By talking about it, it's a first step for me to dealing with this fear. Phobias are persistent and excessive fear of objects, situations and activities. Fear of the dark being one of the common types of phobia though it's common among children, it can affect adults, young adults as well. Fear of the dark is common however if it disturbs your daily life like difficulty sleeping, going to certain work engagements because of the fear of leaving the house in the dark, then it becomes a problem...
Published 07/25/22
A behavior that is rewarded is repeated whereas a behavior that is punished is avoided the theory behing learned helplessness was developed by psychologists Martin S and Steven F in dogs where every after a tone the were subjected to shock, when we struggled with Learned helplessness we get frustrated, feel overwhelmed,lack esteem, we feel we lack control and that there is nothing we can do to change our circumstances. However this can be dealt with.. --- Send in a voice message:...
Published 07/18/22
Not only is dissociative Amnesia a symptom of Dissociative identity disorder but also a type of dissociative disorder. And the other type of dissociative disorder is Depersonalization/derealization disorder where an individual is detached from their emotions, thoughts and senses and their surroundings as well as all these caused by a history of trauma. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/martha-apendi/message
Published 07/08/22
Formerly known as multiple personality disorder a condition where an individual presents with more than one personality traits/alter. Where an individual experiences both dissociative amnesia and fugues. Though the root cause of dissociative identity disorder is trauma not everyone who experiences trauma experiences dissociative symptoms. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/martha-apendi/message
Published 06/25/22
A sociopath and psychopath are often shown in the movies as violent however what are their characteristics and how can you tell the difference, whereas a they both a psychopath and sociopath lack remorse the latter will feel about guilty and empathy however that will not make them stop whatever it is they are doing while the former will lack all remorse, guilt and empathy. And they both will have a disregard for any lawful acts. I hope this will help you understand so that you don't fall a...
Published 06/19/22
Childhood trauma doesn't only affect the child but it can also affect the parent and we present with panic, guilty/self blame, anger, helplessness because we don't know what to say and what to do to help our child through the process, but today, I have you understand what you must do to help your child cope with childhood trauma, Although childhood trauma can have long lasting effects on a child, having a supportive and caring adult can help a child cope with it and I am here to inform you...
Published 05/27/22
Any life threatening event that affects a child's daily life that is physically, psychologically an socially can lead to childhood trauma. And young children respond differently than older children for example where an infant will be clingy young child will be distant and isolate. And all these symptoms if a child isn't attended to they might affect them till adulthood. Hope you enjoy this episode. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/martha-apendi/message
Published 05/16/22
Talking about mindfulness meditation, we also need to learn how to do it, getting a comfortable position, timing yourself. Practicing mindfulness doesn't only have to be about you seating in one position it can also be as easy as being grateful of certain things in your life. Enjoy this mindfulness journey! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/martha-apendi/message
Published 04/24/22
By the way when I talk about extremely hot I mean scorching hot, we are thankful to the universe that we don't have burns. And I did rain from 4pm to 6am EAR time 😁. Okay so we are always chasing certain things, rushing for the future and forget the previous gift of our present moment. Dealing with frustration of the future uncertainties. And we never stop to take time to listen to our bodies, listen to our environment, be grateful for what we have. This episode here is for us to take a break...
Published 03/30/22
Mental health problems affect our daily living, most of the time one is worried because a loved one sees a difference in how they think, feel and behave so how do you know what exactly it is, here the different warning ⚠️ signs of a mental health problem like fatigue, changes in appetite and sleep, hallucinations and delusions among others incase you notice more than one if the following signs when it comes to your loved one it's important to seek out professional help for proper...
Published 03/29/22
Thoughts are opinion and ideas we have of ourselves and the world around us, and we need to learn how to deal with these thoughts so that they don't overwhelm our days because being aware of our thoughts helps us change them and we can still do this on our own by ourselves. By identifying our thoughts, replacing our negative with positive thoughts, being kind to ourselves and learning how to accept or receive criticism which by the way can help us get feedback about ourselves. --- Send in...
