Grief is a natural response to loss. And because we all grieve differently and experience grief differently the process of grieving is subjective hence the misconceptions. This episode highlights what grief is and some of the common misconceptions around grief. I would really love to hear from you and share more on this topic, so please don't forget to leave a comment and share your experience, whatever you are comfrotable with.
Published 08/16/24
Published 08/16/24
One of the common challenges shared on the socials with some expressing their concerns, confusions and sharing their experiences on the subject. Today I share with you five facts about NPD addressing the misunderstandings and core symptoms of NPD.
Published 08/01/24
Today, being the world mental health day, "mental health is a universal human right." Advocating for mental health and raising awareness I share some of the early warning signs of mental health problems. These are not specific to any mental illness but as general signs that should be attended to. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/martha-apendi/message
Published 10/10/23
Have you ever asked yourself what self-harm means? Why would one inflict pain on oneself? Well, look no further, self harm refers to inflicting pain in oneself without the intention of dying. The intention is always to let out what we are experiencing or have experienced, and we feel that this is the only way that works for us. I hope that your knowledge of self-harm provokes feelings of empathy for everyone out there who would need your help. --- Send in a voice message:...
Published 09/12/23
Since it's suicide awareness month, we are republishing all episodes on suicide Well, they both involve self inflicting of pain. However, they are different in terms of frequency, intent, and lethality. And self harm is used as self medication or as a coping mechanism from any interpersonal conflict like anger, abuse, depression and anxiety. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/martha-apendi/message
Published 09/09/23
We always have those keen signs that really show that one might attempt suicide just like there are those key signs that show that one is experiencing depression, bipolar, anxiety and other mental illnesses. Here are the key possible warning signs of suicide like talking about death, withdrawal. I hope it's helpful. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/martha-apendi/message
Published 09/04/23
Cognitive defusion is a technique used in acceptance and commitment therapy that involves noticing our thoughts rather than becoming caught up in them. It helps us create space between our thoughts and feelings and ourselves so that they can not influence us. The techniques include mindfully watching, just noticing, repeating thoughts, among others. Remember, the aim is not to avoid our thoughts but to create room for them. Imagine what happens when you try to chase away a bee buzzing around...
Published 07/28/23
Even when caretakers work hard to keep children safe dangerous events happen and these can be unexpected and can affect the child without our conscious awareness, any event that is painful to a child, can lead to long term emotional and physical effects is a child hood trauma and indeed these experiences like bullying, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, war, violence at home, substance abuse can be detrimental to a child's development, leading to sleep disturbances, Anger/anger outbursts,...
Published 07/22/23
They are principles or standards of behaviour that motivate us to behave in certain ways. Values inform our decision-making, and they influence our relationships and our overall well-being. Without we are probably lost. These are links you can access to understand your values with steps and directions https://motivationalinterviewing.org/value-card-sort-online-game 👆 this is one you can do with yourself, friends, family, and partner, make it interesting, it's not a test...
Published 07/21/23
Published this episode last year worth listening to. Joined with two experts @Kamara Nathan(comfort minds speaks) a mental health practitioner and @Moses Ssemakula a clinical psychologist sharing their thoughts on the statistics released by the Ministry Of Health where "14 million Ugandans have a mental disorder." You might be out there struggling though help is inadequate, it is available so do not stay silent let's fight stigma around mental health because treatment and support is...
Published 06/30/23
It is never easy dealing with feelings of loss. We can also experience feelings of denial, frustration, guilt, anger when we believe we might experience loss or when we know that there is change that might happen just by knowing you've been diagnosed with cancer or any terminal illness or when you know that you're being moved to a different country, workplace or you're beginning a new journey in your life. "Grieving what we believe we might lose" --- Send in a voice message:...
