Hey there, wonderful listeners, it's a milestone moment for me as I celebrate my one-year journey towards reclaiming my health and wellness. Back in 2023, on March 6th, I embarked on this path, utilizing a program that has been my steadfast companion ever since. This journey has been about more than just shedding pounds and lowering blood pressure; it's been a profound exploration of mental fitness, reshaping my life in ways I couldn't have imagined. As I dive into another eight-week round of...
Published 03/07/24
Welcome back to another episode of Mindset Minute, my friends. Today, we're diving into that familiar territory of navigating life's curveballs. You know, those moments when our plans seem to crumble before our eyes. Perhaps you're in the thick of it right now, facing a dream that didn't quite pan out, or coming to terms with the reality of a relationship or job that fell short of expectations. But here's the thing I want to share with you: amidst the disappointment, there's a silver lining...
Published 03/04/24
Welcome to today's episode of "Do All of the Things, Today I've decided to kick off our Thursday episodes with a weekly highlight, a snippet of my own journey, and reflections on staying present amidst life's hustle. It's a bit of accountability for myself, a reminder to cherish the moments and acknowledge the blessings amidst the chaos.   As I reflect on my own journey, I've come to realize that discipline isn't about punishment or rigid rules. Instead, it's about cultivating habits and...
Published 02/29/24
Welcome back to another episode of Mindset Minute, where we take a moment to breathe and reflect. Today, I want to gently remind you that now is your time to shine. It's not about rushing or pushing too hard; it's about embracing the gentle momentum of progress. So, take a deep breath and let go of any lingering doubts. You are more than capable of achieving your dreams, and all the tools you need are already within you.    It's simply a matter of taking that first step forward with clarity...
Published 02/26/24
Welcome to today's episode of "Do All of the Things, Inspired by countless client coaching sessions, Today I’m sharing insights gathered over years of coaching dietitians through the journey of starting or scaling their nutrition practices.    In a world that often glorifies ease and instant success, it's important to dispell the myth that everything should be effortless. As a mindset coach specializing in business growth, I'm here to help you navigate the challenges, not eliminate them...
Published 02/22/24
Hey there, lovely souls, welcome back to another episode of Do All of the Things. Today, let's delve into the power of refusing to accept "no" as the final answer. When someone tells us "no," it's merely a temporary setback, not a roadblock. It's a reminder that our dreams are worth pursuing despite the doubts of others. As we journey toward our aspirations, there will always be naysayers attempting to derail our path with their negativity. But remember, we have the choice to keep moving...
Published 02/19/24
Welcome to the latest episode of the Manipura Center podcast, where we dive deep into topics that empower and inspire. As I sit here, clad in my cozy Do All of the Things sweatshirt from Manipura Center, I'm filled with excitement to share today's discussion with you.   Have you ever marveled at the creations in your life, big or small? From the miracle of creating life to the intricate seasons of personal growth, there's much to explore. In this episode, we'll embark on a journey through...
Published 02/15/24
Welcome to another empowering episode of Mindset Minute! Today, we're diving deep into the liberating concept of authenticity. It's time to break free from the shackles of fear and embrace the beautiful, quirky, and sometimes downright weird aspects of ourselves. Have you ever felt hesitant to show the world who you truly are? Perhaps you've hidden certain quirks or habits out of fear of not fitting in or being misunderstood. But let me tell you something – the world doesn't just accept...
Published 02/12/24
Welcome, cherished listeners, to another captivating episode of "Do All of the Things.” Have you been contemplating whether you're genuinely doing all the things in life? In this installment, Christine takes you on a journey back to the roots of a significant dream – hosting an in-person retreat in the tropical paradise of Costa Rica. Envision an impromptu TED Talk, a comparison to the formidable Lisa Nichols, and the birth of a visionary dream. Join Christine as she explores the power of...
Published 02/08/24
Welcome to another empowering episode of the "Do All of the Things" podcast, where we delve into the endless possibilities of personal and professional growth. I'm thrilled to have you back for another Mindset Minute, a segment dedicated to inspiring insights and actionable advice aimed at propelling you to the next level. In today's episode, we explore the profound truth that your inner voice is unwaveringly trustworthy.   In this episode, we are reminded that amidst life's uncertainties,...
Published 02/05/24
Welcome to an incredibly inspiring journey through the power of curiosity and its transformative impact on one woman's life. In this podcast episode, Christine takes us on a delightful ride, sharing her personal story of the "energy muffin" – a culinary creation born out of a desire to provide healthier snacks for her kids amid the chaos of junior league football snacks involving Flamin' Hot Cheetos and walking Fritos. Her genuine curiosity led her to the unexpected opportunity to pitch her...
Published 02/01/24
Welcome, dear listeners, to another empowering episode of Mindset Minute. In today's session, we delve into the inspiring notion that you can achieve the extraordinary, even when faced with uncharted territory. Society often exerts immense pressure on us to conform, pushing us away from our unique aspirations. But what if your dreams reside in a space untouched by precedent? Embrace the uncharted, for it is in the absence of a pre-existing path that you hold the power to carve your own...