Published 03/13/22
Narcissism is more than just being self absorbed and self confident, it's being excessively self involved without any concern for other's needs, feelings and emotions, it involves feelings of grandiose those the person is vulnerable maybe as a result of childhood neglect or Marginalized expectations on them. It is rare for the individual to know the effect of their behavior on others. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/martha-apendi/message
Published 03/07/22
People seek therapy for various reasons and these vary from person to person from dealing with major life events to managing emotions to living with mental illnesses, however therapy is voluntary and during the process you can never be forced to say or do what you don't want to. How long therapy takes depends on your goals and how you show improvement. We always never know when to seek therapy but in situations where your actions might be affecting the people around you, when you have been...
Published 02/27/22
A collaborative relationship that involves problem solving, it is goal oriented and at times might involve medication depending on the field of the professional you're meeting. Therapy sometimes also know as talk therapy, psychotherapy and counseling is a safe place, to open up with out judgements and the first encounter might be uncomfortable. And this feeling is normal. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/martha-apendi/message
Published 02/20/22
It's associated by overwhelming traumatic events that occured during childhood, a rare mental health condition which is known as Dissociative identity disorder where an individual presents with two or more personalities or alters. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/martha-apendi/message
Published 02/13/22
Now, I know we all have ways of dealing with emotions however today I share some of the positive ways of managing negative emotions, yes we are overwhelmed with emotions like rejection , grief, anger, fear to the extent of being identified by them. These emotions are completely natural however, if we don't learn how to experience them, if we let them, they can ruin our relationships. So ways like relaxing, being kind, being grateful and exercising yes I am saying it exercising can help us...
Published 02/06/22
Thank you! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/martha-apendi/message
Published 02/01/22
We experience symptoms like loss of interest in daily activities or pleasurable activities, appetite changes, restlessness, feeling hopelessness, helplessness and numbness, body pains like headaches, stomach pains, muscle pains grief symptoms might feel like symptoms of depression however they reduce over time and are likely to re activate when encountered by reminders of the loss like anniversaries, photos, belongings of our loved ones. --- Send in a voice message:...
Published 01/19/22
Dissociation mental process where a person disconnects from their feelings, thoughts and sense of identity. It's a normal thing that happens to every one commonly known as day dreaming and sometimes it's something we do to focus on certain tasks. This is a way our minds cope with the stresses of life especially those who have been through traumatic events or experiences. It's something that can happen for hours, days, weeks however if it lasts for a longer period of time like months then it...
Published 11/29/21
Burnout which is Mental, physical and emotional exhaustion due to prolonged stress, a condition that most of us experience in our different careers i.e human service workers like health professionals, therapists and other jobs where the demands are seen as excessive. I have shared some if the symptoms which include loss of motivation, strong negative feelings on self and others, alcohol/substance use, frequent headaches and muscle pains, fatigue, sense of failure and self doubt, skipping...
Published 11/21/21
Psychosis is often confused to be a mental illness however it is a symptom of mental illness which is as a result of schizophrenia, bipolar, genetics, drugs and substance abuse and trauma. It presents with symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, social withdrawal, decline of social care among others.
Published 10/31/21
There are times when our previous experiences interference with our past experiences or our past experiences interfere with our previous experiences. And all that can be managed through different ways like if possible reading before sleeping, reviewing what you read before sleeping among other.
Published 10/24/21
Bipolar treatment is a combination of both medication and psychotherapy to help the person cope with the symptoms. And there is not only one type of medication and psychotherapy for every person living with this mental health condition, that why it is important for you to talk to other people experiencing not only the same but similar experiences to find out how best you can receive support so that you can also talk to your psychiatrist and psychologist since each individual is unique. I hope...
Published 10/17/21
Being the world mental health day and the theme"mental health care for all, let's make it a reality. COVId has affected each and evryone on of us and we want to remind ourselves how we can thrive through it by taking care of our mental health like exercising, listening to our bodies, doing what we enjoy, seeking professional help. Remember mental health isn't just the absence of illness. And like I always say mental health is wellness.
Published 10/10/21
Both being types of manic depression, the difference caused by both types lies in the severity of the manic episodes of each type. Bipolar 1 which common diagnosis of bipolar disorder you experience a full manic episode which lasts for a period of 1 week/longer that interferes with your daily functioning thus you may end up being hospitalized while with Bipolar 2 you experience a hypomanic episode(a period of mania which is less severe) and last for a period of 4 consecutive days. Bipolar 2...
Published 09/26/21