Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – This is by far one of my favorite topics to educate people about, and understanding these basic principles has presented so much less anxiety, so much less stress, and much shorter labor and delivery terms than ever giving birth on a bed, laying on your back in a hospital, eating ice chips! If you would like a smooth transition to be able to get pregnant, reduce miscarriages, improve and shorten the...
Published 04/30/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy – In today's hectic and ever-bustling lives, we can easily lose track of our calm, serenity, and grounding. When we hear ourselves say comments like “I have to” instead of “I get to” or “I would love to, but I do not have the time,” we are probably veering off the healthy life path. How to overcome and replenish to feel overjoyed with your wonderful life again...
Published 04/27/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – Knowledge gained in God-given ways to uncover and heal ailments can be an amazing lifelong journey, but it can also be a legacy left for future generations. There are numerous avenues to learn aspects of natural health and a plethora of career opportunities within the field of natural health and wellness. If you are just starting on your path to natural wellness education or you have...
Published 04/26/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – Just as a builder knows a strong foundation is key to a well to a well-built house, a healer knows that a healthy belief system is key to a strong body and mind. Basing your beliefs on philosophies that injure the body and mind will never inspire true healing to occur. Medicine that injures the cell is NOT medicine. So, what IS medicine?
Published 04/25/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett – Most of us would never think of certain things, such as nosebleeds or obsessive-compulsive behaviors related to anything other than the organ itself. If you were a parent and someone in your family had a nosebleed, you may be thinking the cause is the nose. You may start investigating the issue by asking them questions about the possibility of a sinus infection, excessive dryness in the...
Published 04/24/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – We are going to the top article seen in health this week for Americans; in the summer of 2023, there was a 20% rise in heat-related health emergencies across the United States. This uprise, of course, is being blamed on global warming; however, you should hear my opinions about why this is happening in the second segment...
Published 04/23/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy – One of the lifestyle habits that the Healing Homies use at least once a year, and often 2 or 3 times every year, is parasite cleansing. Sweet wormwood, black walnut hulls, and cloves are the most traditional triple antiparasitic formulas used, but there are so many more options that the Healing Homies will share with you in this episode...
Published 04/20/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – Often described as "outsourced homeschooling," homeschooling is free from the bureaucracy, standardized tests, and mandatory curriculum that define today's public school system. It is also free to incorporate God, faith, and prayer into everyday teaching. 250,000 micro-schools have sprung up in the US in the last few years...
Published 04/19/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – Dr. H recounts this experience and other brushes with death in his life. From a young age, he learned that the inevitability of death is not something to be feared but appreciated for its ability to help us live a life of joy and wonder. Our time on this earth is limited, and we get to choose the legacy we will leave behind, always knowing there is something better waiting for us on the other side...
Published 04/18/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett – Being in a relationship with our bodies is really no different from being in a relationship with a friend to whom you would provide respect, care, and honor. One of the ways we show respect, care, and honor to what should be our best friend, the body, is by tuning in and listening and paying attention to these miraculous flesh suits that the Creator has blessed us with...
Published 04/17/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – Some of the benefits you are going to learn about have proven to help prevent reverse Neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. To improve cardiovascular disease, reversing a weak heart's ability to pump blood even enhanced. Something called the ejection fraction, which is how much blood is pumped by the heart to the rest of the body, just supplementing taurine for a few months...
Published 04/17/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy – What is it they are so afraid of with these powerful plant healers of nicotine and tobacco? Could they provide powerful healing against a multiplicity of dis-eases and inflammation? Disorientation, anxiety, hopelessness, suicidal ideations, and memory/dementia issues are all real things with the broadcast of these harmful 5G frequencies. Take a listen to find out...
Published 04/13/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – Toxins can find their way into our homes in a number of ways. For instance, new furniture, blankets, rugs, cleaning supplies, radiation, light bulbs, water, skincare, pesticides, and many more can increase the toxic load of our home environment. Some toxins, like mold, can grow within our homes in conditions that encourage mold growth and induce illness. Understanding the ways...
Published 04/12/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – The Electric Nutrition series and delves deeper into the book, The Body Electric, discussing the antibacterial properties of colloidal silver and copper and their role as conductors of electricity in the body. Through Dr. Becker’s work on regeneration, we learn of the importance of DC voltage and specific frequencies to inspire healing and regeneration within the cells...
Published 04/11/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett – Nothing we observe that happens in our bodies is by accident. NOTHING. Once you tune into your body and start paying attention, you will start to notice the "language" that it's using to speak to you. We need to live in partnership with our bodies and participate with them in the same way we would participate in any meaningful relationship...
Published 04/10/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – What are the most common cardiovascular disease states and symptoms that the majority of people worldwide are struggling with today? Heart disease is still one of the number one causes of death and all of America and around the world each year. If you or a loved one has ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure or hardening of their arteries, ever had a heart attack, or have...
Published 04/09/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy – Overall optimal health will benefit all who choose to listen, learn, grow, and research. Topics discussed include dangerous AI on the rise and what the experts warn, ways to detox in daily routines, telling outward signs the body gives to internal health, and natural ways to look at, prevent, and fight tetanus...
Published 04/06/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – Detoxifying strengthens the immune system, rejuvenates cell renewal, boosts mental health, restores balance, and helps your systems function correctly. We explore many of the simple, effective, and accessible ways to flush toxins from the body, such as quality sleep, time absorbing sunshine, laughter, massage, acupressure, and certain foods and drinks...
Published 04/05/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – Dr. H introduces the role of positively and negatively charged ions within the body. He discusses how targeted nutrition and grounding can work together to initiate healing and allow your body to accumulate electrons and recharge. A brief overview of the role of proteins, specifically the positively charged spike glycoprotein, sheds light on its potential for damage to the cells and disorder...
Published 04/04/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett – We need to change our mindset to embrace that illness is not a collection of symptoms but rather a display of the lack of the ability of the body to adapt. We need to take responsibility for the fact that everything we have become is a direct result of everything we have done. We need to restructure our consciousness and reclaim our health as our God-given birthright, and stop allowing the dark energies to rob that from us...
Published 04/03/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – There are several minerals also that are proven to help combat allergy and asthma reactions. There’s also a type of fungus that gets inside our intestines that is directly linked to every food, allergy, and extrinsic and intrinsic allergy reaction that we carry, and that fungus can be easily identified and removed to either stop asthma and allergies or to lower or reduce overall suffering...
Published 04/02/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy – Dr. H provides a recap of the EMF guide recommendations and main takeaways from his show this week on Electric Nutrition. He also answers listener questions, leading to an impromptu adult conversation about the power of God’s love and the lesson of grace. He reminds listeners that it is our differences that make us stronger...
Published 03/30/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – There are many ways to support and encourage healthy sibling bonding at any age. Encouraging children at any age to pray for each other can promote empathy and closeness between siblings. Designating specific family moments free from tech for shared activities creates opportunities for siblings to bond on a deeper level. Moments such as traveling together, creating or building something all can...
Published 03/29/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – Electrons launch every activity in your body's cells. You are an electrical being surrounded by the world's energy. Electrical frequencies, depending on their charge, can be deeply healing or deeply harmful. Is it possible that the things that help you heal also help to recharge your body? And that the things that cause disease are draining energy from your body?
Published 03/28/24
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett – We must offer a sincere "thank you" to the plandemic for doing such a wonderful job of scaring a significant portion of the population away from the Western medicine system. The holistic health care approach is very different from the Western system and asks very different things of the participant: things that they are most likely completely unaware of and never saw coming...
Published 03/27/24