Today's episode is a relationship changer that will help you resolve your conflicts and misunderstandings. Taken from the book The Servant Marriage, we'll discuss the six steps to truly understand your spouse.  For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Servant Marriage.
Published 06/22/17
In today's episode, we're going to demystify the issue about groping. What makes groping a lot different when you were just dating and what makes it an area of misunderstanding for those who are already married. For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Intimacy: A 100-Day Guide to Lasting Relationships.
Published 06/21/17
Kindness starts at home and it all begins with you and your spouse. It's the oil inside the engine of your marriage. If your relationship is not in the best form right now, you should listen to this episode to learn more how kindness can make a difference in your relationship.  For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book 7 Love Agreements.
Published 06/20/17
Women are complex sexual beings but have simple needs, so simple, that men often times over analyze. In today's discussion, we're going to talk about how exactly you're going to tick those switch that will turn your partner on and get your relationship to its next level.  For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the DVD Best Sex for Men.
Published 06/19/17
Many relationships go upside down because along the way, the sweet, loving, and religious husband they knew turns out to be a sex addict. When you get the shock of your life that your husband is a sex addict what will you do? In today's episode, we'll talk about five things you're supposed to do to get over this traumatic experience. For more information, go to https://sexaddict.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the DVD Now That I Know What Should I Do.
Published 06/16/17
The foundation of relationships are the moments shared between the couples or partners. Some have good memories and others would sometimes rather forget it. In today's episode, we're going to talk about how you're going to ensure you're building great memories to reminisce down the road. For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book The Ten-Minute Marriage Principle.
Published 06/15/17
Arguments and problems will inevitably find it's way into your relationships. It's one of the realities of life that no matter how great a relationship you have right now, conflicts and problems will arise.   So today, what we're going to discuss is how to ensure that even if you get into an argument with your partner, you're still solving the problem.  For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book The Ten-Minute Marriage...
Published 06/14/17
There's a variety of sex addictions but in general, these sex addictions can be subdivided into six types. In today's episode, you'll learn about the six types and some tips on how you can differentiate and identify each of them. For more information, go to https://sexaddict.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book The Final Freedom.
Published 06/13/17
There will always come a time when your wife may not consent to have sex with you but the more important part is knowing her reasons so you don't get into any conflict. Understanding your wife or partner's sexual appetite, physical and mental health means a lot in your relationship. For more information, go to https://intimacyanorexia.com/ or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Intimacy Anorexia: Healing the Hidden Addiction in Your Marriage.
Published 06/12/17
Think about, when you said I do, you've literally agreed to have sex probably a thousand times with your husband or wife. In this episode, you will learn our tried and tested tips to help you make your sex life more fulfilling and mutually satisfying.  For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book The Ten Minute Marriage Principle.
Published 06/09/17
Believe it or not, there are six types of cheaters and you may be in a relationship with one. So today, we're going to discuss and understand some of the tell-tale signs of a cheater, which type cheater he or she is, and how this can help you manage if not resolved a cheating partner. For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Addicted to Adultery.
Published 06/08/17
Trust is fragile and betrayal is the last thing you need if you want to build a strong, lasting relationship. What happens after someone betrays you? Should you trust again and risk yourself with emotional grief and pain the second time around? For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Partners: Healing from His Addiction.
Published 06/07/17
Betrayal is one of the most devastating events that can happen in your relationship, whether it's your partner or a friend, betrayal can ruin you if you don't know how to handle this.  Today we're going to understand the intricate maze of what betrayal is, what you should do about it, and how you can move on. For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Partners: Healing from His Addiction.
Published 06/06/17
In today's episode, we're going to talk about the impact of men's pornography on their female partners. Can pornography actually make your wife or partner fat? Listen to this episode to learn more about this topic. For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Partners: Healing from His Addiction.
Published 06/05/17
When was the last time you've dated your wife? Simple question, but in many couples, they will have a hard time trying to recall that last date. The truth is, dating fades soon after the wedding. But should you even stop dating after getting married? That's what we're going to talk about in today's episode so be sure to stick around.  For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Servant Marriage.
Published 06/01/17
You may be out of prison and free as can be, but addictions can make you feel incarcerated in ways many will not understand. Today's episode is particularly dedicated to helping people like you who are battling the strongholds of addiction in your life, whether it's sex addiction, drug addiction, be sure to listen to this insightful discussion on how you can break free. For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Get A Grip.
Published 05/22/17
Drug use, sex, alcohol, those are just some of the most common addictions. But there are many other forms of addiction that you may not know you already have. Today’s episode is all about finding out whether you’ve developed an addiction. We have a nine-step questionnaire that will help you determine whether you’re addicted or not.  For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Get A Grip and the book Recovery for Everyone.
Published 05/20/17
Anxiety is imaginary, unreal, and untrue, but it can devastate your life and cost you a lot of stress that could potentially ruin your health, relationship, and confidence. In today’s episode, we will discuss the tools to help you not only get rid of anxiety and other emotional stresses but be the master of your feelings. Get pen and paper ready for notes! For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Emotional Fitness.
Published 05/20/17
We're advised to forgive others because it's good for us. But, we often neglect the fact it's not only the other people we ought to forgive, but more importantly, we have to forgive ourselves.  Do you feel guilty about your past mistakes, your terrible choices, stupid decisions? Be sure to listen to this episode! For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Emotional Fitness.
Published 05/20/17
Today’s topic is a continuation of the detoxification process and that it is detoxifying by forgiving others. I know it’s hard to forgive if you’ve been wronged, abused, or used, and there are probably a hundred justifications why you are withholding that forgiveness. But today, we’re going to talk about why you should forgive, even if it hurts. For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Emotional Fitness.
Published 05/20/17
Anger that remains in us long after the actual experience is a poison that can kill us, both literally and emotionally. It’s a slow but sure toxin that if left unchecked will cause havoc in our relationships and in our life. So today, we’re going to discuss how you can detoxify yourself from anger and get rid of the detrimental effects of harboring anger in our hearts. For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Emotional...
Published 05/20/17
A relationship without intimacy is like a glass without water. Intimacy is what fills the void in a relationship. Unfortunately, not everyone has that intimate connection with their partners. So today, we’re giving you three simple, actionable tips that you can apply in your relationship today in order to build a more intimate and tightly-knit relationship. For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Intimacy: A 100-Day...
Published 05/20/17
Feeling misunderstood, frustrated, unmet, unheard, rejected, and shamed? These feelings come from a deep-seated issue when your sexual voice is shut. Today we’re going to talk about your sexual voice, what it is, how it effects relationships, and how you can make sure that in your relationship, your sexual voices are heard and given the attention it deserves. For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Intimacy: A...
Published 05/20/17
Intimacy anorexia is probably something you’ve only heard of today. You may not even know if you’re part of this group of people. If you want to find out if you are in a relationship where either you or your partner have this problem then be sure to stick around as we discuss and help you examine if you have the symptoms of intimacy anorexia. For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. There is more on this topic in the book Married and Alone and Intimacy Anorexia.
Published 05/19/17
The satisfaction you will get from your sexual encounter with your partner or spouse will depend on the mindset you have about sex. The problem is, not everyone’s brain is wired that way that’s why many feel frustrated, dissatisfied. In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about how you can optimize your brain so you can have a crazy and incredibly satisfying sex life. For more information, go to https://drdougweiss.com or call 719-278-3708. 
Published 05/19/17