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过年了,祝您新的一年:龙年大吉,心想事成,万事如意!过年的习俗就是互相拜年,走门串巷,长辈要给晚辈发红包!那么你知道“拜年”用英语怎么说?拜年的英文表达是:1、pay a New Year call中文释义:拜年;贺年例句:Another time for us to pay a new year call as usual arrived and we met at last.又是一个过年拜见的时刻,我们终于见面。另一个是表示,过年期间去亲戚、朋友家拜访。可以用pay a New Year visit to来表达,译为“去……拜年”例句:I'll be paying a New Year visit to my grandparents tomorrow.我明天要去爷爷奶奶家拜年。2、New Year's greeting中文释义:拜年例句: I've never sent anyone a new year's greeting!不过我从来不去给人拜年!“恭喜发财”用英语怎么说?恭喜发财可以说成:Wish you great forture恭喜发财还可以这样说:Wishing you prosperity发大财还可以用 made a killing 来表示,killing 前面加上了 make 意思变成:(短时间内轻易地)获得暴利,发大财我们常说的“恭喜发财,红包拿来”就是:I hope you make a killing and give me a red envelope!恭喜发财,红包拿来!招财进宝:Money and treasure will be plentiful.金玉满堂:May treasures fill your home.生意兴隆:Wish your business success.名列前茅:Always have success in exams鹏程万里:Have a bright future步步高升:May you be promoted to a higher position四季平安:May you be blessed ,with peace and safety in all four seasons.年年有余:May you always get more than you wish for.岁岁平安:May you have peace all year round.“压岁钱”用英语怎么说?“压岁钱”的英文可以这样表达:Gift money 或者 lucky money。例句:During the Chinese New Year, children get lots of lucky money. 春节期间,小孩子会得到很多压岁钱。“红包”用英语怎么说?“红包”的英文可以这样表达:Red Packet 或者Red Envelope。抢红包:Snatch red envelopes.例句:Parents give their children red envelopes for the Lunar New Year. 父母亲给他们的小孩子红包过农历新年。
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我们常说的“败家”,往往是形容那些花钱大手大脚,毫无节制,挥霍无度的人!今天我们就来聊聊败家等相关的英文表达:1 "败家"用英文怎么说?"败家" 的两种英文说法①“败家”的动词,英文是:spree [spri]n. (常指过分) 玩乐,作乐go on a shopping spree疯狂购物、血拼败家I'll go on a shopping spree today.我今天要败家了!② 说自己“很败家”“败家的人”英文可以说a big spender花钱大手大脚的人She is such a big spender,I really pity her...
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Published 06/10/24
相信很多人梦寐以求的的职业是,找到一份“朝九晚五”的工作,然而现实确实非常残酷的,那么你知道“上班”,“朝九晚五”用英语怎么说吗?一起来学习一下吧。●“上班”英语怎么说?说到上班,你肯定第一时间想到是 Go to work.例句:I went to work by bus today, but I came home by train. 我上班做公交车,回家做火车。I go to work from Monday to Friday. 周一到周五我要上班。上面的表达没错,但没创意,更好的表达是:Off to work....
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