Published 05/24/23
Did you know that it isn't rare for an individual struggling with addiction have experienced trauma? Traumatic experience can have adverse effects on our well-being and the behaviour that will engage in or use as coping mechanisms to deal with the pain can in the long run be the problem. But how is that possible?, all the answers in this episode. Cheers! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/martha-apendi/message
Published 02/16/23
How can you tell the difference between self esteem and narcissism? Are there times when you have though you were asked yourself whether you were portraying narcissistic tendencies?https://anchor.fm/martha-apendi/episodes/Could-it-be-being-self-confident-or-self-absorbed-e1faq4a here is the link to the episode on narcissism so that you can get more information. Cheers! Happy new week! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/martha-apendi/message
Published 01/22/23
For many of us settings goals means staying away from some people. We always talk about setting boundaries but we never talk about how challenging it can be, to do something where we have to prioritize our feelings instead of the people we value, how we always try to manipulate the situations so that everything is always good, peaceful. But what we should ask ourselves is for how long can we really put up being people pleasers?, for how long are we going to keep others happy at the expense of...
Published 01/07/23
It's a psychological treatment developed to help us confront our fears. Exposure therapy is done in a safe environment with the support of a trained professional (therapist/psychologist) exposing you to stimuli that caused you fear. In this episode is what you could experience in an exposure therapy session. Cheers! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/martha-apendi/message
Published 12/21/22
When any kind of injuries damage the brain we experience a traumatic brain injury which can affect our social, physical, emotional, occupational and cognitive life and these symptoms can either be mild, moderate and severe depending on the extent of the damage to the brain. And since we can't talk about that mind alone and leave out the body these two are interconnected. When our mind is affected so is our body and vicevesa. Hope it's insightful to you, enjoy, Gracias! --- Send in a voice...
Published 12/15/22
Learned Optimism(L.O) which is the opposite of learned helplessness concepts in positive psychology developed by clinical psychologist Martin Seligman with L.O being able to recognize and challenge our negative self talks believing that we can change our attitudes and behaviors. L.O is practiced by using the ABDBE method borrowed from cognitive behavioral therapy and rational emotive therapy. And this is an approach that I use in solving my problems. "I apologise about the noise in the...
Published 11/21/22
We all experience negative thoughts from time to time, for some they are able to deal with them, however for the rest it becomes difficult and affects our daily lives. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/martha-apendi/message
Published 11/04/22
OCD which is known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a mental health condition characterised by obsessions and compulsions. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is common among females though also experienced by males. With 1.1% to 1.8% of the global population struggling with it. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/martha-apendi/message
Published 10/23/22
The first fact isThere's is an Umbrella of depression/depressive disorders which include major depressive disorder, pre menstrual dysphoric disorder among others. And the other fact is that depression is not only associated with feeling of sadness. Hope this is insightful, and please don't forget to subscribe and like from wherever you are listening in. Cheers! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/martha-apendi/message
Published 10/01/22
Being raised by a narcissistic parent can have negative lasting effects till adulthood which affects our sense of self and/identity. And since they are often neglectful, abusive and emotionally unavailable we might develop a low self-esteem , feelings of insecurity, shame, difficulty setting boundaries and many other effects since the only way we feel validated is through giving in to our parents with narcissistic personality disorder's needs. --- Send in a voice message:...
Published 09/19/22
Do you have a narcissistic parent? Leaving my episode that talk about narcissism as a personality disorder , today I talk about the identifiers of a narcissistic parent, although not every parents have narcissistic tendencies it is not uncommon for a mother and father to express narcissistic tendencies and these parents tend to deny their children independence even as an adult, they would be controlling, self absorbed, blaming, unaware of their children's needs and the effects of their...
Published 09/11/22
It's a deep relaxation exercise and or technique targeting one muscle group at a time which involves noticing the difference between the tensed and relaxed muscles, either beginning with the lower to the upper body or from the upper to the lower body. It should be done in a quiet place free from distractions. It's one of the very many relaxation exercises that is said to be able to help reduce anxiety symptoms. It can be difficult doing the first time however with continuous practice it reaps...
Published 08/14/22
Phobias which involve fear or anxiety and easily defined as uncontrollable, excessive and persistent fears of certain objects, situations and activities. Just like we easily use the word "traumatized" so do we phobias what exactly makes it a phobia,? is it any fear of anything.? As it is said that our environment and genetics can be risk factors to the development of specific phobias. Do you have a phobia or could it be a normal fear that you call a phobia? What better way to find out than to...
Published 08/07/22