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当一个人内心越来越傲娇,总觉得自己了不起,看不起别人甚至有点蔑视一切的时候我们通常会吐槽对方说:“你膨胀了”,那么你知道如果用英文形容一个人“膨胀了”?01. 膨胀 be puffed up(1) puff “使喷出,冒出(烟或蒸汽)”(2) puff sth. up “使某物膨胀,使某物鼓起”(3) puff sb. up “使自负,使膨胀”(4) be puffed up “膨胀,自负”例Her cheeks puffed up.她的腮帮子鼓了起来。She was never puffed up about her writing.她从不自负于她的写作。You know what? Sometimes I need to be puffed up and frilly.你知道吗?有时候我也需要膨胀一下,摆摆架子。《摩登家庭》02. 冲昏头脑 go to one's head1. go to one's head “(成功、权力等)使某人过于骄傲,冲昏头脑,使某人飘飘然”英语解释为make someone feel more important ,than someone really is。例Never let success go to your head.不要让成功冲昏头脑。Little to no power has really gone to your head.这屁点般的权力真把你冲昏了头。2. go to one's head“(酒精)上头,使某人醉”英语解释为to cause one to feel dizzy or tipsy。例I have to eat something or the drink will go to my head.我得先吃点东西,否则喝酒容易醉。That glass of wine has gone to my head.那杯酒让我有了醉意。03. 认清现实 reality checkreality check “现状核实,面对现实,认清现实”, 提醒人面对现实而不再想当然。英语解释为an occasion, when you consider the facts of a situation, as opposed to what you would like or what you have imagined。例It's time for a reality check. He lied to you.是时候认清现实了,他欺骗了你。Manny's got plenty ,of confidence. He just needs a little reality check every now and then.曼尼已经自信心爆棚了,他需要的是偶尔认清现实。《摩登家庭》
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