Conflict of Beliefs
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Conflict of Beliefs Felix: Me and my mom, we would have arguments, you know, like, whoa, why did you join this church and then my dad…He told me straight up to my face, like, I don't want to join your religion, put that in your head. And you know that every time at the worship services, it's always giving me signs of me, wanting them to invite them…that's, that's what I'm trying to do is just trying to be more positive. Robert: Well, that's the right attitude to be positive. Because, you know, I'll tell you, right now, Felix, I'm still the only member of my family that’s a member of the Church. (audio fades out) Aliw Garcia Pablo: From INC Media Audio, this is Making Changes, a podcast about the changes we go through and the life lessons we learn along the way…always with God by our side. I’m your host, Aliw Garcia Pablo. Aliw: Today’s episode is about making big life changes – big enough that it affects your relationship with your family. Meet Felix, a listener who we met on Instagram. Felix: My question, Robert, was…like how would you still be able to talk to them—even if—when they still denied your invitations? Aliw: He recently found the truth in the Church Of Christ but is having challenges in his relationships with his family. have to be able to  create this balance when you're with them, right? Robert: Felix, you're not alone. There are stories like this, all throughout the church in every country. It's a problem that a lot of members deal with. And it makes them stronger. Aliw: Felix will be talking to Robert who joined the Church Of Christ over 20 years ago, who also experienced his own set of challenges with his family but have now found peace with them. Let’s listen in. Robert: Hey, Felix, how are you? Felix: I'm doing good, Robert. How about you? Robert: Oh, well, it's good. It's always good to be able to meet and talk to, you know, other members, even though you’re across the country? You know, we're all so tightly knit. Felix: Yeah, so basically, my questions were, you know, now that I'm a member of the Church, you know, even though when I was going through Bible studies, I was always, I was still facing persecution. Basically, it was last year where most of the time of 2021, it was very, very heartbreaking because of being persecuted by my own, even by my own loved ones. So my question is to you, you know, being persecuted at home, how did you still continue to communicate with your family? Robert: Well, it's—how long have you been in the Church, Felix? Felix: I've been in the Church for seven months? Robert: Seven months? Well, that's, it's a wonderful blessing. You know, persecution is a hard word. It's a tough word. Because often, it comes from a place where people think that it's, it's coming from a place of being mean, right? And a lot of times what it is, it's just confusion or lack of understanding, you know, about what's going on. And then, you know, of course, when they don't understand and it comes across, in a way that you know, you might be feeling is like persecution. And I'll just share a little bit about, you know, my background, right? I'm the only member in my family, that's a member of the Church. I was baptized back in 1989.
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