Why big gov wants to control Big Tech, The true meaning of conspiracy theories.  Politics is no longer limited to politicians.  Why people like Trump so much.  WHAT IS WOKE?   Go GATAH! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgbBP9Em00A&t=149s
Published 10/30/22
Kayne is my new _______.  Powerful people twitter fight, what could go wrong? We’re being controlled by the media - PROOF.  Lets put ethnicity on ballots. Biden is truly sorry.  Latarian Milton for president.
Published 10/23/22
Biden Babbles about dead people, Jill Biden, Who exploded the pipe?, Puoutine do be hatin USA, Price controls lead to shortages, Payday candy bar changing name.  Billion, million, trillion, billion
Published 10/16/22
Whole White Baby, Dollar Milkshake Theory, Janet Yellen, Collapsing currencies, that's my data fool!, Biden can't talk, its okay to laugh.  FREE DONNA GOODEAU
Published 10/02/22
Lets get physical, The Queen and 9/11, Banking as we know it is archaic.  Here’s why you can’t start and stop the economy.  Martha’s Vineyard’s newest residents.  PredictIT is dead.   Bitcoin vs idiots.  Cyber warfare. 
Published 09/18/22
Price Controls, Lyin Biden the Pedo, Dopey Dads, Raise your kids to make decisions, Nordstrom 1 pipeline, welcome to clown town, We gotta learn.
Published 09/12/22
Biden Bashing, More Biden Bashing, Unpopular opinions about climate change and “giving back”.  Al Green thinks polar bears are drowning.  More Biden bashing, Pelosi is the best stock trader ever. 
Published 09/04/22
College Loan Debacle, The Boomer Bust is coming, The actual cause of inflation, Solyndra scammed us all, We never learn 
Published 08/29/22
8/21/22 - Don't accuse me of that, Biden Babble, Ya'll don't be patient!, trust scientists but not economists, Zuckerberg is a liar, we're not as dumb as they think we are.
Published 08/21/22
Inflation increase act, muslim hate crimes, we don't "need more ________ people", USA hotel breakfasts, political warfare, the model T and other nonesnsical ramblings
Published 08/14/22
My titles aren't Cringe!, changing Econ definitions, Select the crosswalks, BEEF FEST 2022, What is hedging?, Dogs in harnesses tells me all I need to know about the owners. 
Published 08/08/22
Inflation Deep Dive, CNN blows it, Beta O Rourke, Biden has cancer, Crypto talk, NO DRILLING PERIOD, Pelosi capital investments 
Published 07/26/22
Blackface, Oil Prices, Maxine Worthless, Barbara Jordan is LEGEND, The Great Reset, Unwind policy, Sri Lanka, 
Published 07/18/22
My thoughts: Freedom, Independence, and America.  I'm over Biden.  Ukraine is a money grab.  Pay your "fair share"!  America used to stand for something.  Actors in the Whitehouse? AYFKM?
Published 07/04/22
6/5/22 - Social Media is the problem, Biden vs Inflation, YEEHAW GUNS!, Its all how you raise them, dogs are not humans, Buy a shotgun, why are we only talking about certain killings?
Published 06/05/22
5/29/22 - Memorial Day, We have problems, Crypto update, Macro Outlook Angry Brisket Buyer, Its all how you raise them, Capitalism rewards work! 
Published 05/30/22
I hate technology, corruption in government, trans kids eye roll, price controls / gouging / fixing, life as a small business owner, don't take the bait.
Published 05/22/22
I heart Mexican people! - Jill Biden Spanish Lessons - Roe Vs Wade is a waste of time - Flip Flop politicians - the irony found in policy.  JUST WEAR THE MASK! 
Published 05/08/22
EQUITY and InclusionFor The Dept of edumocation, Countries gotta be rich to go green, Kamala word buffet, STOP it with the rules and regulations, Extremists don't win elections, The MAGA party, Big Tech is being groveled by the gubmint, Bill Gates Business Model 
Published 04/24/22
Casey Cassim Meltdown, Business with other cultures, Group A vs group B,COVID Big picture, Biden Clap Track, NOT A JOKE   Boe Jiden's attempt to win the world record for saying NOT A JOKE the most times in a speech.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzRAuB62Qk8
Published 04/19/22
4/10/22 - Pinche Tornadoes, Hunter is going down (not on hookers), Boe Jiden has a stroke on stage, Cool Kid circles, Mr T / Racism, Crime y punishment.  
Published 04/10/22
Day of Rants - Black on black slaps, Don't kill aggression, I'm an IPA guy, Cost of acquisition of politicians, Biden discombobulated on stage, Kamala babble.
Published 04/03/22
There's always someone out there who knows more than you do.  Heath Lauseng is one of them.    
Published 03/29/22
Weak leadership, St Patty's Day, Dirtbikes racing in my yard, call me racist, I HATE TECHNOLOGY, I'm n old grumpy man, Lets laugh at things, we can't accommodate everyone all the time
Published 03/20/22