Parts List
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Discussion: In this video, I’ll explain what parts you'll need to complete this Arduino Crash Course. Immediately below this discussion section, there is a summary checklist of links for these parts. You're welcome to check it out! The links take you to Jameco, a United States based electronics supplier. I'm actually one of their affiliates. So, if you decide to click any of those links below, you’ll be helping to make me a multi-millionaire and continue to buy fuel for my yacht. So that would be awesome. All joking aside, you might already have a lot of this stuff laying around. It just depends on how much you've been into electronics thus far. The first thing you'll need is an Arduino UNO. As you may or may not know, Arduino has all types of derivatives out there. An Arduino UNO There is a company named Arduino that made the board. That is the official Arduino, but Arduino is open-source hardware. In other words, the Arduino company made the board’s schematics and everything publicly available. Therefore, anybody can take access that information and replicate the board. Anyone can duplicate it, modify it, and even legally sell it. That’s why there are so many derivatives, or clones, out there of an Arduino UNO board. They are basically the exact same thing as your official Arduino UNO. Sometimes you’ll find that maybe one or two customizations have been made. My recommendation to you is to get an authentic, official Arduino UNO from the Arduino company while working through this course. The reason is because that prevents any discrepancies and concerns about hardware when following the tutorials. If you're following everything in the lesson, and something is amiss, then you can at least know it's not the hardware. You’ll know that you have the same hardware with which I’m working. Again... that’s just my recommendation. Now, if you already have an Arduino clone or derivative, feel free to use it. It will probably work just fine. The next thing you'll need is a USB cable to plug your Arduino into your computer. Basic procedure is to write code on the computer and then transfer that code, uploading it to the Arduino board. An AB USB cord The USB we’ll be using in this course is an A-B type. One end looks like your typical USB that just plugs into a computer, and the other end is almost square - or maybe more like a little house, depending on your imagination. This other end is what would typically go into the back of a printer. You will also need light-emitting diodes, or LEDs. An LED It’s best to get at least 10 of the five millimeter type. Any color of mix of colors is fine. I usually use red or white. Next on the list are resistors. Resistors Resistors, as the name suggests, resist the flow of current in a circuit. The bigger the number of the resistor, the more current they resist. When it resists current, the resistor takes that electrical energy and transforms it into heat energy. Therefore, it’s important to note resistors can get hot. Just file that away as a quick mental note for later down the line when we begin setting up circuits. You may not notice it that much for the lower level things we will be doing. However, I wanted to make you aware just in case. This is the list of required resistors: ten 220 Ohm resistors and two 10,000 Ohm resistors (also referred to as 10 K resistors). You’ll also need a potentiometer. Potentiometers It really doesn't matter what size you get. I’ll be using a 10 K potentiometer for this course. If you have one around, you can just use that. A potentiometer is similar to a resistor, but it's resistance can vary. That allows you to create something called a voltage divider. We won't get into that now. Just know that you need a potentiometer of any size. Next, you'll use a solderless breadboard. No, we won’t be cutting bread - altho
More Episodes
Have you seen some really cool stuff being made with a thing called Arduino? What is Arduino anyway? It sounds like an Italian sandwich with extra cheese or something... Well - it's that and a lot more. I hope this video can help explain some the basic premise of the Arduino!  
Published 04/28/17