Namaste, Are you reaching out to the right person when you make a sales call?
Published 01/21/19
Have you as an Entrepreneur thought of using any "Physical Gestures" to make yourself stand you?
Published 01/19/19
As an Entrepreneur what would you do differently if you were not afraid of anything?
Published 01/18/19
If you have a Business partner or if you run things by someone in your business then make sure that you involve them upfront in the decision making process
Published 01/17/19
Have you earned the right in a business conversation
Published 01/16/19
Most people while selling rarely call up people whom they know personally to get help in their sales effort
Published 01/15/19
As an Entrepreneur do you ever reference a historical figure that inspires you to make business decisions?
Published 01/14/19
There are some things as an Entrepreneur that you just can’t “Delegate” to anyone in your team..
Published 01/12/19
Do you and your sales team have a plan every night for the sales activities to be done the next d
Published 01/11/19
Have realistic expectations from young Interns who join your team — they are super high on “Enthusiasm” and super low on Practical “Experience”. As long as this difference is clear, you will be happy with their performance!
Published 01/10/19
Do you know which marketing channels to focus on based on your marketing spend and expected Cost Per Lead?
Published 01/09/19
Pre-empt a delivery centric objection upfront when a sales deal is getting closed
Published 01/08/19
Do not underestimate the power of having a white board in your office room
Published 01/07/19
Do you know how to preempt an expected objection during a sales call?
Published 01/05/19
How to analyze a Marketing campaign end to end In a simple and practical manner
Published 01/04/19
Find "White Space" in your line of business and drive that area to stand out.
Published 01/03/19
A sales technique on how to have your potential customer ask all of his questions upfront and then answer them later one at a time and close a deal.
Published 01/02/19
Are you pushing your visiting card hard enough? If your mindset while pushing the card is right then keep pushing your visiting card by all means.
Published 01/01/19
What is your final strategy to close a proposal when everything is right but the deal is still not getting closed? Figure out your high value offering done over a super short time to demonstrate value and do it for FREE!!
Published 12/31/18
Don't have enough money to spend on Marketing? Then know how to invest your time instead for your brand and consider that to be your marketing spend
Published 12/29/18
The smarter we get in our business, the weaker we get sometimes in our sales pitch.
Published 12/28/18
A 50 lakh Risk and a 5 crore risk are pretty much the same Incase you don't have either amount to pay today . Risk bigger to Succeed bigger .
Published 12/27/18
With time the value proposition of your product or service might change. Get good at recognising that and handling the market accordingly.
Published 12/26/18
At times "Honesty" is the best referral strategy to get referrals from your existing customer.
Published 12/25/18
A confrontation handling tip in business - When you are about to confront someone, do have a mindset of gratefulness towards that person and then start engaging with the person.
Published 12/24/18