Whether you're just starting your marketing career, in a rut, or just want to understand the pros and cons of working in different marketing specialisms, then this podcast is for you. I'm talking about the most popular areas and things I wish I'd have known. From B2B or B2C, to organic social, PPC, SEO and influencer marketing - before you consider switching areas or going in one direction, listen to this episode as it might just change your mind. Some of these things I didn't discover until...
Published 10/24/23
Following on from last week's episode which was an introduction to international marketing, today I'm talking about taking a specific campaign from the UK to the USA. I cover lots of areas - including nuances to know that could halt your campaign before it's even began, the exact channels I changed for the US media and all the things I was thinking about along the way. Whilst this may not work for all your campaigns I give you four different reasons why it might just work for some of them......
Published 10/17/23
Expanding your marketing internationally can be an exciting yet challenging and down right daunting! In this episode, I’m sharing all of my tips and lessons learned from launching marketing campaigns in 10+ countries. You’ll discover how to assess new international markets including looking outward initially using your marketing 101 skills but also looking inward at existing brand assets and what to consider when deciding if these are relevant. I also give you some examples of when this goes...
Published 10/09/23
It's easy for marketing leaders to get caught up in the weeds of day-to-day execution. But real growth and impact come when you make time to work on your marketing, not just in it. Join me in this episode where I share 7 ways for marketing leads to shift their focus beyond immediate tasks and short-term wins. You’ll learn what I do, to work on longer-term vision including resourcing (people and budget), campaigns, KPI tracking and more. This episode is for any marketing professional who is...
Published 10/03/23
Want to smash your next marketing photoshoot, but unsure where to start? In this episode, I reveal everything you need to prepare, direct, and manage a professional-level photoshoot yourself. You'll learn: All my planning documents from beginning to endWhat art direction documents need creating for the dayEverything you need to consider - location, models and moreMy post-shoot tips - the final steps not to missWhether you're doing product shots, headshots, or lifestyle images, this episode...
Published 09/26/23
Events are so prevalent in our marketing mixes, but with all of the manual work that goes into not only the event day logistics but also in the event invites and comms -  if you don't have processes, a central platform or systems to follow it's easy to forget crucial steps and risk the success of the whole event before it's even begun! In this episode I draw on my experience from years of event planning (as a marketer!) and all the problems I need to overcome to ensure both the guests and...
Published 09/19/23
The time has come where we are all forced to move over to GA4, so let's dive into this topic together... Google Analytics 4 represents a major overhaul of Google's analytics platform, replacing Universal Analytics. In this introductory podcast episode, I talk through the key changes and updates to understand why Google made the switch and how the new platform differs from its predecessor. I walk through some of the most useful new features and capabilities - including attribution modelling,...
Published 09/12/23
Season 5 is here!!!  In this slightly different episode to usual, I'm catching up with you all on what I did (and didn't do!!) over summer, and talking through some of the marketing news I didn't get to chat with you all about.  Plus, talking through my top 10+ hacks to feel energized and refocused to go into the final months of 2023. You'll hear how I optimize my mornings, stay on top of tasks, and my #1 product to set me up for the day. By the end of this episode, we'll be ready getting...
Published 09/05/23
Wow! Season Finale already! I didn't want to talk about just one topic in this final episode of season 4, so it's a pic & mix kind of episode. Covering a little of everything -  new marketing trends, where my focus is going to be for the next few months and finishing off with my advice to myself to help grow as a marketer and a little task that we can all do together to keep us focused and ready to smash our marketing for the next 6 months. Season 5 will be coming out the first week of...
Published 06/27/23
When new channels, tactics and trends appear in the media to help us marketers - it can seem overwhelming, distracting and you probably (like me) have a whole heap of scepticism. Well, I felt I couldn't ignore the AI chatter anymore & so I decided to give ChatGPT a go for a week - using it whenever I could for various marketing tasks. I take you through what worked, what didn't and what I'm planning to do in the future to try some more ways to test AI into my marketing strategies. This is...
Published 06/20/23
A topic we've not touched before on Marketing Nuggets but if you're a marketing consultant, freelancer (or even thinking about taking your side hustle to your main hustle 'one day) then this is the episode for you. Jo shares SO many amazing finance nuggets with us, with her best tips about what to do when you're first thinking about making your idea into a (profitable!) business, what myths we shouldn't listen to, the most common problems she hears (and how to tackle them) and SO much more. I...
Published 06/13/23
Yes, I'm still talking about campaigns! Today, I'm taking you through once I know my audience, campaign goal and resource, how I go about actually choosing what channels get put in. I take you through the four overarching ways I bundle my channels together and then the reasons why and how they get picked. This episode is perfect if you're about to plan a campaign and wondering how to pick the channels or, if you're after some marketing campaign inspiration! Looking for my marketing plan...
Published 06/06/23
Today's episode is for all of you amazing one man band marketers who have to try and figure out how to do 10 channels, the creative, the strategy and the execution all by yourself. This episode starts with the two things you need to consider to get you going, then I go onto the 5 channels I would do if it was me and then finishing up of course with my best pieces of advice. 
