Today's episode includes an interview with Jordan Jones, the founder and CEO of the growing and popular brand, Packed Party. Packed Party was founded in 2013 when Jordan had a literal dream about a product and has now become a true realized dream as Packed Party can now be found all over the world, including places like Neiman Marcus, the cowboys stadium, Whole Foods, and Walmart. Including everything from accessories to bags to office supplies, this brand is sure to bring a smile to your...
Published 07/22/21
God didn't create us or give us this life to just survive it-- we were created to THRIVE! However, so many times, we just decide that our lives "are what they are", our habits have "become what they've become", and we don't access the authority and power we have as His children to live a NEW way! What thought patterns do you have that might need some renewal? Are you just downright exhausted and wondering how you're going to fill up your cup these days? What might need some...
Published 07/19/21
Sometimes we believe the lie that freedom is the ability to do whatever we want, go wherever we please, and have whatever we desire. However, we see that with Jesus and throughout Scripture, a life lived like this ends in destruction, anxiety, fear, shame, and confusion. The abundant life is ONLY found in trusting God, obeying Him, and believing that the boundary lines He has drawn for our lives are in pleasant, secure places. God never leads us to places that restrict our lives; rather, He...
Published 07/12/21
There is nothing more important to our Heavenly Father and the Kingdom of Heaven than relationships. They are the core of every good thing and the very reason we are here, right? So, if we are talking about how to radiate the heart of our Father, this is crucial. In this episode, Cleere sits down with the marriage, family, and relationship experts, Sean and Lanette Reed, of OpenDoor Church. After authoring several books, creating content that is seen worldwide and speaking at thousands of...
Published 07/08/21
What defines our standard of beauty? Do we let our Instagram feed determine how fulfilled we are with what we see in the mirror? What does our God have to say about beauty? What would applying His standard alter about our lives? Digging into these questions, we see that the more we behold the heart of our Father, the more beauty we see in ourselves, others, and the world around us. Only the Creator can define what is good and pure-- will we trust Him? Preorder the NEW "Radiate: 90 Devotions...
Published 06/21/21
What does it mean to really be brave with our lives? Many times, we see courage as doing this really BIG thing but in reality, we make the decision, moment to moment, "Will I be brave and trust God with my life?" What might God be asking you to be courageous about in your life right now? What would that require of you? We will never regret trusting the safety net of the character of God. Preorder the NEW "Radiate: 90 Devotions to Reflect the Heart of Jesus" HERE:...
Published 06/14/21
We all want to live a life that radiates GOODNESS-- that radiates Jesus, right? But what are some practical ways that we can do that with what we have, where we are, and with what God put inside of us. In this episode, we will dig into three ways that we can illuminate Jesus and bring Heaven to earth. Our testimony Our trials How we treat others We are leaving a legacy--let's make it a worthy one. Preorder the NEW "Radiate: 90 Devotions to Reflect the Heart of Jesus" HERE:...
Published 06/07/21
We often spend our lives working really, really hard towards things that don't matter in the long run. Or we spend our time desiring a harvest of righteousness but not being willing to plow the field and show up to create it. Or we get discouraged by what we thought would happen, the expectations we placed on the work, or the stress that is induced by it, and we wonder: What does all of this even amount to? In this episode, we will dig into what it means to really cultivate a life that...
Published 05/24/21
We live in a fast-paced world full of constant motion, things happening, and obligations. These are EXCITING things but we often get so used to the pace of the rollercoaster, we don't realize how drained we are. We have normalized the poor boundaries in our lives and cultivated habits that lead more to our burnout than our building up. So...what do we do? What needs to change? What does Scripture say? And is it truly possible to live from a constant place of refreshment? Well, we will dig in...
Published 05/17/21
It's not super romantic to think about having to "stay" when we are ready to GO! Going is more fun, more adventurous, more impressive, right? But sometimes, it is the places we want to run from that God is most using to refine us. As we learn to stay in His presence and learn His heart, we are reminded that we can always trust the preparation of the King. There is great promise and purpose where He has us. And chances are, the harder it is to stay, the more He is calling us to stay in Him,...
Published 05/10/21
We all want the pretty house and the completed projects-- it feels good, looks impressive, and helps us feel good about our current state of affairs. However, our Heavenly Father is so not worried about how things appear-- His concern is the state of our hearts. How are we really doing? Is there an issue, struggle, relationship, or thought pattern that we need restoration in but we are fearful to admit to ourselves, others, or Him? He is the King of restoration and His type of restoration is...
Published 05/03/21
What does it mean to be rooted in Jesus? How do we cultivate deep roots so that when the storms of life come, we won't be afraid, worried, or insecure? Being rooted is ultimately the greatest desire of our lives-- to know that no matter what, we have security and certainty in where we stand. That is what Jesus offers and His well does not run dry but there are practical steps that help us rip out the weeds, trust our God-given identity, and BELIEVE that He is for us. When we are a rooted...
