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黄金周放假对于我这种喜欢宅在家里的人来说,每天能够睡到自然醒就是一件非常幸福的事情,好了,今天的知识点来了,●“自然醒”英文怎么说?●“自然醒”可以说:wake up naturally(without alarm clock)例:I hope I can wake up naturally without alarm clock every day. 我希望我每天都是自然醒的。●“睡过头”和“赖床”●“睡过头”的英文表达是oversleep注意与“sleep over(在别人家过夜)”的区别例:I overslept this morning and missed this important meeting. 今天早上我睡过头了,错过了这个重要的会议。“赖床”的常用英文表达有两种美式英语中通常翻译为“sleep in”而在英式英语里则将其翻译为“lie in”意思是比平时起得晚例:I usually sleep in on Saturdays.我通常星期六都要睡到很晚才起床。It was a Sunday, so he could lie in till almost lunch time.那是个星期天,所以他可以睡懒觉睡到快要吃午饭的时候。●go to sleep 不是去睡觉●go to sleep 这个说法没问题但它的意思不是“去睡觉”它与fall asleep 意义相近表达:“入睡、睡着了” 也可以说get to sleep例: I don't know when I went to sleep last night. 我不知道我昨晚什么时候睡着的。 I got her to go to sleep. 我哄得她睡着了。而我们平常说的"去睡觉"只是到床上躺着不一定就睡着了go to bed才表示去睡觉在下面这个经典句子就能明显区分go to sleep 和 go to bed的差异:I went to bed at ten, but I didn't go to sleep until midnight.十点我就上床了,可直到午夜才睡着。此外还可以用常用的俚语hit the hay [heɪ] 或 hit the sack [sæk] 来替代go to bed例:Even though it's not that late, I'm ready to hit the hay!虽然还不太晚,但我真的想睡觉了。●“早睡早起”●常用的“早睡早起”的表达方式有“keep early hours”和“go to bed early and get up early”还有一个很形象的表达“early bird”与中文“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”相呼应这个表达相当形象例:The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。To keep early hours is good for health.早睡早起有益健康。It is a good habit to go to bed early and get up early.早睡早起是一种好习惯。
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