Scott Stapley got married in 2013, and two years later, after trying for kids, he and his wife realized they needed to get tested. After a sperm sample yielded nothing, Scott went to a urologist who recommended genetic testing. Finding out he had Klinefelter syndrome; he tried Micro-Tese surgery shortly after.
Published 06/05/23
Seth and Erin have a son named Chipper, who was diagnosed with Klinefelter syndrome in utero from non-invasive prenatal testing. They have embraced their son's diagnosis, and Chipper has met all his milestones.
Published 06/03/23
Nathan Johns started trying for kids around 28 years old. After trying for over a year and nothing, he went in for testing. He was told he had a low sperm count and low testosterone, but no further testing was done. After his first marriage failed he met his second wife with her knowing he couldn't have kids. Nathan ended up using embryo adoption and later learned he had Klinefelter syndrome.
Published 05/31/23
Mother Kendra and Son Blake Dill talk about what it's like going thru high school. Blake is 16 years old, a sophomore, and plays in the high school band.  After a routine checkup while pregnant, the doctors told her Blake had XXY. 
Published 03/16/23
Recently Ryan Bregante and Kelsey Fuglsby had the opportunity to be guest speakers at Hunter College in NYC. The Class is called Abnormal Psychology which has roughly 100 students. This video is just a few of the highlights from our hour-long conversation.    1-500 men are born with Klinefelter syndrome, a genetic condition in which males are born with an extra X chromosome. Ryan was born with XXY and is the founder and president of Living with XXY Nonprofit. Kelsey Fuglsby is the mother of...
Published 03/11/23
Charlie Plaisance got married when he was 27 and felt old enough to start trying for kids immediately. After trying for some time, he and his wife decided to get testing done. After giving a sperm sample, charlie learned he had three immobile sperm and later found out he would be diagnosed with Klinefelter syndrome (47 XXY).  Charlie and his wife ended up trying Micro-Tese and IVF, which was a success.  They are three amazing and unique kids and their family is complete for now....
Published 03/09/23
This podcast is from a recent speaking engagement at New York University. The class is applied psychology, and the course is Sexual Identities Across the Lifespan. Ryan Bregante was born with Klinefelter syndrome and is the founder and president of Living with XXY. Kelsey Fuglsby is a mother to a 13-year-old boy, Elliott, who was diagnosed with XXY after birth.  
Published 03/02/23
Jennifer Fritz Voige is the mother of a teenager named Toby, a freshman at a big new high school.  Jennifer talks about her personal experience advocating for her son's needs.  www.livingwithxxy.org
Published 02/23/23
Ted Clark was concerned about the size of his testicles when his girlfriend, a nurse, said they appeared smaller. Going to the doctor with his concerns, his doctor said there might be a tumor in his brain suppressing the growth. After ruling that out, more testing was ordered, and Ted discovered he has Mosaic Klinefelter syndrome (47 XXY). Ted shares the details of his fertility journey. After a successful Micro-Tese and IVF, he now has a beautiful daughter.  www.livingwithxxy.org
Published 02/16/23
Richard Martinez jumps right into sharing the details about his life while trying to have kids with his wife.  Many questions came up on why nothing was happening.  After a diagnosis of Klinefelter syndrome (47 XXY), Richard and his wife went with donor sperm.  Richard shares his personal experience about his diagnosis and why sharing your story matters. They have two twin girls. www.livingwithxxy.org
Published 02/09/23
Matt Dalley is 25 years old and living in Provo, Utah.  After getting married at 21, Matt and his wife Katie wanted to be young parents.  A year of trying with no luck led the doctors to start testing his wife. Matt ended up going to the doctor with a varicose vein in his s*****m, which led him to a sperm test.  Ultimately finding out that he had Klinefelter syndrome.  www.livingwithxxy.org
Published 02/02/23
Ryan Turesson is from Brisbane, Australia. In 2007, he was trying for kids with his partner. Nothing was happening, so she went in for fertility testing. Her tests returned, saying nothing was wrong. So Ryan went in for testing and later found out he had Klinefelter syndrome. Learning he was sterile and couldn't have kids was devastating, sending him into a dark depression. They decided to do donor sperm since adoption in Australia is extremely difficult.  Ryan is now a father to two unique...
