When team members are faced with a decision between working on a goal or working on something they know they have to do as a part of their ongoing responsibilities, the urgent or necessary things crucial to the team's success, they usually often make the right decision. In this episode we talk about that tension and how managers need to ensure their team members see the value in the work they're doing and the role they're filling.
Published 05/25/21
It used to be assumed that a manager had authority simply because of the title they were given. But in this episode, Michael and Chris talk about how things are different in 2021, and true authority is earned by developing credibility with the team.
Published 05/18/21
In today's workplace your team doesn't just trust you because you are the boss. Trust is earned, and there are key elements every manager needs to cultivate to have a high-performing team built on trust. In this episode, taken from our "Next Level 1:1s Course", Michael and Chris will give you some tips on how build, or rebuild trust with your team.
Published 05/11/21
From "Where's the coffee machine?" to "How will my performance be evaluated?", new team members have a lot of legitimate questions. The best place to address those questions is in a 1:1, but how do you get started? In this episode, taken from our "Next Level 1:1s Course", Michael and Chris will give you some tips on how to get rolling with your 1:1s with new team members.
Published 05/04/21
In this episode Chris chats with Mitch Moeller, CEO of Corvida Medical. Mitch talks about his transition from being a professional engineer to being a leader, and how his leadership has changed as he moved from a large organization to a startup. Look for his comments regarding "habituation" at 15:45 – great stuff!
Published 11/27/20
The remote work culture that has mushroomed during COVID-19 has raised the stress levels of almost everyone. In this episode, Chris lays out 4 tips to help make work life manageable in what feels like an unmanageable world.
Published 11/17/20
Who owns our 1:1? What makes the time valuable for the manager, or the team member? In this short podcast, Michael goes solo and gives a few tips on how to improve the quality of 1:1s for both people in the meeting.
Published 09/18/20
All too often managers and team members want to "get through" their 1:1s, and they simply read what's been written by the team member. Chris shares how what's REALLY important is trying to understand the meaning behind the words, and then applying insight and asking great questions when you meet together.
Published 08/14/20
Trust is crucial to building a great team, but it's much harder to rebuild trust once it's been lost. In this episode, Chris shares some of his own difficult experiences, and points out some ideas managers can use to get their team back to enjoying a healthy environment.
Published 07/16/20
All too often performance reviews are done because it's corporate policy, not because they are helpful. Michael and Chris discuss why a meaningful performance review are can be a powerful tool for both managers and team members, and how we can think creatively to turn a review on its head.
Published 07/06/20
Do you know if you're being productive? And why do many of us feel less productive when working remotely? In this episode, Michael and Chris talk with Uptick Solutions Engineer Joel Slotman about how 1:1s helped sort it all out.
Published 06/08/20
When 1:1s devolve into a meeting of status updates easily handled in an email, it's time for a change. In this shorter episode, Michael and Chris talk about how to save your 1:1s from the update rut.
Published 05/26/20
Crisis is a word that has become all too familiar to all of us. Imagine joining a new team during a crisis. In this episode, Michael and Chris talk with Whitney Hathcock about how managers can help their new teammates adjust in the midst of a crisis.
Published 05/18/20
Do you want to know why your team is struggling with their productivity? Michael and Chris talk about the importance of making sure your team understands why they're doing the work they do, and how it fits in in with the vision the team shares.
Published 05/05/20
"Performance reviews." Just hearing that phrase probably makes you gag a little. That's how we felt about them to, but Michael and Chris talk about what they changed to make them more meaningful and actually helpful.
Published 04/21/20
With most of the workforce working remotely, having effective 1:1s even more important. Michael, Britta and Chris discuss the challenges of our new reality and how to meet those challenges in the workplace.
Published 04/14/20
Every company starts somewhere, and often it starts with a passionate belief. And that’s definitely true of Uptick. In this episode Michael and Chris share what we believe at Uptick, and how it shapes what we’re building.
Published 03/31/20
How do you avoid some of the classic mistakes of leading a remote team? COVID-19 is making us all learn how to do it on the fly. In this episode Michael and Chris discuss how you can avoid these mistakes and take advantage of the opportunity.
Published 03/20/20
In this episode, Britta, Michael and Chris talk about the "whys" of having a consistent 1:1 cadence, and how having them more frequently may help you develop a better relationship with your team members while ultimately saving time, too.
Published 03/10/20
In this episode Chris chats with his friend Amy Baker, the principle and partner at Spry. Amy transparently shares the good and the bad of her leadership journey – from newbie in the creative world, to being a leader in a larger company typically dominated by men, and then onto life as an entrepreneur.
Published 02/24/20
Building an effective 1:1 meeting is a collaborative effort. In this episode, Chris and Michael talk about ways to engage both managers and their teams in the process, so both get the benefit of a meaningful 1:1 that is both positive and constructive.
Published 01/30/20
Michael Probert and Chris Zaugg sit down to talk about how to approach writing self-evaluations during performance reviews. Michael shares his experiences in the past and how vulnerability, self-reflection, and being specific are the key to a great self-eval.
Published 01/07/20
Want to build a great team? Erik Johnson, the CFO of the Americas for Boardriders, Inc. talks about his journey to leadership, and how trust and truth are the key elements of building a great team.
Published 01/02/20
In this episode we discuss "The Illusion of Understanding". "Does that make sense?" is often answered with a "Yep" even if there is very little understanding between two people, and it can submarine your best efforts to succeed in your business. Learn how to collaborate with your team to make sure expectations are crystal-clear.
Published 01/02/20
In this episode we discuss the best ways to build trust when managing a new team. If you take a “there’s a new sheriff in town” position you might make some headway in the short term, but if you want to build a healthy team built for the long run, you need different strategies.
Published 01/02/20