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我们的生活有很多的不如意和压力,成功,幸运,收获更是来之不易!那么你知道“来之不易”用英语怎么说?一起来和Lydia学习下吧。01. not come easy(1) not come easy “并非易事,来之不易”,easy是副词英语解释为to be difficult to do。(2) not come easy to sb. “对某人来说并非易事”I decided to go gentle with Phil, which didn't come easy to me.我决定对菲尔友好些,那对我来说不容易。Love isn't a fairy tale, and it doesn't always come easy.爱情不是童话故事,总是来之不易。But I say wonder and magic don't come easy.但我要说,奇迹和魔力来之不易。 easy做副词还有这些表达:(1) take it easy “放松,悠着点”(2) easy come, easy go “来的容易,去得快”(3) easier said than done “说来容易做来难”(4) go easy on sb. “对某人温和些”02. come easily(1) come easily/naturally “(技能、活动等)轻而易举,生来就会”,如写作、演讲、表演等英语解释为(of a skill, an activity, etc.) be easy, natural, etc. for someone to do。(2) come easily/naturally to sb.“对某人而言轻而易举,某人生来就会”Public speaking does not come easily to most people.对大多数人来讲,公开演讲不是件容易的事。Acting comes naturally to him.他天生就会表演。Easy doesn't enter into grown-up life.成年人的世界里,没有容易二字。(1) grown-up adj. “成年人的,适于成人的”(2) grown-up n. “成年人,大人”这句台词来自《天气预报员》,电影中还有一些经典台词:Nothing that has meaning is easy.凡是有意义的事都不会容易。To get anything of value, you have to sacrifice.得到任何有价值的东西,都得做出牺牲。The harder thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing.难做的事和应该做的事往往是同一件事。
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我们常说的“败家”,往往是形容那些花钱大手大脚,毫无节制,挥霍无度的人!今天我们就来聊聊败家等相关的英文表达:1 "败家"用英文怎么说?"败家" 的两种英文说法①“败家”的动词,英文是:spree [spri]n. (常指过分) 玩乐,作乐go on a shopping spree疯狂购物、血拼败家I'll go on a shopping spree today.我今天要败家了!② 说自己“很败家”“败家的人”英文可以说a big spender花钱大手大脚的人She is such a big spender,I really pity her...
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相信很多人梦寐以求的的职业是,找到一份“朝九晚五”的工作,然而现实确实非常残酷的,那么你知道“上班”,“朝九晚五”用英语怎么说吗?一起来学习一下吧。●“上班”英语怎么说?说到上班,你肯定第一时间想到是 Go to work.例句:I went to work by bus today, but I came home by train. 我上班做公交车,回家做火车。I go to work from Monday to Friday. 周一到周五我要上班。上面的表达没错,但没创意,更好的表达是:Off to work....
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