Kris Giuranna - Former Marine and author on his pending book, Alcohol: The War After Iraq.
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Kris Giuranna is a former active duty Marine Sergeant (2003 - 2012). He served in the primary MOS of 0341, infantry mortarman and security forces. Sgt G deployed to Afghanistan 04-05, Iraq 06, Iraq 07-08: was awarded 2 combat action ribbons and myriad personal and unit citations including Joint Service Commendation Medal and Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal. Kris and I have discussed the “work hard, play hard” nature of the military, whereby especially in the infantry, young men train for or actually deploy to combat and any opportunity to blow off steam and otherwise cut loose is welcome. Some of the best times of our lives as Marines were spent drinking and carrying on with our brothers in the bar or barracks. Indeed, the Marine Corps actually came to being in a bar down in Philadelphia called Tun Tavern. So it is essentially tradition for Marines to kick ass and drink like fish and most all of us did our best to fit that mold. But while enjoying our off-time and sucking down a few beers with our brothers is great upon occasion, for many of us it became a daily ritual and a weight around our neck. Alcoholism is a disease that millions of service members have dealt with but few discuss and Kris is on a mission to help end that. In this podcast, Kris shares his story of service and the peacetime battles fought following discharge. Kris is in the process of writing a book about his experiences, "Alcohol - The War After Iraq."