Unlock the secrets to a life of rich fulfillment that even wealth can't purchase with Robin Sharma, acclaimed author of 'The Wealth Money Can't Buy.' Our conversation transcends mere self-actualization, daring to climb the ultimate peak of Maslow's hierarchy: self-transcendence. Robin guides us through this transformative concept, asserting that our truest satisfaction comes from serving a cause greater than ourselves. Embrace this episode as your personal invitation to discover a purpose tha...
Published 05/10/24
Ever find yourself spiraling over life's hiccups, from the trivial to the transformative? Allow me to equip you with three potent questions that promise to reshape your approach to challenges, offering a compass to steer you toward serenity and simplicity. In the fabric of our daily lives, it's easy to lose sight of the scale of our struggles. That's why the episode kicks off with, "How serious is this really?", prompting a reality check that could scale down mountains back into molehills. It...
Published 05/09/24
Ever landed back from a trip and felt a wave of happiness wash over you—not because you're thrilled to escape an awful reality, but because your everyday life is just as sweet? That's the moment of euphoria I experienced returning to Miami after an incredible month away. This episode is all about discovering the art of living a life that's as enjoyable on a mundane Tuesday as it is on a tropical getaway. Drawing inspiration from the wise words of Seth Godin, I muse on the concept of creating ...
Published 05/08/24
Have you ever looked back at your humble beginnings and felt a surge of pride for the journey you've endured? Today, I take you on a heartfelt journey through my own past, revealing how the challenges I faced, from living in government housing to finding comfort in domestic violence shelters, have shaped me into the resilient person I am today. It's a conversation sparked by a listener's question about the courage it takes to speak openly about one's personal history. But for me, addressing m...
Published 05/07/24
Ever felt like your productivity is at the mercy of an invisible force? That's exactly what we're unpacking in this episode with the wisdom of my friend Kate Northrup, who shares how synchronizing work with your menstrual cycle can lead to revolutionary shifts in productivity. But don't fret if you're not someone who experiences this cycle; there's plenty to glean about working in harmony with your body's natural energy ebb and flow. From sleep patterns to dietary impacts, we explore how list...
Published 05/06/24
Ever caught yourself hoarding clothes you never wear or holding onto unfinished projects in hopes of some future burst of motivation? It's time to break free from these chains! In this episode, I unravel the secrets to magnetizing your desires with ease. Discover how decluttering your life isn't just about creating physical space—it's about welcoming new opportunities with open arms. By adhering to the 'law of use,' you'll learn the power of making the most of what surrounds you, paving the w...
Published 05/05/24
Ever found yourself pondering the path not taken or the decision hastily made? This episode brings to light the often overlooked concept of incompletion in our lives, featuring my insightful friend Farnoosh Torabi, a finance expert and host of the 'So Money' podcast. Farnoosh delves into the significant yet frequently discounted long-term financial costs women may face when opting out of their careers to raise children. It's a conversation that challenges us to stretch beyond our daily to-do ...
Published 05/04/24
Have you ever wondered how the greats of our time manage to keep pushing forward without burning out? I'm inviting you to unravel the mystery of blending patience with persistence, a combination I've personally found to be the secret sauce in my own journey towards success. Today's heart-to-heart isn’t your typical pep talk; it's an exploration of how these two powerhouses can harmoniously guide you to a life brimming with love, trust, and a surprising amount of ease.And, as a special bonus, ...
Published 05/03/24
Growing up with divorced parents taught me the art of seeing through multiple lenses, a skill I once mistook for indecision. Now, I realize it's a superpower in disguise. This podcast episode is a celebration of independent thinking and the nuanced perspectives that come from personal conflicts. It's a story of how a perceived flaw transformed into one of my greatest assets.And, as a special bonus, I want to give you FREE access to my signature course, Slay Your Year (usually $997)! All you h...
Published 05/02/24
When my world turned upside down with divorce, I never imagined that one day I'd look back on it with a heart swelling with gratitude. Join me on a stroll through Parisian streets, as I open up about finding the unexpected beauty in life's pivotal endings—whether it's a marriage, a career, or even a deep friendship. As your host I'm here to share the personal reflections and lessons learned from these profound moments of change, assuring you that they are not the full story of our lives but s...
Published 05/01/24
that has been the cornerstone of my life's philosophy. Gleaned from the wisdom of my mother and reflecting on our shared experiences, this episode is an intimate exploration of the richness that lies in recognizing the wealth we already possess. My sisters and I, coming together in Paris, reminisce about our upbringing through welfare and domestic violence shelters, and yet, we celebrate the unshakeable belief that we were never poor. My mother's conviction, that our minds and the love we hel...
Published 04/30/24
Ever wonder what the secret sauce is to becoming someone who lights up a room just by walking in? That's exactly what we uncover in this episode, as we dive into the power of curiosity and the magnetic pull of an open mind. I share my thoughts on how a little knowledge about a wide range of topics, from art and history to bumblebees, can ignite engaging conversations and create meaningful connections. It's not just about being interesting; it's about being genuinely interested in the diverse ...
Published 04/29/24
Embark on a transformative journey with me, as I unveil a mantra that's not just easy to remember but also powerfully encompasses the essence of a deeply satisfying life. Drawing from the timeless wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn, I've embraced a philosophy that anchors in four cornerstones: health, wealth, success, and perfect self-expression. This episode isn't just another self-help spiel; it's a heartfelt invitation to recalibrate your priorities and find equilibrium in your everyday hustl...
