think we know at any given moment is just the tip of the iceberg and there is deep familiarity with the language underneath.
Published 06/27/23
When do we know a word? Who cares? Just keep pumping words into your brain. Keep on actively pursuing words. That’s what we measure at LingQ. How many words you have grabbed and thrown into your brain. How many stick or when they stick is largely out of our control.
Published 06/20/23
Language immersion doesn’t depend so much on where you are, although it can. It depends more on your attitude towards the language you are learning, and your actions as a learner.
Published 06/16/23
Some people are afraid to speak in their target language. It needn’t happen. We can prepare for speaking. We can recognize speaking as a part of our learning process, not a performance to be judged by others.
Published 06/13/23
The journey is the reward. As long as you are actively engaged with your target language, listening, reading, speaking or writing, in ways that you find meaningful and enjoyable, you will achieve your goals.
Published 06/08/23
Travelling around Poland has made me realize that there is always more to a place than initially meets the eye. This is true for cities and also languages. When we start exploring a language we see that what we thought was the big picture was only a part of it. I love this about the language learning journey!
Published 06/01/23