EP6: The Lamp Monkey 燈猴 (MANDARIN)
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Every year on the Chinese New Year’s Eve, people usually dress up new pretty clothes and enjoy a big New Year’s dinner with their family members. On this day, people will wait until midnight, when it turns the first day of the Chinese New Year, and say “Gongxi, gongxi (congrats)! Happy New Year!” to each other before they head to bed. Why do people have customs like that? Well, it is said that it’s because of the monkey who in charge of the lamp. What did the lamp monkey do? Why people say “Gongxi, gongxi” to each other? Get under the covers, lay your head on your pillow, and enjoy the story of the Lamp Monkey. Sweet dreams! 每年的除夕夜,人們會穿上最漂亮的衣服,一家人團聚在一起吃一頓豐盛的年夜飯。在這一天,大家會等到大年初一的凌晨十二點,互相和對方說聲「恭喜恭喜!新年快樂」後,才會去睡覺。為什麼會有這些習俗呢?這都是因為以前負責掌管油燈的「燈猴」造成的。究竟燈猴做了什麼事情呢?為什麼人們要互相說「恭喜恭喜」呢?盖起你的小毯子,躺在鬆軟軟的枕頭上,讓我們一起來聽聽燈猴的故事吧~祝大家好夢! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/mandarin99/support
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