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中医认为,上火是人体阴阳失衡的表现,人的内火旺盛就会上火。比如某些人因为情绪过于激动,会因此着急上火,有的人会因为吃了过于辛辣的食物,也会上火,也有部分人是因为季节性的,夏天炎热导致上火,上火跟发烧的概念可不要混淆了,今天我们就来一起认识一下如何用英文表达“上火”!上火”英文怎么说?我们可以使用英文单词:heatiness,n. 上火(形容有热气的身体状态)reduce heatiness 降火keep heatiness away 去火;不上火I usually reduce heatiness by drinking herbal tea in summer.我夏天经常喝凉茶降火。还可以使用英文短语:get inflamed get inflamed 发炎,红肿 -- 口腔上火之类的是一种病症It would make the body get inflamed. I knew.它会让身体上火嘛,我知道的。关于上火,这几个句子很适合介绍上火这个概念:①In traditional Chinese medicine, foods are divided into heaty, cooling,and warm foods.在传统中医中,食物分为热性,凉性和温性②Over eating 'heaty' food will cause bad breath, sore throat, acne and ulcers.吃过多热性食物会引发口臭,喉咙痛,长痘和溃疡.②'Cooling' foods reduce heat in the body, and help in detoxing the body and removing the toxins.凉性食物可减少体内热气,并有助于身体排毒。(detox /ˈdiːtɒks/ 和toxin /'tɒksɪn/ 都有身体排毒的意思)④Too much ‘cooling’ food will actually make you feel intolerant to cold weather, giving rise to sore muscles, fatigue and cold limbs.过多的凉性食物实际上会让你感觉不耐受寒冷的天气,导致肌肉酸痛,疲劳和四肢冰冷.“发烧”英文怎么说?相信很多人知道发烧的英文表达是:fever,an illness or a medical condition in ,which you have a very high temperature常用口语表达:Do you have a fever?  你发烧吗?  I'm a bit stuffed up.  我有点鼻塞。  I have a runny nose.  我一直流鼻涕。  You've caught cold.  你感冒了。  I have a chill.  我发冷。  I feel dizzy.  我觉得头晕。  My head feels heavy.  我头很重。  My head is fuzzy.  我头很晕。  You have a slight fever.  你有点发烧。I feel hot and cold.  我觉得一阵冷一阵热。  Your case is not very serious.  你的病症并不很严重。  I have a lot of cold sweat and feel shaky.  我出冷汗而且发抖。  I'm afraid I've got a temperature.  我恐怕发烧了。  Let me take your temperature.  让我给你量量体温。  I feel like I'm burning up.  我觉得浑身烧热。  The fever has stayed high for more than two days.  我高烧持续两天多了。
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