Husbands, do you get tired head in conversations with your wife as she circles the airport but never lands the plane? Listen as Brian Goins and Shaunti Feldhahn demystify this very common frustration. Understand the brain science behind these exchanges and, more importantly, learn two easy ways to start winning in these moments as the hero of her heart. Show Notes and Resources For more from Shaunti Feldhahn, visit Shaunti.com. https://shaunti.com Sign up for the "I Do Every Day"...
Published 05/22/20
Your wife can't really be attracted to your "dad bod" right? A lot of guys assume they need to be workout warriors to be desiraable, but the reality is that a trip to the doctor is probably way more attractive to your wife than another tip to the gym. Brian Goins and Shaunti Feldhahn offer husbands two tips for taking care of yourself, and one question you can ask that your wife will find irresistible. Show Notes and Resources For more from Shaunti Feldhahn, visit Shaunti.com....
Published 05/22/20
In episode 2.1 you heard the top 5 "rookie mistakes" of husbands who want more sex with their wives. Now learn from host Brian Goins and Shaunti Feldhahn your top 5 "all-star moves." You got this! Show Notes and Resources For more from Shaunti Feldhahn, visit Shaunti.com. https://shaunti.com For more from Dr. Juli Slattery, visit  https://www.authenticintimacy.com/. Sign up for the "I Do Every Day" devotional series. https://www.familylife.com/ido/ Your generous support of...
Published 05/22/20
In episode 2, we were joined by Dr. Juli Slattery, co-founder and President of Authentic Intimacy, to dive deep into the question, "Why can't my wife focus more on sex." Here, host Brian Goins and Shaunti Feldhahn keep it simple as they offer a quick-hit list of the top 5 rookie mistakes of husbands who just want more sex with their wife. Husbands, if you find yourself relating to any of these rookie mistakes...Come on man! Show Notes and Resources For more from Shaunti Feldhahn, visit...
Published 05/22/20
Husbands often ask, "Why can't my wife focus more on sex?" Dr. Juli Slattery, co-founder and President of Authentic Intimacy, joins host Brian Goins and Shaunti Feldhahn to answer this important question. Learn how most women are wired sexually; Hint: it's not what you think. Find out how to answer her #1 question and meet her #1 need. Discover why, if God's design seems complicated and frustrating, that's actually a good thing for you and your marriage. Show Notes and Resources For more...
Published 05/22/20
Research shows that many women struggle with hidden insecurities and find it difficult to believe that their own husbands see them as beautiful. Brian Goins and Shaunti Feldhahn explain what drives a woman's feelings of inadequacy. They explain what to do and what not to do to overcome her fears in love. Discover practical ways to put her heart at ease and prove how much you truly do delight in your wife. Show Notes and Resources For more from Shaunti Feldhahn, visit Shaunti.com....
Published 05/22/20
Season one of "Married With Benefits" comes to a close in glorious, speed-round fashion as Brian Goins, alongside Shaunti Feldhahn, enters the arena like a gladiator and fields rapid-fire questions live from a women's conference crowd of over 1000. "Why can't my husband multitask?" "Why does he flip channels so fast?" "Why does he go run errands and vanish?" The questions came fast (and sometimes furious), but Brian and Shaunti were up to the task. Find out if your burning question made the...
Published 09/30/19
No, your husband doesn't act like those guys in the Hallmark movies. Not even close. Shaunti Feldhahn and Brian Goins explain why that's by God's design and why it's actually a good thing for you and for your marriage. Don't worry, it doesn't mean you need to cut the Hallmark channel. In fact, there are three ways those movies can make you love your normal, real-life husband even more than you already do! Show Notes and Resources More from Shaunti Feldhahn at Shaunti.com. ...
Published 09/24/19
Does your husband sort of “power down” after work right when you need to talk? Shaunti Feldhahn and Brian Goins demystify this common frustration and offer tips for making your evenings more relational. Learn why some questions draw your husband out of his hole, while others prompt only grunts. Gain a simple tip for his drive home that will make life easier on both of you. And discover one thing ESPN knows about gaining and holding your husband’s attention and why you should steal it. Show...
Published 09/24/19
A husband who shifts into "fix it" mode without taking time to truly understand, or glazes over after only 3 minutes of listening, will only frustrate his wife and make the problem worse-the opposite of what he intends. So how can you avoid this very common experience and instead create interactions that leave you feeling heard without treating him like "one of the girls"? Shaunti Feldhahn and Brian Goins explain a process with two critical steps. If he brushes off step 1 or you neglect step...