Published 04/26/21
Movement-- the literal act of moving our bodies-- is obviously necessary to keep us alive. Well, when it comes to moving towards God, it is also what keeps us alive! Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc. We can not operate in faith or receive the abundant life He has promised us if we do not move towards Him. It doesn't have to be massive steps; rather, it's often the daily, hand-to-the-plow moments that help strengthen our faith, solidify our foundation, stimulate our peace of...
Published 04/19/21
JOY!!! The word alone sounds like what it means, doesn't it!? But I think sometimes we feel like joy is this elusive feeling that is unattainable for us or is dependent upon certain circumstances coming to fruition. However, the kind of joy that Jesus offers has nothing to do with our how, our what, or our when-- it has everything to do with our who. WHO are we seeking to find our joy? We will dig into some crucial, practical ways that will help us not just walk in joy but LEAP for joy!...
Published 04/12/21
We talk about prayer, we pray before we eat, and we hear about prayer. But do we really believe that God hears us? And if He does, does He care? Is He really for our lives? In this episode we dig into the truth, power, and supernatural perspective that prayer provides. It really is our lifeline. Buy the "Focus: How One Word a Week will Transform Your life" devotional that goes along with this podcast! Sources below: Available on Amazon and cleerelystated.com: Amazon link:...
Published 04/05/21
"Let go and let God." We know the phrase and we even understand the power of it, but often the reality of our lives and the hardness of our habits meets us on the other side and we don't quite know what to do with it. And what do we let go? And when? And when we do let go, how do we know we will be okay? What if what God is asking us to release is keeping us temporarily secure, even if it's unhealthy? What if we let others down as we let go of what our Father asks of us? Release--- we will...
Published 03/23/21
Do you feel like you are running around like a chicken with your head cut off at all moments? Physically exhausted, emotionally drained, and spiritually lacking. Or maybe you feel like you need to get a little pep in your step and you're struggling with gaining the momentum or motivation to take a step forward? As we dig into this word "pace", we see that we were never supposed to let the world, others, or ourselves determine our rate. We have the Holy Spirit and as we walk in-step with...
Published 03/15/21
How often do you really allow silence to be the background? I mean, true silence. Not the kind where we are sorting through a mental checklist while music plays in the background but the kind that can feel deafening and uncomfortable. The truth about silence is that it often strips of any language and distraction and forces us to realize our own need-- Where are we really at? What is God saying? Silence allows us to dig past what is on the surface and allows the Holy Spirit to deal with what...
Published 03/09/21
I don’t think many of us would walk around claiming that we aren’t living “honest lives.” But do we really understand what that means? Jesus defines honesty way differently than we do- what does He have to say? And if we truly believe that His way is best, what keeps us from doing so? In this episode, we will dig deep into several things that prevent us from honesty and several ways we can begin to practice our Heavenly Father’s definition of this word. Buy the "Focus: How One Word a Week...
Published 03/01/21
It's the story of our lives: We all fear that what we have is too little. It's not enough to truly make a difference, right? However, we see that all throughout scripture, amidst the stories of the Bible, and in our everyday experiences, it is our LITTLE + God's supernatural power that makes A LOT of difference. And what about those little sins that we let fester, slowly letting them suck the life out of our garden? We often don't realize how these little things build and slowly become the...
Published 02/22/21
Lots of voices. So many options. The pressure we feel. The fears that come knocking. The life we had planned. All of it— it’s so much— how do we find clarity at the intersections of life and amidst our daily happenings? In a world that tries to convince us Jesus is confusion, we dig into the different things that HELP and HINDER our clarity. How can we find the answers we are looking for? It is probably far simpler than we think.
Published 02/15/21
When it comes to everything in our lives, timing is always related. When will it happen? Am I behind in life? Should I go after this goal now? Am I ready to handle that particular thing? Why isn't my prayer getting answered right now? Digging into what Scripture tells us about the timing of God, we are reminded of the treasures of trusting in His timing. We will grab the plow together in this episode and get to work because the reality is-- we all struggle with this sometimes, right? But if...
Published 02/08/21
We all have this gap between our actual selves and our ideal selves-- the gap that we work, strive, and exhaust ourselves trying to close on our own. We tend to fall prey to the lies that if we had more _____, we would experience fulfillment. When we arrive on the mountaintop, THEN we will partner with God and get courageous about where He is calling us, right?! However, we see it in Scripture and all throughout our lives that God isn't interested in the person that we wish that we were; He...
Published 02/01/21
What does it mean to really seek God? In our distracted and self-focused culture, sometimes we confuse desiring a solution with seeking God. As we lean in and learn His heart, we realize that we can trust His ways. The details of our lives may remain a mystery for now but the presence of the One leading us? He is absolute. What we seek, we find. And as we seek Him, we find everything else. He orders our priorities, establishes our steps, and guides us in the way everlasting. What does your...
Published 01/25/21
A new year brings renewed desire to set goals and establish better habits. But what if the secret is not found in our goals and is based on the rhythms we set for our lives? Are your current rhythms aligned with the person you hope to be and the legacy you hope to leave? If not, why? As we dig into this word, we will set up some helpful boundaries, questions, and tools to equip us to build a foundation that propels us forward and allows us to run hard after Jesus. We were never created to...
Published 01/18/21