This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response), with special guest Ned Donovan of the Encounter Party podcast!
Published 05/31/19
This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into what polyamory is and is not, with special guest Ying Ying Lee.
Published 05/24/19
This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into Overton's Window. Joseph Overton observed that in a given public policy area, such as education, only a relatively narrow range of potential policies will be considered politically acceptable. This "window" of politically acceptable options is primarily defined not by what politicians prefer, but rather by what they believe they can support and still win re-election.
Published 05/17/19
This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into Munchausen Syndrome. What exactly is it? It’s a factitious disorder wherein those affected feign disease, illness, or psychological trauma to draw attention, sympathy, or reassurance to themselves.
Published 05/10/19
This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into emerging science behind restoring cellular activity in dead pig brains, with special guest Sage Murray of the Occultae Veritatis podcast.
Published 05/03/19
This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich celebrate the 100th episode of the podcast with special guest Paul Welters, a MMA competitor, athlete, and entrepreneur to talk about the martial art of jujitsu.
Published 04/26/19
This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into the history of feminism, what it really means and how it's misunderstood, why it's hated, and more!
Published 04/19/19
This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into the history of inversion therapy, what it is, how it's used, and much more!
Published 04/12/19
This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into human emotions and explain how they serve a very specific purpose in evolution as well as in society.
Published 04/05/19
This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into aliens. Fact or fiction? Is there advanced life other than us in the cosmos?
Published 03/29/19
This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into the history of the Bogeyman as it pertains to various cultures. You know, that thing you were scared of when you were a kid.
Published 03/22/19
This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS). Medical science has evolved quite a bit since the 1980s, however, recently there has been a startling and positive new discovery with two patients who seemingly have been cured.
Published 03/15/19
This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve the death, how to cope with it, how people and animals interpret it differently, and also share some personal stories.
Published 03/09/19
Synopsis: This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into the phenomena of crop circles, who creates them and why? Make sure to signup for Audible today to get your FREE audio book and 30-day trial. Please support our podcast by making a sustaining monthly donation. Please also check out our GoFundMe campaign as we're trying to raise enough money to help cover our studio build costs. If you prefer video, you can subscribe and watch on YouTube. Duration: 51:17:00 Present:...
Published 03/01/19
Synopsis: This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into the history of Valentine's Day and figure out when it changed from largely a religious holiday to a corporate one. Make sure to signup for Audible today to get your FREE audio book and 30-day trial. Please support our podcast by making a sustaining monthly donation. Please also check out our GoFundMe campaign as we're trying to raise enough money to help cover our studio build costs. If you prefer video, you can...
Published 02/15/19
Synopsis: This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into the anti-vaxxer craze. What, you thought this issue went away? Perhaps one of the most successful public health interventions in history, the advent of vaccines has led to the global eradication of smallpox, the nearly global eradication of polio, and a drastic decrease in the morbidity and mortality associated with other infectious diseases.1 As a result, many parents are unaware of the threats that these infectious...
Published 02/08/19
Synopsis: This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into the regrettably common and often stigmatized issue of depression. We've aptly titled this episode "Smiling Depression," because a lot of us that deal with it are really good at hiding how we really feel. Make sure to signup for Audible today to get your FREE audio book and 30-day trial. Please support our podcast by making a sustaining monthly donation. Please also check out our GoFundMe campaign as we're trying to...
Published 02/01/19
This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into stress, how it affects the human body, and some remedies and preventative maintenance to minimize it.
Published 01/25/19
Synopsis: This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into carbon tax, why we have it, and what it means for our environment and future. Make sure to signup for Audible today to get your FREE audio book and 30-day trial. Please support our podcast by making a sustaining monthly donation. Please also check out our GoFundMe campaign as we’re trying to raise enough money to help cover our studio build costs. If you prefer video, you can subscribe and watch on...
Published 01/18/19
Synopsis This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into sex vs gender, which an expansion on the episode we did on gender identity. Distinction between sex and gender differentiates a person’s biological sex (the anatomy of an individual’s reproductive system, and secondary sex characteristics) from that person’s gender, which can refer to either social roles based on the sex of the person (gender role) or personal identification of one’s own gender based on an internal...
Published 01/11/19
Synopsis This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into the dark and unsettling history of residential schools in Canada. When the school is on the reserve the child lives with its parents, who are savages; he is surrounded by savages, and though he may learn to read and write, his habits and training and mode of thought are Indian. He is simply a savage who can read or write. – Sir John A Macdonald, speech to Commons, 1883 Make sure to signup for Audible today to get your...
Published 01/04/19
Synopsis This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich celebrate the winter holiday by looking at the history of Christmas. The first Christmas didn’t start until the 3rd century. Europeans celebrated light and birth in the darkest days of winter. Many peoples rejoiced during the winter solstice, when the worst of the winter was behind them and they could look forward to longer days and extended hours of sunlight. Make sure to signup for Audible today to get your FREE audio book and...
Published 12/28/18
Synopsis This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into online privacy. Is privacy a fundamental right and what are we doing to safeguard our data from companies that have ulterior motives? How it got started: It may seem obvious that you shouldn’t post risque photos of yourself online that may be used against you in the future by admissions officers or potential employers. But even an innocent-seeming comment or the mention of your birthday can have serious effects. Make...
Published 12/22/18
Synopsis This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into the history of tap dancing! How it got started: Tap dancing has a number of ancestors; most notably Irish step dancing and African dancing (particularly something called "juba"), both of which were brought over to the United States through immigration and slavery. Make sure to signup for Audible today to get your FREE audio book and 30-day trial. Please support our podcast by making a sustaining monthly...
Published 12/14/18
Synopsis This week on “Learn Me Something,” Aaron and Rich delve into how we can all build better B.S. detectors, i.e, critical thinking skills. David Foster Wallace famously argued that: learning how to think really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. Make sure to signup for Audible today to get your FREE audio book and 30-day trial. Please support our podcast by making a sustaining monthly donation. Please also check out our GoFundMe campaign as...
Published 12/07/18