In today's episode: we talk about big blogs that are moving to Medium, and the case against doing that, along with whether you should be lazy or driven in order to do meaningful work.
Published 12/10/15
Ep. 11: Need Some Motivation Right Now? Listen to This IMMEDIATELY by fizzle.fm
Published 12/01/15
Today we're talking about three typically "startup" concerns: unicorns, growth hacking and minimum viable products. But wait! Stick with me because these issues are just as important for bootstrappers and lifestyle entrepreneurs.
Published 11/11/15
Today we have a great question to cover about how many visitors or subscribers you need before you can monetize your website. We also talk about how can you do it without losing readers or subscribers.
Published 10/30/15
On today’s episode we’re talking about how to explain what makes your business special. The marketing term for it is the "unique selling proposition," and we'll get into some great examples, along with how to stay focused on your USP after launch.
Published 10/29/15
In today's episode, I share four simple practices and apps that improve my productivity every day. I’ve tried lots of productivity hacks over the years, and these are the ones that have stuck because they're easy and effective.
Published 10/29/15
Today's question comes from a listener named Tim who had a post go massively viral (and unexpectedly so) this week. After receiving over 450,000 Facebook shares, we dive into how Tim can harness some of this new found popularity.
Published 10/28/15
Becoming an expert at something can take a very long time. What if you want to earn a living using the new skill, while you're still learning it? We share four potential ways to do it in this episode.
Published 10/26/15
This week's episode of the show is all about finding a great business name. Finding a name is HARD these days, with seemingly every possible option already taken. In this episode I share some tricks for finding available names other people might not be thinking about. I also talk about what experts agree makes a truly great name.
Published 10/22/15
Nine essential questions to ask yourself when choosing a business idea, what's lost when most people work from home, and how to conquer the last mile of a project.
Published 10/14/15
In this episode, we talk about happiness and productivity, building company culture and how I turn one piece of content into nine (and gain 550% reach for just a couple hours of effort).
Published 10/12/15
In this episode, I share 7 of the biggest lessons I've learned during 10 years of entrepreneurship. This was in preparation for a talk I'm giving at the Pioneer Nation conference in Oregon.
Published 10/08/15
The best places to live and work around the world, building and working for remote teams, how to use Facebook and other social media without being distracted, and is it better to "be everywhere" and use lots of different social media platforms, or should you choose just one or two?
Published 10/08/15
The Fizzle small business roadmap, comparing yourself to the wrong people and (audience question) building a business around your ideal lifestyle
Published 10/07/15
Today's episode: humble beginnings of the biggest sites on the web, one page business plans and 100 days without fear.
Published 10/06/15
Today's episode: finding yourself, the truth about passive income, toxic work environments and turning down millions in VC funding.
Published 10/05/15