Published 05/30/23
Events can be the perfect addition to a campaign channel plan, but it's something that I've avoided for my first two years as a B2B marketer. But, they can be the perfect compliment when executed well. Today I'm taking you behind the scenes of why I decided this was the campaign to add it into, the journey from decision to execution, the special touches, what stresses me out the most and finishing up with my best pieces of advice for you! Looking for the marketing campaign video? Click here 
Published 05/16/23
You'll need a notepad for this episode!!! What happens when you don't have a project manager and you're launching a campaign so you need to switch hats and project manage?! I actually really enjoy this as you seen all of the elements of your strategy come to life and become and integral part of the launch. But how to ensure you have everything covered? Today I'm sharing my 8 different documents I create (and what's in them) to ensure I have everything organised - not only for me but for my...
Published 05/09/23
It's a running joke between marketing peers that no one knows what marketing teams do except for make a couple of Tik Toks and send a couple of emails... But whilst we all know what we do, this episode is covering real life moments I've found myself in over the years that have been part of my marketing day job - some good, some bad and some stressful! Either way, they've helped me grow to become a better marketer whether in that moment or for the next campaign. So sit back and listen to a fun...
Published 05/02/23
In the final guest episode for April, I have Grace Andrews joining me to talk all things social, content, personal branding and more... Grace is the Head of Content for Stephen Bartlett & for the #1 podcast in Europe -  The Diary of a CEO. She manages and sources content, curates collaborations with high profile brands  across a huge 8 social platforms and that's just for starters. In this candid interview Grace shares so many pieces of advice from how to get started in a career in...
Published 04/25/23
Rachael is the founder of campaign inspiration powerhouse brand ‘Because of Marketing’ that has fast risen in the ranks over the last few years, gaining over 150k followers since starting it in 2020!!!  Her platform has become a staple in marketing professionals bookmarks to check out the most relevant campaigns all in once place.  This episode is broken down into three sections - getting to know Rachael and how she grew her community so quickly, what her FAVOURITE campaign to date has been,...
Published 04/18/23
We're back for part 2 with Phoebe, the founder of The Plan Success - an SEO business designed to help teach small businesses how to unlock the power of organic traffic on their website. Plus, she is in the top 1% of SEO experts on upwork! In this episode I quiz Phoebe on some on the most common SEO words to help us learn them quickly - including slugs, meta descriptions, core web vitals, 301 redirects and more. This episode is full of nuggets to help you understand one one of the most...
Published 04/11/23
April is the month of guest's on the Marketing Nuggets podcast. And we are kicking things off with Phoebe, the founder of The Plan Success - an SEO business designed to help teach small businesses how to unlock the power of organic traffic on their website. Plus, she is in the top 1% of SEO experts on upwork!  In the first episode of two she helps us debunk SEO myths &  I get her help on some of the most asked questions - like do all businesses need SEO? What actually falls under SEO?...
Published 04/04/23
Okay sooo you're managing a team now (or maybe just one person) and as the saying goes (from TikTok!!) you don't quit bad jobs, you quit bad managers. I firmly believe the pastoral side of being a manager is fundamental to the success of not only the inidvudal within your team but also the overall success of the team. So, in today's episode I break down the 5 areas I cover in every single 1-1 to help you create the best forum, safe space and use of eachother's time to thrive. Plus, I finish...
Published 03/28/23
So, once you’ve learnt how to do something in marketing… how do you teach your team?! It's one of the key areas to becoming a successful Marketing Lead because the more you can level up individual team members, the more your team's success and results will follow. But how to go about it? Here are my 10 steps I follow every time, whether I'm teaching someone a brand new tactic, channel or area. Enjoy!
Published 03/21/23
Complimenting episode #12 where I take you through my day in the life as a marketing lead - But this time I'm a B2B marketer! So i'm doing a new episode to take you through a typical day, and the changes from when I was a B2C lead. The perfect episode if you might consider going B2B at any point in your career. No need for a notepad and pen for this episode! Looking for my marketing plan masterclass? Link: https://marketing-nuggets-school.teachable.com/
Published 03/14/23
Following on from episode 70, this is a whole episode dedicated to trade shows and exhibitions. I'm taking you behind the scenes to when I used to be responsible for 25 events each year - for both B2B and B2C and everything that I figured out along the way. One things for sure, I didn't have a playbook to follow, so this episode is for anyone who find themselves in a similar situation! Enjoy!! Looking for my marketing plan masterclass course? Link:...
Published 03/07/23
This is a more niche area of marketing and is essentially how marketing supports product based businesses with marketing tactics when the product is with wholesalers, retailers or distributors. And contrary to popular definitions it's much more than trade shows and promo help!! This is a good episode to help expand your knowledge into a different kind of marketing, even if you don't think it's something you're going to do - I didn't think I would either!! Looking for my marketing plan...
Published 02/28/23