Chip continues his series, “Portrait of a Father,” with some good advice for dad’s of all ages. Whether you have kids in preschool or grandkids graduating from college, this message will resonate with you.
Published 05/24/24
Chip will ask and answer 4 key questions that every father must address if he’s going to lead his family well.
Published 05/23/24
Chip begins a series he calls, “Portrait of a Father.” In this message, he shares the first of 4 key areas that every dad needs to know to lead a happy, healthy home.
Published 05/22/24
In this program, Chip addresses why parents see their children walk away from their Christian faith. He explains the Principle of Relationship and gives you eight ways to bond with your children in a way that’ll keep them close to you and close to God, even in the midst of a culture actively working to cause division.
Published 05/21/24
Chip delves deep into the Principle of Focus and the Principle of Modeling, when it comes to raising a healthy family in a culture that doesn’t value the nuclear family of the Bible.
Published 05/20/24
Chip reveals more from Proverbs 31, looking at a godly woman’s impact and her reward. As she faithfully pursues God, in her mission to raise a healthy family, her children will not only survive, but her children will thrive and be a blessing to everyone around them.
Published 05/17/24
Chip opens this program with Proverbs 31, looking at a godly woman’s character, as it’s expressed in her home, her work, her marriage, her ministry, and in planning and priorities.
Published 05/16/24
Special moments with people we love are priceless. And once in awhile we experience the pure joy of gathering and really enjoying one another’s company. Do you know God’s preparing a place where His children will enjoy those priceless relationships - forever? Theresa Ingram reminds us that that’s God’s promise.
Published 05/15/24
Some people hug better than other people. Sometimes it feels like you’re hugging a 2 x 4, and other times it’s so soft and cushy it almost feels like you can’t breathe. Great aunts hug that way! Did you know God loves to give hugs? He does! How does He do that? Theresa Ingram answers that question in this program.
Published 05/14/24
Near the end of His time on earth, Jesus told His disciples, I have a new commandment for you; from this point forward, I want you to love one another, as I have loved you. Which begs the question: How do we do the impossible? Theresa Ingram answers that question by sharing the practicalities of what it looks like to love like Jesus loved.
Published 05/13/24
One of the things we know about Jesus, He was practical. He told the disciples to feed a crowd and then provided the food. He taught about grace and then rescued a woman caught in adultery. He taught about serving one another, and then died on the cross, as the ultimate sacrifice. Practical love is powerful. In this program, Theresa Ingram brings a message about the practical love of Christ that meets you right where you are - when you need it the most.
Published 05/10/24
Have you noticed that life’s greatest disappointments come after your greatest anticipation? They’re proportional. In this program, Theresa Ingram shares one of the greatest disappointments in her life - and then, the REST of the story. Don’t miss it!
Published 05/09/24
Do you feel defined by your mistakes? No matter what you’ve gone through, what you see as a damaged or tattered life, God sees every one of His children as a masterpiece, displaying His glory. If you’re struggling to believe that’s true, join Theresa Ingram, as she shares her story and why we can hold on to God’s promises.
Published 05/08/24
People aren’t perfect. No matter how much we wish it were otherwise, they let us down. And no matter how hard we try, the fact is, we let them down, too. Do you know there’s a love that never, ever fails? Join Theresa Ingram for this program, as she shares a very personal story about how she learned God’s love never fails.
Published 05/07/24
How many times have you said to yourself, “If I’d only known -” Knowing changes our conversations. It changes our attitudes. Knowing changes our priorities. In this program, Theresa Ingram talks about one of those priceless, “If I’d only known -” revelations about the greatest love we can ever know.
Published 05/06/24
Blended families - if you’re in one, you know how hard “blending” can be. Join Chip as he shares, from first hand experience, some of the pitfalls to avoid, how to hang in when you feel like you may have made a mistake, and the great joy that can come as the reward for your faithfulness and perseverance.
Published 05/03/24
Is there hope for single parents and blended families to experience true joy and peace - to find rest and strength in the midst of the journey? In this session, Chip is joined by his wife Theresa to share her story of single parenthood and how God carried her through that difficult time in her life. Whether you’re a single parent, a blended family, or just someone looking for a little encouragement, you’ll want to listen to this hope-filled message.
Published 05/02/24
When it comes to technology, ignorance could be lethal - especially when it has to do with your children. In this message, Chip is joined by his son Ryan for a candid discussion about technology and specific ways to protect your entire family from the dangers of unrestricted access to the internet.
Published 05/01/24
Technology is perhaps the most powerful force in the world today. It’s been used to start revolutions, to bring down political leaders, to launch careers, and much more. But the fact is, what you don’t know about technology could be devastating to your children. Chip is joined in this session by his son Ryan to talk about technology and your kids.
Published 04/30/24
As an adult, how do you honor your parents - especially if they have been less than honorable? Join Chip as he explores this difficult and controversial issue with candor and biblical guidance.
Published 04/29/24
Would you like to create an environment with your children that would foster respect, honor, and love? An environment in which obedience was expected and received? It IS possible and in this teaching, Chip takes a look at your child’s role in building a close-knit family.
Published 04/26/24
When it comes to raising your kids do you ever feel like a human ping-pong ball? One day all is well and the next day World War 3 breaks out! Would you like to regain control, set clear boundaries, and develop an atmosphere of love and respect in your home? Well, look no further, because in this message, Chip shows you how to parent with love and limits, and regain your sanity!
Published 04/25/24
You want your kids to turn out well. You want to have a great relationship with them when they’re grown. You want them to love God and others. So how do you get there? In this message, Chip looks at God’s design for successful parenting.
Published 04/24/24
Raising children is the most difficult and rewarding experience you will ever go through. Do you believe that? The fact is most of us can relate to the “difficult” part pretty well and we’re hoping to stumble across the “rewarding” part soon! In this message, Chip shares some biblical insight on how to raise kids who know how to love God, love others, and love you.
Published 04/23/24
We all long to be good parents. We want to see our children grow up to be godly, responsible, loving people. But the fact is that for most of us the joy of parenting is mixed with a strong dose of frustration, guilt, and anxiety. Would you like to know how to raise your kids without regrets and find joy in the process? If so, join Chip as he begins this series: House or Home: God’s Blueprint for Biblical Parenting.
Published 04/22/24