Here’s the thing about anxiety: it’s a feeling that tells us “you’re going to die.” It’s an old emotional response to actual danger, and it used to keep us safe. But nowadays, anxiety is usually about things that aren’t actually dangerous. How do we deal with that? Join Adam and Dinur as we talk about […]
Published 09/27/21
Have you ever finished a study session and felt like “I didn’t get anything done” or “I don’t remember what I did”? Do you feel like you need to make your study time more effective, but you don’t know how? You’re not the only one! Join Adam and Dinur as we talk about various strategies […]
Published 09/20/21
Procrastination is the bane of many students’ existence. You think you’re on top of things, and suddenly the due date is right on top of you! Worse yet, it makes you feel like you were lazy or stupid or just irresponsible – other people stay on top of their commitments, right? So why can’t you?  […]
Published 09/13/21
When you’re teaching a class online, discussion boards are a common tool. But what do you do when students don’t participate? In this episode, Dinur and Adam talk about the different reasons students don’t participate and some solutions for those problems, and also provide some tips to students! Show Notes Online Learning Insights: “Why Students […]
Published 09/06/21
What are the advantages of using public transportation when you’re a student? Join Dinur and Adam as we discuss this issue. Show Notes Remix.com, “8 Benefits of Public Transportation” Transloc.com, “The Benefits and Challenges of Students Using Public Transportation”
Published 08/30/21
You entered college expecting to major in something (be it engineering, criminal justice, art history, or literally anything else). But a few courses in, and the material just isn’t clicking for you or isn’t as interesting as you had hoped. When should you change your major? Join Adam and Dinur as we discuss this question! […]
Published 08/23/21
Twice-exceptional, in a broad sense, means a student who is both gifted in at least one area, and disabled as well. Join Adam and Dinur as we talk about what it means to be twice-exceptional when you’re in college. Show Notes Scientific American, “The Twice Exceptional Movement” Lamar University, “What Teachers Need to Know About […]
Published 08/16/21
You’ve had a class that was just absolutely fantastic, and you’d like your professor to know it. What are the best ways of showing that appreciation? Believe it or not, there are good and bad ways – join Dinur and Adam as we discuss them! Show Notes No show notes this episode
Published 08/09/21
The word “lazy” is a pretty nasty word. It’s negative and abusive. So why do we use it so much? Join Dinur and Adam as we discuss what “lazy” actually means, what we think it means, and what to do about it. Show Notes Medium.com, “Laziness Does Not Exist” Devon Price, Laziness Does Not Exist […]
Published 08/02/21
How do you decide what to keep and do, and what to ignore and discard, as a college student? The heart of this question is FOMO, or the fear of missing out. Join Adam and Dinur as we discuss what FOMO is and how to combat it when you’re in college! Show Notes Bloomwork.com, “Beware […]
Published 07/19/21
The COVID-19 pandemic has created stressful and overwhelming challenges, which can cause strong emotions in adults and children. But learning to cope with stress in a healthy way will make you, the people you care about, and those around you become more resilient. Join Dinur and Adam as we go over guidelines from the World […]
Published 07/12/21
You’re working part time or full time, taking classes, and potentially taking care of family. How will you manage your stress so your grades stay good and that you don’t burn out at work? Join Adam and Dinur as we discuss this issue! Show Notes Florida National University, How to Manage Stress When You Study […]
Published 07/05/21
The dreaded word “presentation” strikes fear into the hearts of many students, especially when they have social anxiety. But there are ways to handle it and give a great presentation! Join Adam and Dinur as we talk about some ways to address presentation anxiety. Show Notes University of Pittsburgh, Speech Anxiety Harvard Business Review, Overcome Your […]
Published 06/28/21
Finals week is an extremely stressful time for both professors and students, because of the sense of being overwhelmed. How can we make finals week a little less awful for teachers and students? Join Dinur and Adam as we discuss this issue! Show Notes Herzing.edu, “How to Create Your Own Study Guide” UndergraduatesWrite, “Asking Teachers […]
Published 06/21/21
Some mistakes are just embarrassing, and some have possible effects on your grade, your degree, or worse. How do you approach your professor when you’ve made a mistake? Listen to Dinur and Adam talk about different kinds of mistakes and how to handle them!  Show Notes No show notes this episode
Published 06/14/21
Keeping in touch is hard enough when we’re all on campus. But how do you maintain solid relationships with classmates, peers, and professors in the middle of a pandemic? Join Dinur and Adam as we talk about how to handle this problem! Show Notes Timely’s Self-Care Tips for College Students Ways to Stay Connected During […]
Published 06/07/21
Many students panic over finals – and it’s not surprising. Finals can make or break your class grade in many classes, and some students get themselves into a total panic about them. But it’s important to know that you can handle finals. Join Adam and Dinur for some final-exam prep strategies! Show Notes Herzing University’s […]
Published 05/31/21
Many students come up with great topics and arguments for their essays and research papers. The topics are timely, they’re important, they’re interesting. The problem is, these topics are also big enough that they will not fit in a ten-page paper! How do you handle this? Join Adam and Dinur for some help. Show Notes […]
Published 05/24/21
Now that learning is all online, how do you keep your focus on a lecture instead of surfing Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or other sites while in class? How do you study effectively when you’re in Zoom? Join Dinur and Adam as we talk about some ways to do just that!  Show Notes Getting the Most […]
Published 05/17/21
When is too much, too much? When does a student know what is the right number of classes and clubs to take? Now that learning is all online, should students take advantage of this and take more courses or clubs now that they don’t have to do it in-person and commute to get to class? Join […]
Published 05/10/21
Many students put off sleep to do other things that seem more important. And we’ve all had that late-night cramming session at least once! But what actually happens to your ability to learn and retain information when you’re not getting enough sleep compared to when you actually do get your full eight hours of shut-eye? […]
Published 05/03/21
Your final draft needs to be three things: clear, concise, and complete. If you’re missing any of these, your draft isn’t final yet. But what does it mean to be clear, concise, and complete? Join Adam and Dinur as we talk about how to go from your first to your final draft. Show Notes Commonly […]
Published 04/26/21
You’ve identified the shared ideas in your sources by finding examples and creating categories. You’ve written literature review paragraphs to tie together those shared ideas and how they’ll help your audience. And now what?  Now it’s time to write your first draft and edit it, so it makes sense. Show Notes No Show Notes This […]
Published 04/19/21
You’ve developed your topic, your signposts, your argument and your audience. You’ve found your sources. But now what? Now it’s time to organize those sources, dig into why you’re using them, and come up with their shared ideas so you can write a paper. Join Adam and Dinur as we talk about how to do […]
Published 04/12/21
Many students are told to write papers. Often, the directions are limited to formatting: double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, a certain number of pages or words. But in college, you often don’t get much more than that for directions. Your professor might choose a topic, or tell you which topics you can choose from, […]
Published 04/05/21