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今天我们就一起来学习一些乘坐交通工具过程中,面临的各种情况的英文表达!01. motion sickness通常“头晕”的英文表达是dizzy但是由乘坐交通工具而引起的“头晕”即晕车、晕船等,其英文表达是motion sickness在医学上叫做“晕动症”Do you know how to treat motion sickness?你知道该怎么缓解晕车吗?由不同的交通工具引起的头晕各自具体的说法:car sickness“晕车”sea sickness“晕船”air sickness“晕机”02. avoid the traffic jamTaking this way can avoid the traffic jam.走这条路可以避开塞车。其中的avoid还可以换成escape即escape the traffic jam.03. speeding超速行驶“超速行驶”就是以超出规定的速度行驶在英语中用的是speeding这个词Speeding on the highway is very dangerous.在高速公路上超速行驶是很危险的。与“超速”相关的“限速”用英语表示是speed limitDo you know the speed limit of this road?你知道这条路的限速吗?04. fine罚款虽然有“款”字,但英文表达中并没有money而是用fine来表示A:I was fined 200 yuan for speeding.我由于超速驾驶被罚了200元钱。B:You should obey the traffic regulations.你应该遵守交通规则。与“罚款”相关的“处罚,刑罚”用英语表达是penaltyHe incurred a ten-second penalty in the first round.他在第一轮受到停赛十秒钟的处罚。05. have an accidentYou can have an accident easily if you drive carelessly.如果粗心驾驶的话,很容易发生意外。A:Where is John?约翰在哪里?B:He had an accident yesterday and now he is in hospital.他昨天发生了意外,现在在医院呢。“发生意外”用英语还可以表示为meet with an accidentShe had a foreboding that he might meet with an accident.她预感他可能会遭到意外事故。06. hit the brakes紧急刹车我们知道“紧急的”用英语说是urgent但是“紧急刹车”的英文表达中并没有这个词它用的是短语hit the brakesMary had to hit the brakes to avoid hitting that little dog.玛丽为了不撞到那只小狗不得不紧急刹车。“紧急刹车”还可以表示为slam on the brakes如果想要表示“刹车失灵了”可以说The brakes didn't work. 或者The brakes failed
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我们常说的“败家”,往往是形容那些花钱大手大脚,毫无节制,挥霍无度的人!今天我们就来聊聊败家等相关的英文表达:1 "败家"用英文怎么说?"败家" 的两种英文说法①“败家”的动词,英文是:spree [spri]n. (常指过分) 玩乐,作乐go on a shopping spree疯狂购物、血拼败家I'll go on a shopping spree today.我今天要败家了!② 说自己“很败家”“败家的人”英文可以说a big spender花钱大手大脚的人She is such a big spender,I really pity her...
Published 06/10/24
Published 06/10/24
相信很多人梦寐以求的的职业是,找到一份“朝九晚五”的工作,然而现实确实非常残酷的,那么你知道“上班”,“朝九晚五”用英语怎么说吗?一起来学习一下吧。●“上班”英语怎么说?说到上班,你肯定第一时间想到是 Go to work.例句:I went to work by bus today, but I came home by train. 我上班做公交车,回家做火车。I go to work from Monday to Friday. 周一到周五我要上班。上面的表达没错,但没创意,更好的表达是:Off to work....
Published 06/04/24