HT1941 - Upgrading
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From about 2005 onward, it seems like I was buying an upgraded digital camera about every year for a dozen years. My current cameras were introduced in 2017. I have not been tempted to upgrade since then for the simple reason that the newer models have not offered any features I feel I need that my current cameras are missing. What would tempt me to upgrade?
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No one cares what you are working on. No one ever will care what you are working on. It's only what you have finished that matters or will possibly survive you.
Published 07/04/24
Cameras are marvelous devices that do incredible things. The problem is they can do none of those things if you don't have it with you when the photographic opportunity appears. Mark Twain said that those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't. The same could be said about making...
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