Spousal arguments can erupt in an instant. When it starts about something as little like dirty laundry can lead into a host of other issues. Jeff and Mandy share a recent example how this almost happened to them but by staying patient they were able to discover what the real issue was and strive to make it better.
Published 10/12/16
Advancing your career, starting a business, or just getting ahead can take a toll on any couple. In this episode, Jeff and Mandy open up how their marriage used to be second place to their other focuses.
Published 10/05/16
Join us on another car chit chat where we talk about doing what is right, not what is easy in your marriage.
Published 09/28/16
Join us as we talk about how Mandy loves to be woken up at 3:30 am, gallery walls invading our living room floor and our kids desperate plea to play with every single friend every single day.
Published 09/18/16
Chattin' about turning on the lights when your spouse is sleeping, BBQ ribs and why you should try them when your husband spends 6 hours cooking them, and fair food.
Published 09/13/16
Do you feel your marriage is stuck or stagnant? Here are four strategies that you can use to focus on your marriage and work towards a brighter future.
Published 08/29/16
Our adoption is finally complete!  We decided to capture the moment in real time and record while we were on the go.  Here's the last installment of our 3 part series on our adoption journey.
Published 08/10/16
Our adoption is finally complete! We decided to capture the moment in real time and record while we were on the go. Here's part 2 of 3 of our adoption journey.
Published 07/31/16
Our adoption is finally complete! We decided to capture the moment in real time and record while we were on the go. Here's part 1 of 3 of our adoption journey.
Published 07/13/16
We love answering reader questions, but this one was tough. The wife shares her frustration with her husband not being on the same page and not desiring to change. Here's how our thoughts on their situation.
Published 07/13/16
Okay, so we've never really talked about spiritual gifts before so this was a fun one. Hint: Mandy has experienced the gift of prophecy on several occasions. And we're dying to see if Jeff's prophecy comes true regarding their new daughter.
Published 07/06/16
Bob and Linda have been our friends for several years and we totally admire their intentionality in making their marriage a priority. We know you're going to love hearing their story!
Published 06/29/16
Summer is here, which conjures images of swimming pools, hot dogs on the grill, and epic whiffle ball games. There’s nothing I look forward to more than warm, lazy summer days. You can’t talk about summer without talking about a summer vacation. That’s why incorporating an epic road trip as part of your summer agenda is a must. Before you embark on your own version of the Griswold’s trip to Walley World, here are seven musts to make your family road trip epic.
Published 06/14/16
Summer time is here and the Rose's will be pooling hard this summer. Here's what to expect from the podcast...
Published 06/01/16
Summer is fast upon us and it's super easy to get distracted with so many activities; especially if you have kids! Here's are top 3 tips for couples to stay connected during the busy season to ensure your marriage doesn't become an afterthought.
Published 05/22/16
Grant and Sheila are good friends of ours that have a thriving marriage of 14 years despite dealing with challenges that many couples face. We're excited they could join us to share their journey and the keys to making their marriage work.
Published 05/10/16
Every marriage hits a rough patch. At times it might feel like you'll never get through it. We've been there countless times. It's hard to see the good that God has for you in those moments, but I promise you it's there. Here's some recent revelations we had where God was giving us good things in our marriage and our life that were hard to see at the time but now are clearly obvious.
Published 05/01/16
While on a 3 hour car drive, we decided to answer 3 deep and power questions. These questions are great for any couple. Enjoy!
Published 04/26/16
Before you got married you probably had a vision of the perfect marriage. Then dirty dishes, laundry, and screaming babies came along and your "ideal marriage" became a real one. Many couples fall victim to The Marriage Gap™ and grow more and more distant from their spouse. This episode is Part I where we discuss how to avoid it.
Published 04/21/16
This is the second and final installment where we discuss The Marriage Gap™ and how to avoid it. Please be sure to listen to episode MM 051 first.
Published 04/19/16
Have you heard of the show Fixer Upper? Well, we have and we're both kinda obsessed. The main couple, Chip and Jojo, are a treat to watch and have one of the best marriages. Here's why we like him and how we all can learn a tip or two from their marriage and apply it to ours.
Published 04/11/16
Have you ever needed a vacation from your vacation? Us too. :) We just got back from our latest family vacation and here's how it went down.
Published 04/03/16
Earlier in our marriage, traveling and being separated was a big deal. Well, it was a bigger deal for Mandy. :simple_smile: It used to cause great anxiety and tension in our marriage. We both recently went on separate trips in the same week and this time we have no anxiety whatsoever. What changed? Find out on the latest Marriage More podcast.
Published 03/30/16
Lying hurts. It damages marriages. It just stinks. What happens when you don't realize you're lying? It can still have the same affect but it's much harder to recognize when you're the one doing it. Here's a personal story when we realized that one of us had been unintentionally lying for almost our entire marriage.
Published 03/19/16
We've been in the adoption process for over 4 years now AND.....we have *finally* have some exciting news to share.
Published 03/03/16