Published 09/13/19
Do men secretly wish their wives looked like bikini models? Thousands of men were surveyed and the results are in! Listen as Shaunti Feldhahn and Brian Goins explain what the overwhelming majority said and the implications for normal marriages like yours. If you've tortured yourself with feelings of inadequacy or thoughts of never fitting into that ideal dress size again, take heart. Giving your husband what Shaunti calls "gleeful delight" is WAY easier than you imagine, if you're willing to...
Published 09/13/19
Can you or your husband still have friends of the opposite sex? It’s a lightning-rod question that sparks strong emotions on both sides. Shaunti Feldhahn and Brian Goins say yes, but with a few wise caveats (#itscomplicated). Should you use the “Mike Pence rule” or have no rules at all? How can you keep friendships from going too far? And what are seven diagnostic questions you can ask to guard your marriage without putting your head in the sand? Show Notes and Resources For more from...
Published 05/27/19
Okay, so what's with the video games? Wasn't your husband supposed to leave those behind in his childhood? Shaunti Feldhahn and Brian Goins, along with special guest Ryan Guinee of FamilyLife, discuss the unique challenges gaming presents in marriage. Every wife married to a gamer knows the backlash if she confronts this sensitive area, but there are practical things you can do to make the conversation easier and hopefully get some win/win boundaries set in your home. Show Notes and...
Published 05/20/19
Couples trying to balance work and family face the pull of two competing priorities—financial security and relationship connection. Even in dual-income homes, it's common for the husband and wife to fall on different ends of that value spectrum. Typically, but not always, he values being at the office while she wishes they had more time together. If you can relate, listen as Shaunti Feldhahn and Brian Goins explain how and when to discuss all this. And if your husband is especially prone to...
Published 05/13/19
Published 05/13/19
Honey, the trash needs to go out, but please don't take it now because I like having to ask 12 times, said NO WIFE EVER! So why is this such a common experience? Are husbands really that uncaring? Shaunti Feldhahn and Brian Goins explain what's really behind this and how to move a husband to action without nagging. Hint: Husbands who avoid chores often have a deep desire to tackle projects, and to feel heroic loving you in the process. Learn to ask "when" and to ask once. And gain practical...
Published 05/06/19
Does your husband always try to carry the groceries in a single trip? You may be surprised when you learn why he does that. Shaunti Feldhahn and Brian Goins crack open the mystery and explain why he risks breaking all those eggs. Show Notes and Resources For more from Shaunti Feldhahn, visit Shaunti.com.
Published 04/29/19
Show your husband unconditional respect? Yeah, right. What if he doesn't deserve it? Shaunti Feldhahn and Brian Goins talk through the difficulties faced by many wives whose husbands make it really hard to show respect. Wives knows this can be tricky, so Shaunti explains the practical steps used by couples who've turned the corner toward transformation and change. She describes the biggest "little wins" you can make, and what you can do when his behavior has zero respectability.
Published 04/22/19
Do you and your husband butt heads over the kids? Are you often stuck being the disciplinarian while he gets to be the fun parent? Why would God put together two parents that are bent in such different directions? Shaunti Feldhahn and Brian Goins give three tips for handling those moments when you reach a parenting impasse ... plus a secret to helping your husband see things from your point of view. Remember, parenting stuff always becomes marriage stuff. Even your differences can pull you...
Published 04/15/19
Porn is disgusting, right? It's fake, gross, destructive, and downright sad. So, how could a good man be tempted by it? Shaunti Feldhahn and Brian Goins take an honest look at a topic many wives find impossible to relate to, but are surprised to learn how easy it is to understand. There's no excusing this sin, but there is solid brain science and biblical insight to help you make sense of it, and maybe even empathize with your husband's struggle. Plus, you'll learn what to do if you've just...
Published 04/08/19
Published 04/08/19
Does your husband sulk or get angry over the weirdest things? Ever wonder why he is so touchy? Shaunti Feldhahn and Brian Goins discuss common male triggers and what's really underneath those strange reactions. Understand what's happening deep inside his heart, and be assured-it's not your fault. Even so, you can help make him feel okay again. Learn how to read your husband's tells and master the single best thing you can say in those moments. And learn to follow a simple "next day rule" that...
Published 04/02/19
Published 04/02/19
Do you long to make deep, heart-to-heart connections with your husband? You might be surprised to learn that he wants the same thing. But his efforts come in disguise. Shaunti Feldhahn and Brian Goins explore the topic of sex and why this simple physical act carries such complex emotional weight for your husband. Understand the difference between assertive desire and receptive desire. Learn what to do when you're tired. Discover why your desire for your husband (not just the physical act of...
Published 04/01/19
Published 04/01/19