“apples and bananas ”是什么意思?
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今天一起来看看和水果有关的英语表达吧01“apples and oranges”是什么意思?这个短语可以用于形容完全不同类别没有可比性的两个事物即:“风马牛不相及的事物”常用搭配:compare apples and orangesmix apples and orangessth is apples and oranges例:You can't compare those two companies, they're apples and oranges. 你不能去比较那两家公司,他们根本没有可比性。02“go bananas”可不是 “走吧香蕉”!go bananas = 发怒;发疯;极度兴奋激动有一种说法,猩猩看香蕉的时候极度兴奋,陷入癫狂所以go bananas和go ape意思相似(ape 猿;类人猿)表示发疯、情绪失控例:She'll go bananas when you tell her the news. 你若告诉她这个消息,她会气疯的。She went ape because I was half an hour late. 我迟到了半小时,结果她暴跳如雷。03“go pear-shaped”是什么意思?pear-shaped 梨形的go pear-shaped =(计划)失败,泡汤这是源于以前的英国飞行员在训练时都必须绕“圆形”飞行但是由于太难所以飞行员们都飞成了梨形(pear-shaped)到后来就延伸为比喻一件事情未达到预期例:We'd planned to go away for the weekend, but it all went pear-shaped. 我们本打算周末外出度假,但是一切都化为泡影了。04“sour grapes”是什么意思?sour 酸的grape 葡萄sour grapes跟中文里的”吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸“有异曲同工之妙 指:酸葡萄心理(指由于得不到而贬低某物)例:I don't think it's such a great job, and that's not just sour grapes because I didn't get it. 我不认为这是一份好工作,我可不是因为吃不着葡萄说葡萄酸。
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