It is not what you know that will determine success or failure, it’s about what you don’t know.
Published 08/18/20
It is not what you know that will determine success or failure, it’s about what you don’t know. The University of California at Davis has created an Entrepreneurship Academy where they take brilliant researchers and guide them through the process of moving from the intellectual mindset to the innovative mindset needed to create, fund and sustain a successful business. Listen to Dr. Andrew Hargadon, the faculty director; as well as Dr. Teri Slack and Katherine Hu, whose companies won the...
Published 08/18/20
COVID-19 requires we all make major life style changes. As I talked with life style change experts, the term I hear over and over is Mindfulness Training, which is learning to live in the moment.
Published 08/11/20
COVID-19 requires we all make major life style changes. As I talked with life style change experts, the term I hear over and over is Mindfulness Training, which is learning to live in the moment. So, what exactly is mindfulness and how can we learn to live in the moment. Listen to Dr. Dena Samuels an expert and author in Training and Consulting based on Mindfulness Principles. As we come out of this crisis, this is an episode everyone must hear.
Published 08/11/20
Leading social scientists tell us that growing up we are a product of our environment. How we were treated and spoke to by our parents, siblings, teachers, classmates, etc. formed our personality and often our sense of self value or lack of self-value.
Published 08/04/20
Leading social scientists tell us that growing up we are a product of our environment. How we were treated and spoke to by our parents, siblings, teachers, classmates, etc. formed our personality and often our sense of self value or lack of self-value. Dr Laura Staley has faced those struggles for many years before discovering she could take control and live life on her terms. Listen to this intriguing story
Published 08/04/20
If you are lucky, you find a job which becomes your passion. In a perfect world your passion becomes your business; your business becomes a success and you live happily ever after. Than was Lisa Brys' life until tragedy struck.
Published 07/28/20
If you are lucky, you find a job which becomes your passion. In a perfect world your passion becomes your business; your business becomes a success and you live happily ever after. Than was Lisa Brys' life until tragedy struck. Listen to her story of courage as she face personal and financial doom but never gave up hope.
Published 07/28/20
Imagine you have achieved one of your life time goals at age 29. Pretty heady stuff. Life will only get better from here right? But life has plans of its own. An accident leaves you battered, broken and a wheelchair user.
Published 07/21/20
Imagine you have achieved one of your life time goals at age 29. Pretty heady stuff. Life will only get better from here right? But life has plans of its own. An accident leaves you battered, broken and a wheelchair user. This is what happened to Gina Gardiner. Listen to her story in her own words. After dealing with the shock, grief, and then enduring the long and difficult rehabilitation process, she decided her new circumstances were not going to define or dictate her life. When she was...
Published 07/21/20
What if your life altering event did not happen directly to you? What if it happened to a loved one? An illness suddenly befalls your child; your sibling is injured in an accident; or your spouse unexpectedly has a stroke.
Published 07/14/20
What if your life altering event did not happen directly to you? What if it happened to a loved one? An illness suddenly befalls your child; your sibling is injured in an accident; or your spouse unexpectedly has a stroke. Now what? We know the impact on them, but what is the impact on you? Your life has also been dramatically altered. Whatever your life was prior to this event is either put on hold or changed forever. You must learn a whole new life. Suddenly, without any training or...
Published 07/14/20
What goes around comes around. I have recently read that a new trend is having a home funeral AKA a family directed burial, rather than using a funeral home.
Published 07/07/20
What goes around comes around. I have recently read that a new trend is having a home funeral AKA a family directed burial, rather than using a funeral home. The more I looked into this “New Trend,” the more I discovered that this practice in not new at all. For generations all funerals took place in the family home. Today it means choosing to keep your loved one at home after they pass. Heidi Boucher is an expert in this field and explains the process and options families have.
Published 07/07/20
The only constant in life is change, yet so often we do not like or want change. COVID-19, is changing just about everything we do personally, professionally, socially and spiritually.
