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网络时代断了网就好像让现代人穿越到了古代好比热带雨林下了雪北极熊去了赤道哪儿都不对劲“断网了”英文怎么说01“断网了”英文怎么说? ①网“断了”最常用单词:down比如:The Wi-Fi is down. Wi-Fi断了。 The internet is down. 断网了。 The network is down. 断网了。一般这种机器、系统的停止运转都可以用到down例:The network will be down for an hour for routine maintenance. 网络将中断一小时以进行日常维护。②get disconnected上网掉线例:I keep getting disconnected when I'm taking the online class. 当我在上网课的时候,总是不断掉线。02"蹭网"英文怎么说?“蹭网”指的是未经允许侵占并盗用他人上网资源的一种行为英语可以用:①piggyback on sb's WiFipiggyback [ˈpɪɡibæk] 作动词时表示:to use something that someone else has made or done in order to get an advantage利用别人做的东西来获得优势常用于表示“盗用别人的网络”WiFi piggybacking = 蹭WiFi的行为WiFi piggybacker = 蹭网者例:I feel like someone is piggybacking on my WiFi. 我感觉有人在蹭我的WiFi。②freeload 占便宜,常用来表达“蹭网”WiFi freeloader = 蹭网的人例:I'm going to change the password so that WiFi freeloaders can't use it anymore. 我要修改 WiFi 密码,这样那些蹭网的人就用不了了。③squat [skwɒt]作动词时可以表达:擅自占用(空房或空地)后来延申表达蹭网WiFi squatting = 蹭WiFi的行为WiFi squatter = 蹭网的人03"WiFi密码"英文怎么说?“WiFi密码”可以用:WiFi passwordpassword就是 “通行口令”、“密码”。在计算机时代,password常用来指登录计算机、网络等系统时输入的一串数字、字母和字符的组合。问WiFi的常用表达:1. Do you have WiFi here? 这里有WiFi吗? 2. Is there WiFi here? 这里有WiFi吗?3. What's the password for the WiFi? WiFi 的密码是多少? 4. What's the WiFi password ? WiFi 的密码是多少?5. May I have the WiFi password, please? 可以给我一下WiFi密码吗?
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