Anchor Passage: Isaiah 33:6 What does it mean to “fear the Lord”? Join us as we learn how we can trust in the Lord as our sure foundation! Support the ministry and help us reach people worldwide: https://www.marinerschurch.org/give/ First Time? Start Here: https://rock.marinerschurch.org/connectcard Can we pray for you? https://rock.marinerschurch.org/page/692 You can find information for all our Mariners congregations, watch more videos, and learn more about us and our ministries on our...
Published 12/31/23
Anchor Passage: Matthew 1:18-23 Join us for Christmas at Mariners as we celebrate Immanuel—God with us! Support the ministry and help us reach people worldwide: https://bit.ly/MarinersGive First Time? Start Here: https://bit.ly/Marinersconnectcard Can we pray for you? https://bit.ly/MarinersPrayerOnline You can find information for all our Mariners congregations, watch more videos, and learn more about us and our ministries on our website https://bit.ly/MarinersChurchSite. FIND US ON...
Published 12/24/23
Anchor Passage: Romans 5:5 At Christmas, we remember that Jesus stepped into our world——but that is not the end of the story. Jesus has also stepped into the lives of those who trust Him. Join us as we see how the Spirit of Jesus is within us. Support the ministry and help us reach people worldwide: https://bit.ly/MarinersGive First Time? Start Here: https://bit.ly/Marinersconnectcard Can we pray for you? https://bit.ly/MarinersPrayerOnline You can find information for all our Mariners...
Published 12/17/23
Anchor Passage: Luke 2:1,3-5; Romans 8:31-39 Christmas reminds us that God is for us, not against us. God the Father gave up God the Son so He would never give us up. Join us as we see that because of Christmas, we will never be separated from His love. Support the ministry and help us reach people worldwide: https://bit.ly/MarinersGive
Published 12/10/23
Anchor Passage: John 1:1-14 The Son of God has always been. He was there at creation and is before us and before all. Join us as we see how He entered our world at Christmas and took on human flesh—full of grace and truth. Support the ministry and help us reach people worldwide: https://bit.ly/MarinersGive
Published 12/03/23
Anchor Passage: Daniel 7 The book of Daniel ends with six chapters of Daniel’s prophetic vision. Join us as we see that because our Kingdom ruled by our reigning King is in our future, we have eternal hope! Support the ministry and help us reach people worldwide: https://bit.ly/MarinersGive
Published 11/26/23
Anchor Passage: Daniel 6 - The most famous story in the book of Daniel is the amazing salvation given to Daniel after he was thrown into a den of lions. In the same way, we have been rescued by our Savior amidst the chaos of our world. Join us as we discover the incredible gift of His great salvation!
Published 11/19/23
Anchor Passage: Daniel 5 God told King Belshazzar that his kingdom would be divided, his life would be weighed, and his days would be numbered. Our days are numbered too, and none of our lives have measured up--but God offers us grace. Join us as we learn how Jesus invites us to receive His grace and righteousness!
Published 11/12/23
Anchor Passage: Daniel 4 King Nebuchadnezzar’s pride led him to live in the wilderness as a senseless animal, but after being humbled, God restored him to the throne. When we humble ourselves, God restores us too. Join us as we discover the hope of being restored to Jesus, the true King!
Published 11/05/23
Anchor Passage: Daniel 3 In Babylon, God’s people were not asked to stop worshiping their God, only to worship the gods of the culture too. The same temptation is given to us. Join us as we learn what to never compromise!
Published 10/29/23
Anchor Passage: Daniel 2 While living in a different kingdom, Daniel was both humble and confident. His humility and confidence came from knowing God was the One who placed him in his new role and that God's Kingdom will never fail. Join us as we learn how we can act with confidence and humility by standing on our hope in Jesus!
Published 10/22/23
Anchor Passage: Daniel 1 When Daniel was taken to Babylon, he faced pressure to compromise his faith and adopt the new culture surrounding him. Daniel held his strong convictions, and he did so with concern for his supervisor—not wanting to harm or embarrass him. Join us as we learn how to hold our convictions with kindness—even in a chaotic world!
Published 10/15/23
Anchor Passage: Jeremiah 29:1-7 Just as God loves us and is angered by what destroys us, we love our cities by being angered at what destroys them. Join us as we learn how to seek the good of our cities! Imagine being dragged from your home by your enemies and forced to live in their land – a land governed with different values and a decadent city. Would you desire to express anger towards the city where you live? Or would you seek the good of the place where God has carried you? We can...
Published 10/08/23
Anchor Passage: (Proverbs 15:1, 14:29, 15:18, 22:24-25) The book of Proverbs has much to say about how wise people can get rid of destructive anger. Join us as we learn some practical advice from Scripture about how to combat anger!
Published 10/01/23
Anchor Passage: Ephesians 4:25-32 Anger can’t be fully removed from this life—but it can be replaced. Join us as we learn how God empowers us to replace our bitterness with forgiveness, destructive language with encouragement, and malice with compassion!
Published 09/24/23
Anchor Passage: James 1:19-21 Man’s anger does not lead to a fruitful and joy-filled life—man’s anger destroys. What if we got mad at our anger and decided to fight against it? Join us as we learn how to overcome our anger by being quick to listen to the Word in our lives!
Published 09/17/23
Anchor Passage: Romans 3:21-26 Anger is not the opposite of love; indifference is. Because God loves us deeply, He is angry at what destroys us. Join us as we learn how Jesus’s finished work fully satisfies God’s holy anger toward us and provides new life in Him!
Published 09/10/23
Anchor Passage: Genesis 2:1-3, 2:15; 1 Corinthians 7:17, 10:31 God has placed you in your profession to be a light to others—no matter where you are. Join us as we learn how we can honor Him through our careers and impact our world as believers in all spheres of life!
Published 09/03/23
Anchor Passage: Hebrews 3:13; Colossians 4:5-6 Our relationships are a gift from God. Join us as we learn how we can live out our relationships to help ourselves and others know God more!
Published 08/27/23
Anchor Passage: Luke 19:11-27 Jesus told a challenging story about three different people who managed resources entrusted to them by a generous Master. How can we make the most of what we’ve been given? Join us as we learn how to honor and trust God with our money!
Published 08/20/23
Anchor Passage: 1 Peter 4:10-11 God has given unique gifts and talents to each one of us in this life. Join us as we learn how to share God’s grace by using our gifts for the good of His people!
Published 08/13/23
Anchor Passage: Ephesians 5:15-18; Psalm 39:4-5 To live wisely, we must remember that our days in this world are limited. Join us as we discover how to make the most of our time and opportunities!
Published 08/06/23
Anchor Passage: Romans 8:14-16 God is our perfect Father. How can we begin to understand the weight of this simple truth? Join us as we explore the amazing privilege of being children of God! 
Published 07/30/23
Anchor Passage: Philippians 4:10-23 Paul famously declared he could do all things through Christ—not in reference to his own personal achievement, but about being content in Christ no matter his possessions. Join us as we learn how contentment in Christ leads to true generosity and joy! 
Published 07/23/23
Anchor Passage: Philippians 4:8-9 How do we fight to keep our minds fixed on all things “excellent and praiseworthy”? Join us as we discover the joy and transformation that comes from dwelling on Him!
Published 07/16/23