Have you ever wanted to know how you can have a flexible schedule and travel the world? In this week's episode, Jeff and Chelsea Brinkley share their tips and tricks on how they created a life they love to live working remotely and traveling. If you want to travel more and/or have a flexible work schedule, this episode is for you. Episode Show Notes http://www.peachandpinehome.com/shownotes/10 Instagram.com/peachandpinehome Instagram.com/lovewhereyoulivepodcast
Published 09/03/19
“How do I figure out my design style and create a cohesive look for my home?”  Narrowing down your “style” in advance can really help you make better design decisions long term and help you create a space that you really love. A cohesive house is SO important, and we'll explore how to create that in this episode! IG: www.instagram.com/peachandpinehome IG: www.instagram.com/lovewhereyoulivepodcast Podcast Page: www.peachandpinehome.com/podcast Shownotes: www.peachandpinehome.com/shownotes/9
Published 08/27/19
Kyle Levy is a Nashville-based woodworker and craftsman who has done AMAZING work for many of our clients. He has a passion for his craft that is inspiring and attention to detail that will rival anyone. He loves fixing things and helping people, so he created his first company, I Can Fix That For You, to help people BY fixing things. Through his work as a handyman, Kyle found the thing he loved most was woodworking. Since starting his new company, Broken Compass Woodworking, Kyle has never...
Published 08/20/19
Today we want to talk more about renovations. Last week we told you guys the story of our most recent renovation. While DIY is great, sometimes you just need help. I’m sure this won’t surprise any of you, but we think that if you’re looking for help, an interior designer should be your first thought. We want to take some time today to shed some light on what exactly interior designers do and explain how they (we) can help the renovation process flow from beginning to end.
Published 08/13/19
If you haven't listened to part 1 of our interview with the Lavenders, be sure to check that out BEFORE listening to part 2 here. On this episode, we chat about how the Lavenders' love for design and renovation didn't change with Derek's accident. They specifically designed their new home to be accessible, which allowed it to be named as one of Dwell's "top 9 accessible homes that champion inclusive design." LeAnne has also started helping other families create beautiful and accessible designs.
Published 08/06/19
Part 1 of our interview with Derek and LeAnne Lavender. As newlyweds, Derek and LeAnne's first home was a 400 square foot garage which they renovated into a loft-style apartment. While renovating another home on the same property, life was flipped upside down when Derek was in an accident that left him paralyzed from the chest down. In this episode Derek and LeAnne talk about the beginning of their renovation journey and the accident that has shaped the last 3 years of their lives.
Published 07/30/19
Approximately 36.6% of people in America are renters, which is the highest that stat has been in almost 50 years in the US. There’s a really wide range of people that are renting too, with over 40% of renters being over the age of 45. So it’s clear that there are A LOT of you out there who are home-renters. A lot of times, rentals come with restrictions. While these restrictions are realities, there are things that you can do to make your rental feel like a home. 
Published 07/23/19
Tim and Sydney live in Astoria, Queens just outside of Manhattan. Sydney is a photographer and actress, an incredible talent in the world of musical theater. Her husband, Tim, is a teacher, pastor, and podcaster in New York City. They are not only our family, but our best friends, and we are so excited to have them on the podcast today talking about living in small spaces in New York City! Podcast Page: www.peachandpinehome.com/podcast Show Notes: www.peachandpinehome.com/shownotes/4
Published 07/16/19
Renovations are tough. How many times have you wondered, “Is this really worth it?” Are you there now? Have you been there before? Or are you worried to get started so that you don’t get to that point? Well today on the podcast, we share our most recent renovation story...a story in which we asked that question quite a bit. Spoiler alert: it was worth it! Podcast Page: www.peachandpinehome.com/podcast Show Notes: www.peachandpinehome.com/shownotes/3
Published 07/16/19
We are so excited to have Chris and Jodi of Love & The Outcome on the podcast today! Have you ever wondered how to feel "at home" when your job takes you all over?? Or maybe the idea of feeling settled is foreign to you for a different reason. Listen today to hear Chris and Jodi talk about making home wherever they are, whether that’s living in a Jetta touring across Canada or in their Nashville home. Podcast Page: www.peachandpinehome.com/podcast Show Notes:...
Published 07/16/19
Making choices and how to make design decisions will come up a lot on this podcast, so we wanted to explore it right out of the gate! Decision fatigue can discourage anyone, and with the million-bajillion choices available to us on the internet, it’s no wonder that you sometimes have a hard time pulling the trigger. We want to help you move past decision fatigue with a few easy steps. Podcast Page: www.peachandpinehome.com/podcast Show Notes: www.peachandpinehome.com/shownotes/1
Published 07/16/19
Welcome to Love Where You Live, hosts Jeremy and Chandler Quarles tackle ALL-THINGS home related! Jeremy and Chandler are an interior design team in Nashville, TN. Since starting Peach and Pine Home, they’ve changed the lives of families all throughout middle Tennessee by transforming the spaces in which they live. In this podcast you’ll hear practical knowledge EVERY WEEK on everything from planning full scale renovations to updating small spaces in your home. We hope you enjoy!
Published 07/02/19