Published 01/29/24
In this episode, we'll seamlessly intertwine the principles of the Blue Zone Mindset, revealing how their adoption can profoundly impact your life. From longevity and healthy aging to nutrient-rich diets, active lifestyles, and robust social connections, we'll delve into 15 interconnected benefits that extend beyond mere physical health. So, join me on this comprehensive journey into the Blue Zone Mindset, where we not only unveil its secrets but also illuminate the common threads...
Published 01/25/24
Welcome, dear listeners, to another insightful installment of Mindset Minute. In today's exploration, we delve into a powerful truth: the grass is, indeed, greenest right beneath your feet. Our engaging discussion centers on the misconception that external sources hold the key to lasting happiness. How often have we sought joy in new situations, possessions, or relationships, only to discover a persistent sense of dissatisfaction? Our speaker encourages us to break free from this cycle and...
Published 01/22/24
In this episode, we delve deep into essential topics that can transform your perspective and guide you on the path to success. I'm thrilled to share with you a profound exploration today — a comparison of time and money. In this episode, we unravel the 20 striking ways in which time and money intersect, offering you a fresh lens to view these finite resources.   As you've joined me on this journey of self-discovery and growth, you know that effective time management is a recurring theme....
Published 01/18/24
In today's episode of "Do All of the Things," we delve into the power of taking responsibility for your own happiness. Life didn't come with a manual, but here you are, doing a phenomenal job at navigating its twists and turns. Happiness is a personal journey, a moment-by-moment experience, not just a distant destination.   Life isn't always rainbows and unicorns, but we hold the power to decide how we respond to its challenges. Feel the full spectrum of your emotions, even the challenging...
Published 01/15/24
In this episode, we're here to dive into a topic that's both enlightening and fun—a little tongue-in-cheek exploration of the 10 mistakes I've witnessed dietitian business owners make over the past five years. Now, I'm not here to poke fun, but rather to share these experiences with you in the hopes that you can glean some valuable insights for your entrepreneurial journey.   As we progress, we'll touch on the pitfalls of selling yourself short and pricing your services like you're hosting...
Published 01/11/24
In today's episode of "Do All of the Things," I invite you to join me in drumming up a celebration of your fabulous self. Cast off the shackles of doubt and embrace the truth – you're not just capable; you're destined for extraordinary feats.   Step into the extraordinary essence of who you are, dear listener. It's time for a gentle reminder that you're nothing short of exceptional. Perhaps you're the kind who tends to downplay your worth or occasionally wears the weight of self-criticism....
Published 01/08/24
In this episode, we explore the true essence of "Do All of the Things." It's more than a catchy mantra; it's a lifestyle that encourages tackling life head-on, embracing every aspect, be it work, health, relationships, or personal growth. I recount my own struggles, from the unexpected challenges of surgery-induced menopause to the revelation during a transformative trip to Bali. Through vulnerability and honesty, I aim to spark a conversation around the often-neglected realm of self-care in...
Published 01/04/24
In today's episode of "Do All of the Things," we explore the roots of scarcity fears, often tied to our upbringing. The message is simple but profound: shift your focus from scarcity to divine abundance. Affirm with us, "I am always provided for because the universe has an infinite amount of resources."    This episode unravels the science behind mindset and how your thoughts shape your reality. The reticular activating system magnifies your focus, whether on lack or abundance. Embrace the...
Published 01/01/24
EP 273-Ensuring Client Results In today's episode of "Do All of the Things Podcast", join me as we explore practical strategies to enhance your confidence and effectiveness in guiding clients toward their health and wellness goals. As the new year approaches, an influx of individuals seeking health transformations is inevitable. The burning question is, how can you, as a nutrition professional, feel at least 98% confident in delivering the results your clients are looking for? As we...
Published 12/28/23
In today's episode of "Do All of the Things," I share the timeless truth that you can reinvent yourself at any moment in your life.    The pursuit of your true self is never bound by age or circumstance; it's a journey that's always within reach. Whether it's a change in career, a bold shift in direction, or a seemingly simple choice like trying a new hair color, I encourage you to listen to your heart's calling and embrace change.   This week’s mantra is: "I confidently express my ideas...
Published 12/25/23
In today's episode of "Do All of the Things Podcast", I'm taking you on a journey of self-discovery, sharing her personal experiences and revelations that have reshaped my approach to life and business. As 2023 draws to a close, I'm sharing a message aimed at inspiring a mindset shift for the upcoming year. Many entrepreneurs seek business growth, unaware that the root of their struggles lies in the often underestimated areas of managing time effectively and prioritizing self-care. In this...
Published 12/21/23
In today's Mindset Minute, Christine reminds us that this is not a practice life; there are no excuses. Now is the only time you have, so give your life the meaning you crave.   Remember, when you blame or worry, someone else with fewer resources is doing more. Give yourself permission to be all you're meant to be. Unleash the desires deep in your heart and show the world what you're made of by being true to your heart's calling.    This week’s mantra is: "I am capable of everything I put...
Published 12/18/23
Today's episode in "Do All of the Things Podcast", we'll explore the power of going at your own pace, building a business that aligns with your values, and finding contentment in the journey, whether it leads to a small business or a grand empire.   As 2023 draws to a close, Christine shares a transformative message aimed at inspiring a mindset shift for the upcoming year.   This episode challenges prevalent online narratives, encouraging individuals to embrace their unique paths to...
Published 12/14/23