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寻常小日子就这么“日复一日”、“年复一年”过去了01“日复一日”英文怎么说?“日复一日”是说过了一天又一天用来形容时间长、日子久或时光流逝英语可以说 day in day out例:I have to do the same boring jobs day in day out. 我不得不日复一日干这些单调乏味的工作。而年复一年= year in, year out美式英语中写成:year in and year out例:We go to Mike's parents every summer, it's the same thing year in, year out. 我们每年夏天都去迈克的父母家,年年如此。02“全天候的”英文怎么说?“全天候的”可以用 ①twenty-four seven也可以写成24/724代表一天里的24小时7代表一个星期里的7天例:Lydia worries about you, 24/7. Lydia每时每刻都在担心你。②around-the-clock 或 round-the-clock也可以用来表达“一整天的;全天候的;不分昼夜的”例:He's very sick and needs round-the-clock care. 他的病很重,需要全天候护理。03“against the clock”是什么意思?against the clock = 争分夺秒例:It's now become a race against the clock. 现在已经变成了一场与时间的赛跑。04“small hours”是什么意思?small hours = 凌晨还可以说成wee small hours, early hours 或 wee hours例:Lydia was up until the small hours of the morning trying to finish her essay. 为了写完论文,Lydia一直熬夜到凌晨。
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气质属于一种气场,一种气度。那么你知道“你的气质这么好”英文怎么说?一起来学习下吧。●01. temperament /ˈtɛmpərəmənt/temperament这个词起源于14世纪,最初的意思是“按照比例把东西混合”。在中世纪,一个人的temperament就是他体内“冷、热湿、干”的混合a combination of qualities (hot, cold, moist, dry) 。artistic temperament 艺术的气质good temperament 好气质relaxed temperament 放松的气质by temperament 在气质方面He...
Published 06/17/24
Published 06/17/24
我们常说的“败家”,往往是形容那些花钱大手大脚,毫无节制,挥霍无度的人!今天我们就来聊聊败家等相关的英文表达:1 "败家"用英文怎么说?"败家" 的两种英文说法①“败家”的动词,英文是:spree [spri]n. (常指过分) 玩乐,作乐go on a shopping spree疯狂购物、血拼败家I'll go on a shopping spree today.我今天要败家了!② 说自己“很败家”“败家的人”英文可以说a big spender花钱大手大脚的人She is such a big spender,I really pity her...
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