Published 04/28/24
I couldn't help but laugh at myself, standing atop the Eiffel Tower, as I scanned the horizon for the iconic structure, only to realize I was in it. This humorous epiphany became a powerful metaphor during my last week in Paris and is the heart of our conversation this week – recognizing the abundance we're swimming in, just like a fish oblivious to the ocean. We often search tirelessly for the very things we already possess: love, security, creativity. But what if the act of seeking is what...
Published 04/27/24
Ever find yourself saying "I'll do it tomorrow"? Well, I'm here to shake that mindset and ignite the spark of creation within you. As someone who's woven words into articles and stories into podcasts for over a decade, I've come to realize that the art you're capable of today is a one-time offer from the universe. This episode peels back the layers on why 'now' is the golden hour for your creativity, drawing from the authenticity that fueled my first book, "What If It Does Work Out?" and how...
Published 04/26/24
Have you ever caught yourself saving your best for a day that never comes, or waiting for a special occasion to use your fanciest items? This episode is your wake-up call to break free from that cycle and start romanticizing your daily life. Imagine surrounding yourself with fresh flowers just because, or spritzing your favorite perfume on a quiet Tuesday morning at home — these are just some of the simple yet impactful pleasures I discuss that can elevate your everyday existence. It's not...
Published 04/25/24
Ever stare down the daunting path of a personal goal, feeling the weight of uncertainty nudging you towards giving up? Today, we wade through the mental mire that holds us back from our dreams. I invite you to unravel the complexities of the mind's craving for certainty and the all-too-familiar crossroads where giving up seems like the only option. This isn't just about powering through; it's about recognizing when to let go and when to hold on, understanding the difference between a healthy...
Published 04/24/24
Have you ever felt the pull of your intuition guiding you, yet you hesitated, questioning the wisdom of your inner voice? Nestled in the quaint streets of Paris' Latin Quarter, I found myself at the doorstep of the legendary Shakespeare and Company bookstore, where the spirit of literary giants past seemed to whisper secrets of creativity and authenticity. It was here, amidst the scent of weathered pages and the hush of reverent bibliophiles, that I encountered the profound advice of Raymond...
Published 04/23/24
Ever wonder how the sights and sounds of Paris might influence your thoughts on money and abundance? My latest Self Coaching Society call brought a Parisian flair to the discussion, where we explored the emotionally charged journey to creating wealth. Diving into the heart of what it means to generate value, I shared a transformative realization: money is more than just currency; it’s a reflection of the value we create in the world.  With a nod to Sean Achor, Harvard's happiness guru, I also...
Published 04/22/24
Have you ever let the fear of hearing 'no' stop you from asking for what you truly desire? Join me, as I recount the sweet victory of scoring the perfect table during a sun-drenched Parisian adventure and how such simple acts of asking can lead to delightful life experiences. In sharing tales of how I've turned ordinary moments into joyous memories, this episode will illuminate why making requests can dramatically enhance our lives. From sharing a birthday lunch with a view of the Eiffel...
Published 04/21/24
I've always known the power of a good morning ritual, but it wasn't until my Parisian getaway that the true test of my habits hit home. Imagine stepping away from your daily groove, finding both wonder and a pinch of disarray as you navigate a new city—this is the story I unfold from the heart of Paris. In a candid heart-to-heart, I delve into the subtleties of mind management and the importance of those personal practices that prime our minds for positivity, no matter where in the world we...
Published 04/20/24
Have you ever been stung by a betrayal of trust or grappled with the dilemma of whom to trust and how much? That moment when you realize that not everyone has the same moral compass can be a true eye-opener. In this heart-to-heart episode, I share a slice of personal history that shaped my philosophy on love and trust. It revolves around a line that has guided me through life's intricate dance of relationships: "Love many, trust a few, do wrong to none." This Shakespearean gem from "All's...
Published 04/19/24
Could embracing ignorance actually pave the way to success? You'll be surprised at how "not knowing" might just be the secret ingredient to a fulfilling life. On today's episode, I'm sharing stories that defy the odds and celebrate the unconventional wisdom of knowing when less information can mean more freedom to thrive. Hear about the bumblebee that shouldn't be able to fly, yet dances from flower to flower, and the dermatologist who conquered the competitive Miami market with nothing but...
Published 04/18/24
Have you ever been gripped by the unsettling suspicion that you're an imposter in your own life? That's the thorny issue I grapple with in my latest heart-to-heart, where I share the tale of my personal dissonance within the glossy but ill-fitting confines of the corporate world. Listen in as we wander through the maze of aligning with our authentic selves, and the palpable cost of ignoring the persistent call of our dreams and desires. This episode isn't just my story; it's an invitation for...
Published 04/17/24
Have you ever caught yourself second-guessing a stroke of good fortune? It's an all-too-common reflex, but today, we're flipping the script. This is your guide to a more joyous existence as we explore the importance of celebrating the good without a shadow of a doubt.  And, as a special FREE bonus, I want to give you my "6 Journal Prompts To Coach Yourself To A Better Life In 6 Days!" These prompts are perfect if you: 🎯 Feel lost in direction. 📉 Battle feelings of inadequacy or constant...
Published 04/16/24