Published 06/30/20
The only constant in life is change, yet so often we do not like or want change. COVID-19, is changing just about everything we do personally, professionally, socially and spiritually. As we make our way out of this world wide crisis, who is going to thrive and who is going to flounder. Who is willing to embrace the inevitable changes? Listen to Dr. Natasha Todorovic Cowen who will explain how she embraced the difficult changes in her life to create a multi-million dollar organization that...
Published 06/30/20
Think back to a time when you wanted to speak up but didn’t. Maybe it an answer you wanted to give in school. Maybe it was an idea you had during a business meeting or a social gathering. Maybe you justified not speaking by thinking what you wanted to say wasn’t that important. But, what if it was something more serious? Maybe it was a time you saw a person being abused or bullied; or someone standing on a bridge contemplating suicide. Did you speak up? Most people don’t. Now let’s get...
Published 06/23/20
Lewis Carroll wrote: “IN THE END… We only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.” Do you still have a dream? Maybe it has changed over the years but do you still have a dream? Will you make the decision to leave your successful but unfulfilling existence? Most of us won’t. Too much risk. Don’t have the time. Don’t have the energy to start something new. Moving out of your comfort zone is not easy and no one...
Published 06/16/20
Relationships are hard. Simply wanting a good one will not make it so. Each person has a past, and brings their baggage into every potential relationship. Many of us believe, “Hey I am fine, the other person needs to change or check their baggage.” When the other person doesn’t or won’t change, we move on the next relationship and then the next and the next. The very thing we want the most becomes a nightmare. Tina Konkin has spent her life coaching and holding very successful relationship...
Published 06/09/20
Let's look at the culturalization of men. Could this be one reason why so many men struggle with relationships? We are going to explore this today. Why? Because this is a topic that doesn’t get much press or exposure mainly because men don’t openly talk about their emotions, or fears or insecurities regarding relationships. Believe or not ladies, the vast majority of men want a deep and meaningful relationship. One major problem is we don’t know how. Much of the culturalization of males...
Published 06/02/20
Post COVID-19, we are all hoping for things to go back to normal. That’s not going to happen. We are going to have to find a “New Normal.” Will your organization pass this test? Strong, calm, flexible, rational, trust worthy and decisive leadership is critical during times of crisis. These traits are not taught on the job or in grad school. Where are these leaders going to come from? Where to they turn for help? Listen to Nicole Bendaly who will provide some answers.
Published 05/26/20
Depression is often the elephant in the room. We all deal with depression many times throughout our life. The monster moves in for many reasons. Some we get over quickly, some take more time and some we never get over. We are going to focus today on the most severe form of depression. The monster even has a name – Clinical Depression. This is a very pervasive illness. The Mayo Clinic report there are over 3 million cases of clinical depression a year. David Woods Barley has faced down the...
Published 05/19/20
We all go through periods in our life when things are going well. Our health is good, things are going well at work, the relationship is positive, the kids are healthy and happy. We find a twenty-dollar bill walking through a parking lot. Things just seem to be falling into place. Then there is the flip side when things start to unravel. We are constantly feeling run down, our get up and go got up and went. One nagging illness after another that we can’t seem to get over finds us. Then...
Published 05/12/20
What do men want from a relationship? Author Miguel Dean's book, "Bring Him Home – A Twin Flame Love Story" takes us into what men want. Let’s face it, this is a topic that doesn’t get much press or exposure mainly because men don’t openly talk about their emotions, or fears or insecurities regarding relationships. Believe or not ladies, the vast majority of men want a deep and meaningful relationship. They want someone to share their life, hopes, dreams and yes fears. One major problem is...
Published 05/05/20
Why do we dream and what if anything can we learn from dreams? Are dreams just a random occurrence or are they a connection, a unity between mind and body giving us clues to help diagnosis our life? Are we stepping back into the future as modern medical tests show dreams can be early warning signs of cancer and other diseases? The doubters will say where is the evidence. We have two experts, in field of dreams, Dr. Larry Burk and Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos who will explain.
Published 04/28/20