#34 Mehr Einsatz Wagen – live on Stage at DMEA 2024
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Welcome to the thirty-fourth episode of our podcast "Mehr Einsatz Wagen". Today we're not just daring to do more, today we're daring to experiment. We are live at the DMEA, Europe's largest trade fair in the field of digital health, which took place last week in Berlin from the ninth to the eleventh of April. We have already reported on the DMEA in our episode 32, now we are reporting on the DMEA.  It's not just an experiment in the recording setting, but also in the fact that we're doing the entire episode in English today. We want to make a start with more international guests and topics.  Tobias Gantner www.tobias-gantner.de www.healthcarefuturists.com   Artur Olesch https://aboutdigitalhealth.com/  https://www.linkedin.com/in/arturolesch/  Margriertha H. (Greet) Vink https://www.linkedin.com/in/margrietha-h-greet-vink-ab23456/   https://www.shtc-erasmusmc.nl/about-us/ Dr. Peter Gocke https://www.linkedin.com/in/pgocke/  Unser Hackathon zu KI und Longevity in Köln vom 7. – 9. Juni 2024 am Mediapark www.startplatz.de www.ai.innovate.healthcare   Schreibt uns Eure Kommentare gerne an [email protected] und vernetzt euch mit uns auf unseren Social Media Kanälen.
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