Published 01/26/23
Yvette Maano is the mother of a young boy named Sammy. During her pregnancy, she was flagged for her baby boy having Klinefelter syndrome.  After her diagnosis, her doctor handed her outdated information and asked if she wanted an abortion.  After she declined, her doctor asked her if she was sure about her decision which left her feeling frustrated that she wasn't making a good decision.  www.livingwithxxy.org
Published 01/22/23
Ariel Ze'evi might be the first man to share his story openly with the world from Israel. Ariel was diagnosed with Klinefelter syndrome while trying to create a family with his wife. He hid his diagnosis from family and friends for many years.  After a successful Micro-Tese surgery and two beautiful boys, Ariel speaks out to break the stigma.  He hopes that sharing his story will inspire others to come forward in his country, to create community, and save baby boys from termination....
Published 01/18/23
Jared Pike was diagnosed with Klinefelter syndrome nearly 10 years ago while trying to have kids. After trying for more than five years and multiple sperm tests,  a new doctor suggested doing a Karyotype. With his wife's support, Jared decided to take a year off from their fertility journey to process, understand, learn and grieve his new diagnosis.  Jared explains in incredible detail how this journey improved his life.
Published 01/15/23
Jake Gray, at the age of 25, found out about his XXY diagnosis while his wife was being tested for some health concerns. The doctor wanted to try Jake for fertility since his wife was flagged for FMA.  At 25, he was in shock and denial about his diagnosis.  Now 27, Jake is a new father to a baby boy after choosing to use donor sperm.  Jake dives deep into the process, emotional stresses, and costs of using a donor. Jakes's Biography can be found Here. 
Published 11/01/22
After Sierra Westley Wilson became pregnant at 27, she wanted to know the gender of their baby, so they did NIPT, and they were told they had a 36% chance of their baby having Klinefelter syndrome.  Once her son was born, they did a routine blood draw, and two weeks later, they learned their son had 48, XXXY. 
Published 10/25/22
In 2021, the day after Christmas, Elliott was hanging out with his niece and nephew, who were 8 and 12. The kids were telling him that he was a fantastic uncle. Suddenly his niece told him he couldn't have kids and that he could adopt if he wanted to. He felt they knew something he didn't know. Elliott Day, from Scotland, in his late 30s, looked into getting his medical records from the NHS. He was diagnosed very young, but no one bothered to tell him.
Published 10/18/22
At 41 years old, Ryan Brown opens up to spread more awareness about his life with Klinefelter syndrome.  When he had been trying to have kids with his ex-wife for over a year, the doctors recommended they both do fertility testing. After a sperm sample and a series of other tests, Ryan discovered he had XXY.  Ryan is now on track to compete in bodybuilding and is a head chef at a group home. 
Published 10/11/22
Jennifer Fritz Voige spent eight agonizing years trying to find her son's Klinefelter syndrome diagnosis.  At the age of 5, Toby started to show challenges after they took away his nap.  In kindergarten, his teachers noticed some blank stares and let Jennifer know something might be happening. This was the start of their long journey.  Toby, now at 14 after his diagnosis in December of 2021, is thriving and started on TRT,  making huge strides toward success.
Published 10/04/22
Gareth Landy was the first person on our podcast from Ireland. He was diagnosed with Klinefelter syndrome while trying to start a family.  Gareth did his first podcast in March of 2021. Since March, he has been on a mission to raise awareness about male infertility. Gareth talks about his experience and becomes an advocate for other men across western Europe and his fight to normalize life with XXY. With the help of a sperm donor, Gareth and his wife went thru 3 rounds of IVF before falling...
Published 09/20/22
Jose Ferreira was diagnosed with Klinefelter syndrome while trying to have kids with his wife. A doctor gave them a blood test, and Jose had no idea what XXY was. After learning he was infertile, he experienced mixed emotions and finally realized there was some answer to knowing why he was different. He never thought it was related to his diagnosis. After his diagnosis, he was in denial for years, pushed away support, and tried to live everyday life.  Now Jose has come to a level of...
Published 09/13/22
Whitney Lance received a prenatal diagnosis of Klinefelter syndrome via email from the hospital after a NIPT. In big red letters, it read XXY. Her doctor urged her to see a geneticist, and Whitney panicked and went to google. The geneticist printed information directly from google and didn't have much more information to share. 
Published 09/06/22
Bradford Stucki was diagnosed with Klinefelter syndrome/47 XXY while trying to create a family with his wife.  After his diagnosis, their quest to create a family turned to adoption. Despite his diagnosis, Bradford went on to earn his Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Science.  Bradford is a Licensed Marriage and family therapist with 7+ years of experience working with individuals, couples, parents, children (ages 5-12), and families with many relationships and mental health challenges....
Published 08/30/22
A very special daughter from donor sperm shares her unique story.  She learned about her father having XXY 30 years after she was born from DNA testing. Make sure you grab your tissues for her captivating story.  By far one of the most extraordinary stories in the entire podcasting community.  
Published 08/23/22