Happy Turkey Day! This episode of MIB focuses on the Breyer Collectors event, Ponies and Palm Trees in West Pam Beach, Florida mid November. We also discuss BreyerWest 2023 and all the goings at the event which is happening in Denver once again. The Mares also discuss all the news and hobby happening plus a PPT themed social media breakdown. Gobble gobble!
Published 11/23/22
Happy Halloween! The Mares talk murder, euthanasia, terrible clients, terrible sellers, toxic products, tire kicking and much more scary stuff! Join them for model horse news, a giveaway, a lecture and a spoopy Instagram segment ...as well as hauntingly weird tangents.
Published 10/29/22
Welcome Fall! The newest episode of Mares in Black is here! Jackie and Heather discuss the passing of OG horse girl Queen Elizabeth the second and her impact on the equine world. All the usual news, joking, Instagram, babbling and fun tangent as per usual!
Published 09/29/22
Join the Mares and Katy Niles as they discuss Katy's first live BreyerFest and NAN and her trip to Kentucky and back with "Club California". Catch up with all the usual news, Instagram and tangents talky goodness as well.
Published 09/12/22
It's the Post-BreyerFest 2022 Wrap up! Journey with The Mares through their week+ BF Prost! adventure. This episode of MIB features a day-by-day recap of all things attended, heard, seen, boughten, ogled, eaten and imbibed as well as observations and the usual humorous babbling. It was who amazing to see everyone! BreyerFest was wonderful this year so HUZZAH!
Published 08/11/22
The BIG Breyerfest Episode 2022!
Published 07/13/22
The FAMulous Collectibility Show is a model horse show in Muncie, Indiana, dedicated to the collecting aspect of the hobby. Showholders Allison Caries and Lynn Isenbarger join the Mares to talk through all the aspects of the event and all the fun they have planned for attendees!
Published 06/22/22
On this episode of Mares in Black, we talk about Elizabeth Bouras (who passed recently) and our other early hobby influencers. We also cover lots of model horse news, and Instagram. All interspersed with our usual non-sequitur babbling and plenty of tangents!
Published 05/26/22
On this bonus episode of Mares in Black, we caught up with Barb Bacon after BreyerWest. Barb is the creator and editor of two massive model horse reference sites, stonehorseref.com and breyerhorseref.com. We discuss how she found the hobby and her passion for these database projects, to keep hobby information current and accessible.
Published 05/02/22
Happy day! Jackie is BACK for our newest episode, MIB #87, and we are talking about our first ever show at BreyerFest 2022 PROST!, the Resin Renaissance! We are so excited! Lots of off topic gabbing of course, we also cover all the current BreyerFest news as well as other model horse goings-on, like new releases, company and artist updates and Instagram in progress!
Published 04/19/22
In the long overdue episode 86 of the Mares in Black, Heather is joined by hobby son Robbie Ramirez to talk about the news, new releases, Instagram and the BreyerWest Experience is the focus of the show!
Published 04/11/22
On this special edition of the Mares in Black podcast, we sit down with Anna Helt of Dreamflite Studios to discuss the 2022 International Model Tack Month as well as her personal hobby journey and how she became the queen of tiny tack making!
Published 03/21/22
Better late than never! Production got a bit bogged down on this episode so apologies to our fam! The Mares discuss the passing of beloved hobbyist Krista Wasco, the tricky task of distinguishing between OF and Artist Resin classifications. Tons of BreyerFest news, as well as other hobby updates, Instagram and general silliness as per usual.
Published 02/16/22
On episode #84 of MIB, the Mares talk with BreyerWest hosts and managers Kat McDermott of Breyer Animal Creation and Show Manger Erin Corbett. These awesome ladies us walk through all the events and happenings offered at this amazing event happening in Denver at the end of February. We also cover the latest hobby news, new releases and Instagram in Progress. Happy New Year!
Published 01/13/22
On this episode of MIB, the Mares discuss the latest (and now expected) seasonal hobby drama, ...i.e. BreyerFest online and the ADA, and yet MORE discussion on copying vs. inspiration, copyright and VARA, as well has hobby courtesy and ethics. We share out thoughts as well as other viewpoints and references on both these matters. Also the usual off-topic chatter, news, new releases and Instagram in Progress are here for your enjoyment. Happy Holidays!
Published 12/21/21
On episode #82 of MIB, the Mares talk Turkey as in Thanksgiving, go Black Friday shopping, discuss video games way too much and cover all the model horse news for November. They also address a number of important personalities in the hobby who have recently passed away. As always, there is Instagram in Progress and lots of inane humor.
Published 11/29/21
On episode we cover 81 of Mares in Black, we some model horse news from October as well as instagram in Progress but the star of their show is a roundtable Interview with Liz LaRose, Barb Ness and Tom Bainbridge. We discuss the closing and end of business for Hagen Renaker (the OG HR) California, the lines that will be affected and thoughts on the future of HR collecting and Hagen Renaker Tennessee's path forward.
Published 11/04/21
Episode 80 of Mares in Black features all the latest news on Breyer, Stone, Copperfox and lots of other September happenings. Besides tons of news, there is plenty of playful banter and Instagram in Progress!
Published 09/30/21
Welcome September! On episode #79 of Mares in Black we discuss pay gates and subscriptions for hobby services and Stone Horses' Equilocity 2021! We also bring you news, Instagram in Progress, catch-up chatter and a couple of soapboxes for your listening pleasure!
Published 09/10/21
Huzzah, finally a new episode! This is the BreyerFest: Horse of a Different Color 2021 wrap-up. We discuss all about out time in NJ at Breyer HQ, we also talk events, surprise and SR models, loot and the MIB Live streams. AND we cover all the normal features as well, like news, Instagram and the usual general nonsense.
Published 08/11/21
On this episode of MIB (#77) we focus on the final goings on before BreyerFest 2021! We discuss the program, auction horses, shopping and some of the artists' offerings by studio. We also read some listener letters about PRIDE and the hobby to wrap up are series! The one and only SPLAINMAN joins us as guest co-host to discuss all the news and Instagram in Progress. Happy BreyerFest!
Published 07/13/21
On MIB #76, we continue our PRIDE series with our guest co-host, MIB patron, hobbyist and therapist Katy Niles! We will talk through Katy's hobby and gender journey as well as discussing on how to make the hobby more accessible to youth and underserved communities. Tune it for all that and the usual regular features like news and Instagram in Progress plus BreyerFest 2021 updates!
Published 07/08/21
MIB #75 is here, and the PRIDE series rolls on with German (and UK) hobbyist and artist Vincent Lange of DaVinci Creations discussing his BreyerFest Best Customs Contest performance entry! He walks us through this labor of love, a faithful recreation of a Spanish Riding School scene, from inspiration to reception! We also bring you news, BreyerFest info, Instagram in Progress and some minor tangents.
Published 06/25/21
On episode 74 of MIB, The Mares kick off the PRIDE focus series by interviewing queer hobbyist and artist Megan Smith! Megan shares her story of coming out, finding the hobby and her perspective on the hobby inclusivity. News, Instagram in Progress and the usually off topic rambling is also here for you listening pleasure!
Published 06/14/21
Happy Pride!! Sorry for the wait for a new podcast! To make up for it here's a double size episode to enjoy. This episode features the latest model horse news, Instagram in Progress and an amazing and far ranging interview on model horse art and history in the California scene with the one and only Laurie Jo Jensen!
Published 06/02/21